Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
82002 La REprise
82008 Voltaire Foundation
80733 Lettre d'Information sur les Risques et Crises Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice (INHESJ)
80736 Menu: Journal of Food and Hospitality
80738 GM Crops Food
80739 SITIS '08 : The Fourth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems
80740 Commémorations nationales 2013
80741 California Italian studies
80749 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering
80750 SAST '08 : 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing
80754 ICSTW '08 : IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation Workshop
80769 Canadian Journal of Media Studies - Revue canadienne d'études médiatiques 1911-4281 Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario
80775 Documenta Math
80776 Les cahiers du Lasmas, CNRS
80781 MRS Online Proceedings Library 1946-4274 Cambridge University Press
80782 Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo
80783 Terahertz Science and Technology
80786 International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 2040-4166 Emerald Publishing
80787 Service Systems & Service Management
80788 Polish OPTICAL INTERNET PIONIER magazine
80795 COMPRAIL '08 : Eleventh International Conference on Computer System Design and Operation in the Railway and Other Transit Systems
80796 J Chem. Hindawi Publishing Corporation
80798 Journal of Geological Research
80800 Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology
80801 World Allergy Organization Journal Elsevier
80802 Journal of medical cases
80803 ICTTA 2006: IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications ICTTA
80811 Acta Jutlandica Humanities series 0901-0556 Aarhus Universitetsforlag
80813 Procedia Food Science
80814 International Journal of Engineering and applied sciences
80815 TAIMA 2011: traitement et analyse de l'information : méthodes et applications
80816 SETIT 2005: 3 rd International Conference: Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications
80817 ICGIP 2011: International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing
80818 International Conference on Data Mining
80819 IASC '08 : Joint 4th World Conference of the IASC and 6th of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
80822 Revue de droit des affaires internationales - International business law journal 0295-5830 Sweet & Maxwell [1985-....]
80823 International Journal of Engineering Under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment and Mitigation
80825 Practical Radiation Oncology: An official journal of the American Society for Radiation Oncology 1879-8500 Elsevier
80826 Microgravity Science & Technology
80828 Transplant Res
80829 Revista colombiana de radiología
80830 International Journal of Phamaceutics
80831 Pacif Journal of Math
80832 Comunication in Analysis and Geometry
80836 Revue Tourisme
80838 Journal of Business and Economics Research
80842 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 1211-8516 Mendel University in Brno
80843 Proc. SPIE 8547, High-Power Lasers 2012: Technology and Systems, 85470O
80847 Experimental Hematology & Oncology BMC
80849 Translated World Seismology