Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
106520 Psychology, Society, & Education 2171-2085
106521 Néologie lexicale Université Paris 7
106525 Bulgaria Mediaevaelis 1314-2941
106534 Le Matricule des anges 1241-7696 Le Matricule des anges
106535 Enfances Majuscules
106536 Orbis Linguarum
106538 Archeo : Attualità del Passato 1120-4559 Istituto geografico De Agostini (Novara)
106540 Studi e saggi linguistici 0085-6827 ETS
106547 Mutations. Mémoires et perspectives du bassin minier 2078-7634 Fondation Bassin Minier
106550 Lexicon Philosophicum - International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas 2283-7833
106551 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology 3159-0040
106553 Mathematical Finance Letters Science & Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited
106555 Thèmes contemporains
106558 Norsk filosofisk tidskrift
106560 Les artistes et la ville cahier n°1 Théâtre du Merlan
106561 Puhe ja Kieli
106562 Ajatus
106564 La pensée catholique
106566 Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Política 2236-451X
106567 Zadarska Smotra
106569 Knjizevna smotra
106572 Renouveler les approches des phénomènes urbains
106573 Recherche et gestion : une dynamique à bénéfices réciproques
106576 Revue en ligne du CRIDIS
106577 Galvano-Organe
106578 Espaces et espèces aquatiques de montagne, Mountainwilderness revue
106579 Milsil 1882-5745 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan
106608 The Quarry : The e - Newsletter of the SAA’s Prehistoric Quarr ies & Early Mines Interest Group
106609 Medicinal and aromatic plants 2167-0412 OMICS international
106614 Moyent-Orient
106615 Datar/Documentation Française
106616 Tech. Phys. Lett
106618 Selected Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics 9781574734652 Ruth Kramer, Elizabeth C. Zsiga, and One Tlale Boyer, Cascadilla Proceedings Project
106621 Logic and Logical Philosophy 1425-3305 Nicolaus Copernicus University Scientific Publishing House
106624 ECOOP Doctoral Symposium
106627 Integracion & Comercio
106629 al-Banjari 1412-9507
106632 Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2084-1965
106636 Scripta Manent 1854-2042
106640 The World and I
106643 Ta'lim Muta'alim 2088-2947
106648 Flexible and Printed Electronics 2058-8585 IOP Science
106649 Survey Methodology 0714-0045 Statistics Canada
106654 Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 0973-7154 Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
106655 Darussalam 1858-0750
106656 ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology ISESCO-COMSTECH
106657 Al Falah 1829-717X
106664 Al Jami 1858-389X
106665 Al Manba 2088-4206
106667 International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) 2075-0161 MECS Publisher