Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
268660 Incontri di filologia classica
26703 Incontri linguistici
116592 Incontri: rivista europea di studi italiani 0169-3379 Stichting Incontri
33190 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa
928645 Incroyance et foi
45645 Inculte
883196 Incursiuni în imaginar 2501-2169 Université d'Alba Iulia (Roumanie)
157477 Ind Ha Bro Societes Bretonnes
96834 Ind. Biotechnol
50137 Ind. Ceram
84453 Ind. Crop. Prod
50122 Ind. Céram
178095 Indag.Math
14138 Indagationes Mathematicae 0019-3577 Elsevier
14139 Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings) 1385-7258 Elsevier
5430 Independent Energy 1043-7320 Alternative Sources of Energy, Inc
146042 Independent Journal of Management & Production 2236-269X
5431 Independent Power 1042-5829 Alternative Sources of Energy, Inc
5432 Independent Publisher 1098-5735 Jenkins Group
5433 Independent Review -Oakland 1086-1653 The Independant Institute
5434 Independent School 0145-9635 National Association of Independent Schools
5435 Independent School Bulletin 0019-3755 Secondary Education Board
118750 Index : Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici 0392-2391 Edizioni scientifiche italiane
20169 Index Bibliographique du Vide
174316 Index Comunicación 2444-3239 Universidade Rey Juan Carlos
1043 Index de Enfermería 1132-1296 Fundación Index
14140 Index on Censorship 0306-4220 Taylor & Francis
5436 Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals 0019-400X University of California Press
137915 Indexation et réseaux sociaux, quels modèles pour les institutions ?
179165 India Housing Report
126041 India International Centre Quarterly 0376-9771 India International Centre, India, New Delhi
14141 India Review 1473-6489 Taylor & Francis
592665 India and the Indian Diasporic Imagination, PoCoPages
1044 Indian Anaesthetists' Forum 0973-0311 Anaesthetists' Forum, Jodhpur
52429 Indian Anthropologist
65397 Indian Bayesian Society Newsletter Indian Bayesian Society
131292 Indian Birds : Journal of South Asian Ornithology
94215 Indian Concrete Journal
155501 Indian Development Review 0972-9437
140015 Indian Economic Journal
14142 Indian Economic and Social History Review 0019-4646 SAGE Publications
127108 Indian Express
1045 Indian Folklife 0972-6470 National Folklore Support Centre, Chennai
153894 Indian Geotechnical Journal 0971-9555
49520 Indian Growth and Development Review
1046 Indian Heart Journal 0019-4832 Elsevier
88893 Indian J Microbiol
99694 Indian J. Chem
118664 Indian J.Phys