Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
65882 Reallexikon der Assyriologie
47542 Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskrunde
151142 Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum
8140 Realtor Magazine (Chicago, Ill.) 1086-8054 National Association of Realtors
18519 Reanimation Urgences 1164-6756 Elsevier
8141 Reason -Santa Barbara then Los Angeles 0048-6906 Reason Foundation
133267 Rebonds 0981-7956 CREAI Bretagne
174116 Rec. Nat. Prod
59723 Rec. Nat. Prod. 4.1 (2010) 79-86
119902 RecSys
88165 Reccherches et travaux
766500 Recension : La Ley, Thompson Reuters
65579 Recensione, Lancillotto e Nausica
18521 Recent Acquisitions 0889-6585 JSTOR
82060 Recent Advances in Algorithmic Differentiation
115913 Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology 2215-0811 bentham science
87885 Recent Advances in Computational Optimization
158120 Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications 2666-2558 Bentham Science
117905 Recent Advances in DNA and Gene Sequences 2352-0922
138232 Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering) 2352-0965
73642 Recent Advances in Financial Engineering
148048 Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics 2689-8667 Scholars.Direct
762678 Recent Advances in Phytochemistry Elsevier
42207 Recent Devel. Coll. Inter. Res
35235 Recent Devel. Nucleic Acids Res
572487 Recent Developments in Alcoholism: An Official Publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism
176162 Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering (Formerly: Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering) 2405-5204
67427 Recent Pat Anticancer Drug Discov
61129 Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov
87927 Recent Pat Drug Deliv Formul
60081 Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov
63799 Recent Patent On Computer Science
47006 Recent Patents Anticancer Drug Discov
28928 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery 1574-8928 Bentham Science Publishers
53096 Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery 1574-891X Bentham Science
155488 Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering 1874-7647
154896 Recent Patents on Biotechnology 1872-2083
40348 Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery Bentham Science Publishers Ltd
40347 Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery Bentham Science Publishers Ltd
56621 Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering
51636 Recent Patents on Computer Science 1874-4796 Bentham Science Publishers
105074 Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences 1872-2156
134757 Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation
84888 Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering
51279 Recent Patents on Engineering 1872-2121 Bentham Science
155615 Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition and Agriculture 2212-7984
43119 Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery 1872-213X Bentham Science Publishers
104678 Recent Patents on Materials Science 1874-4648 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd
70037 Recent Patents on Mech. Eng Betham science publishers
67616 Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering
18522 Recent Progress in Hormone Research 0079-9963 Endocrine Society, The
173231 Recent Progress in Materials 2689-5846
28481 Recent Res. Devel. Life Sci
50184 Recent Res. Devel. Macromol. Res
131141 Recent Res. Devel. Quantum Electronics
65891 Recent Res. Devel. Surface Sci
63420 Recent Research Development in Microbiology
156189 Recent Research Development in Virology
27412 Recent Research Developments Solid State Ionics
23678 Recent Research Developments in Biomechanics
23732 Recent Research Developments in Cell Biology
20997 Recent Research Developments in Genetics
156566 Recent Research Developments in Microbiology
156545 Recent Research Developments in Phytochemistry
159037 Recent Research Developments in Soil Science
82592 Recent Research Developments in Sound and Vibration
156609 Recent Research Developments in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
56331 Recent Research Developments in Virology
59560 Recent Research Developments in crystal growth
882394 Recent Research Reviews Journal 2583-7079 IRO journals
50819 Recent Research and Development in Analytical Biochemistry
21394 Recent Results in Cancer Research 0080-0015 Springer Verlag (Germany)
161816 Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics 2455-1961 STM Journals
116547 Recent advanced in stochastic modelling & data analysis
471565 Recent advances in environmental science from the Euro Mediterranean and surrounding regions
100509 Recent advances in integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering
21395 Recent developments in alcoholism : an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism 0738-422X
95165 Recent developments in fractals and related fields
54633 Recent patents on Electrical Engineering
72890 Recent patents on nanotechnology 1872-2105 Bentham science
21393 Recenti Progressi in Medicina 0034-1193 Pensiero Scientifico
852590 Recept Signal Transduct
69088 Reception Studies in France
299942 Reception,Tidsskruft for Nordisk Litteratur
744022 Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 2168-0604
102205 Receptors & Clinical Investigation 2330-0566
18523 Receptors and Channels 1060-6823 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
47398 Recercare
83278 Recercare. Rivista per lo Studio e la pratica della musica antica
26391 Recerques
156988 Recerques Historia Economia Cultura 0210-380X
174446 Receueil des travaux-Centre beaunois d'études historiques Centre Beaunois d'Etudes Historiques
109023 Rech. Aérospat
88670 Recheches en Communication
71081 Recherces Géographiques à Strasbourg
46455 Recherche
179259 Recherche & Equipement
84611 Recherche (La)
598258 Recherche Data Gouv
75659 Recherche Droit et Justice 1280-1496 GIP Mission de recherche droit et justice [1996-2011]