Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
85479 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science
85481 Bulletin du Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes du Clermontais 0220-3543 Groupe de Recherches et d'Études du Clermontais - G.R.E.C
85482 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
85483 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
85484 East journal on approximations 1310-6236 Darba
85496 Water and Environnment News
85499 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications 2278-9634 SciPress
85501 Historia spécial, " Les citations célèbres
85503 Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal 1876-973X Bentham Open
85505 Minor Planet Electronic Circ
85517 Revista de chimie (chemistry magazine)
85518 PDCAT '12 : The Thirteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies
85525 J Control Theory Appl
85528 Journal of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
85531 Proceedings Steklov Mathematics Institute
85533 Journal of Advanced Research in Differential Equations
85536 Journal of sensor and actuator networks 2224-2708 MDPI
85547 Rendic. Sem. Mat. Pol. Torino
85551 Supply Chain Managment: An International Journal,
85559 Journal of Apicultural Research
85560 J. Integer Seq
85561 Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér
85563 Proc. London Math. Soc
85566 Operators and Matrices
85568 Concrete Operators
85582 GJI
85583 Current Obesity Reports Springer Verlag
85586 Adv. Comp. Meth. Cont. Mech
85589 Soil Science Society of America
85593 Manuscript Cultures Newsletter (Austellungskatalog "Manuskripkulturen / Manuscript Cultures")
85599 Revista Inteligencia Competitiva
85602 Revue internationale de droit pénal = International review of penal law = Revista internacional de derecho penal 0223-5404 Editions érès ; Association internationale de droit pénal (AIDP) ; Editions MAKLU
85603 J. Spectr. Theory
85604 The international survey of family law 1384-623X Jordan publishing / LexisNexis
85605 Caucaz Europenews
85606 Operator Theory Live, Theta
85607 Obshestvennyi Reiting
85617 Esturarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
85619 Taarifa, Revue des Archives départementales de Mayotte 2108-2243 Archives départementales de Mayotte
85621 Annales de l'Université Toulouse 1
85623 GYMNASIUM, Scientific Journal of Education, Sports, and Health
85627 Marshall Studies Bulletin
85628 Médiévales. Langue Textes Histoire
85632 Photonics research 2327-9125 Optical Society of America
85634 African Journal of Business Management (Academic Journals)
85641 omm. Math. Phys
85643 Letters - Financial Times
85646 EC-Web '13 : 14th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies
85647 Procedia CIRP 2212-8271 ELSEVIER
85649 Philosophical enquiries : revue des philosophies anglophones 2493-3090 J.Berthier-A.Milanese