Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
109626 Systolic
109632 Hybrid Pedagogy
109633 Revista Chapingo, Serie Forestal y del Medio Ambiente
109635 Conference on Lasers and Electro-OpticsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016)
109637 Fikre Wa Lougha université de mostaganem
109640 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research 2393-8161
109642 mots C.L.E 9788866801535 Emil
109648 Language and bilingual cognition 978-1848729247 Vivian Cook and Benedetta Bassetti
109650  Cuardernos de dramaturgia contemporánea
109651 American Journal of Physics and Applications 2330-4308
109653 Francontraste 2
109657 L'immagine riflessa. Testi, società, culture 0391-2973 Edizioni dell'Orso
109661 Noise Mapping 2084-879X
109662 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
109663 The Modern Language Journal 1540-4781 Heidi Byrnes
109664 De l'eau agricole à l'eau environnementale
109665 International Journal of Business Information Systems
109667 International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2005-9795 Korea Maritime Institute
109670 The Review of Regional Studies
109671 La Lettre de la Céramique
109677 Normes et déviances dans le monde luso-hispanophone
109678 Exils et mémoires de l'exil dans le monde ibérique (XIIe-XXIe siècles)
109681 International Journal of Chaotic Computing 2046-3359 Infonomics Society
109685 Water and landscape/Agua y territorio 2340-8472 Universidad de Jaén, Espagne
109689 Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas 1984-2430 Unesp
109690 La narrativa española de hoy (2000-2010). La imagen en el texto (III)
109691 Territoires wallons 1784-4991 Conférence permanente du développement territorial
109695 Global Media Journal Canadian Edition
109697 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 1573-7675
109699 International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling
109700 International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition
109703 International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS)
109706 International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics
109707 Machine Learning
109709 Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
109711 International Journal of Machine Consciousness
109713 International Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering - ASME
109721 AMSE journals, Advances in modelling, series Modelling C
109722 International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA) 1947-3095
109723 Journal of Artificial General Intelligence
109727 Memory Studies
109730 Il primo amore
109733 New Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics, and Consciousness
109734 Revue Europe
109735 THeMA (Theatre, Music, Arts) Journal
109736 Revue des Amis de Ronsard du Japon
109737 Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry
109743 Tunisian Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products
109749 ijera 2248-9622 IJERA
109752 Maria Callas Magazine