Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
102483 La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques 0760-9868 Union nationale des œnologues France Bourgogne-Publications (Macon) [1982-....] ; Oeno-plurimédia (Chaintré) [1998-....]
142894 Les carnets du yoga 0221-3532 Union nationale du yoga (Paris)
650814 Les Cahiers de l'UNIOPSS 1294-8500 Union nationale interfédérale des oeuvres et organismes privés sanitaires et sociaux
182475 Tehnika 0040-2176 Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade
137285 Science (Nauka) 2603-3623 Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
25882 Les Cahiers Rationalistes 0008-0462 Union rationaliste — UR
123497 L'URF donne la parole. Tribune libre Union routière de France (URF) [2016-....]
137164 Cahiers. Repères 2426-1629 Union sociale pour l'habitat
29944 Habitat et société Union sociale pour l'habitat
119497 Les utopiques - Cahiers de réflexions Union syndicale Solidaires
152120 Journal of african languages and literatures 2723-9764 UnionPress
175337 Astronomia 1593-3814 Unione Astrofili Italiani (UAI)
70079 Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana. B 0392-4041 Unione Matematica Italiana
233656 Anglistica AION 2034-8504 Unior Press
779684 Annali. Sezione germanica 1124-3724 UniorPress
978999 JALaLit - Journal of African Languages and Literatures 2723-9764 UniorPress
178749 Keryx 7 Unipres Verlag
67221 RGG : rivista di grammatica generativa 1122-4428 Unipress
264 Basic and Applied Myology 1120-9992 Unipress Padova
148170 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND BIOSTATISTICS 2581-4672 Unique Pub International (UPI)
130941 Tric Trac, Journal of World Mythology and Folklore 1996-7330 Unisa Press
7223 Mousaion -Pretoria 0027-2639 Unisa Press, University of South Africa
114834 I Quaderni di Careggi 2281-3195 Uniscape
161272 Questões Transversais – Revista de Epistemologias da Comunicação 2318-6372 Unisinos
1677 Linguagem em (Dis)curso 1518-7632 Unisul - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
4499 EDP Analyzer 0012-7523 United Communications Group
39217 Home Health Line 1078-2389 United Communications Group
5746 I S Analyzer 0896-3231 United Communications Group
1154 International Journal of Digital Curation 1746-8256 United Kingdom Office for Library and Information Networking
16544 Serials 0953-0460 United Kingdom Serials Group
3407 Bibliography, Documentation, Terminology 0523-2821 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
9052 Unesco Journal of Information Science, Librarianship, and Archives Administration 0379-122X United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
9050 Unesco bulletin for libraries 0041-5243 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
39987 Monthly bulletin of statistics (United Nations. Statistical Office) 0041-7432 United Nations Publications
40247 Population and Vital Statistics Report: Series A 0251-0030 United Nations Publications
9046 UN chronicle 0251-7329 United Nations Publications
173207 UNSCN News United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition
529417 United Nations University United Nations University
22225 Food and Nutrition Bulletin -United Nations University 0379-5721 United Nations University Press
38296 Annual Statistical Report - United Negro College Fund United Negro College Fund
40454 SCI Nursing United Spinal Association
100 Air and Space Power Journal 1555-385X United States Air Force
882 Fishery Bulletin 0090-0656 United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service
8367 Savings & Loan News 0036-5114 United States League of Savings Associations
8369 Savings Institutions 0746-1321 United States League of Savings Associations
40613 The Sport Coaching Journal United States Sports Academy
2362 The Sport Journal 1543-9518 United States Sports Academy
9060 United States-Mexico Law Journal 1089-8948 United States-Mexico Law Journal
38358 Arts 1093-1643 United Theological Seminary
65428 Journal of Automatic Chemistry 0142-0453 United Trade Press