Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
64966 Mnagement international
141981 Mnemosyne
80649 MoVeNet '08 : 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Vehicular Networks
75055 MobiHoc
77657 MobiQuitous '11 : 8th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems
83349 MobiQuitous '12 : 9th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems : Computing, Networking and Services
63138 Mobile Networking and Applications (MONET)
167015 Mobile Networks and Applications
81168 Mobility '09 : 6th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Application & Systems
116437 Mobility and Vehicle Mechanics 2334-9891
578749 Mobilité en Chine. 50 ans d'accélération vu par les Chinois, forum vies mobiles
30570 Mobilités et invention locales du territoire au Sud
30569 Mobilités et inventions locales du territoire au Sud
34926 Mobilités et temporalités
41273 Mobilization
53372 Mobilization (San Diego, Calif.)
235939 Mod. Issues Med. Manag.
32635 Mod. Methods Math., Nashboro Press, Brentwood
49084 Mod. Phys. Lett
122234 Mod.Phys.Lett.A
30842 Modalità e Substandard / éd. par HEINRICH W., HEISS. Atti del convegno internazionale Modalità e Substandard / Abtönung und Substandard. Forli, 26-27 octobre 2000
168253 Modan. La ville, le corps et le genre dans le Japon de l’entre-deux-guerres
177698 Modapalavra e-periódico 1982-615X
177132 Modares Mechanical Engineering 1027-5940
95538 Mode de recherche
56401 Mode de recherche, IFM
472219 Mode, vêtements, accessoires et représentations 2020 textendash 4
662828 Model Theory 2832-904X
110058 Model and Data Engineering
77500 Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng
37101 Model.Identi.Control
127065 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2363-6203
146353 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2363-6211
36933 Modeling Socioecological Systems
177114 Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems
55551 Modeling and Inversion in Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
115360 Modeling and Simulation, Special publication by Simulation Councils
66620 Modeling and Verifying Parallel Processes
70891 Modeling and simulation in Engineering
119170 Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes
66471 Modeling, Measurement and Control
24867 Modelisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique (M2AN)
161634 Modell.Simul.Mater.Sci.Eng
54481 Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics
44126 Modelling Others for Observation A Workshop at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 30, 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland
27268 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng
46759 Modelling Simul. Materials Sciences Engeneering
91990 Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science
136251 Modelling and Simulation
45652 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Sciences and Engineering
146659 Modelling in Science Education and Learning, 1988-3145
88908 Modelling of reactive systems
169865 Modelling, Measurement and Control
109887 Modelling, Measurement, Control Journal, Modelling, Measurement, Control (2B)
51436 Models for Computer Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing
100033 Models for Computer Aided Tolerancing in Design and Manufacturing
68821 Modern & Contemporary France
147049 Modern Africa
854768 Modern Art Asia
894171 Modern Asian Studies
33397 Modern Aspects of Immunobiology
973917 Modern British History 2976-7016
77302 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
158286 Modern Diplomacy
20467 Modern Drug Discovery
165354 Modern Economy
738352 Modern Economy and Management 2790-3214
901739 Modern Education and Development
171735 Modern Issues of Socioeconomic Development in the Republic of Armenia
171975 Modern Language Notes
177103 Modern Languages Open 2052-5397
56420 Modern Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms for Real World Systems (Siddiqi A.H., Duff I.S. & Christensen O. Eds Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi)
7184 Modern Photography 0032-4582
60603 Modern Phys. Lett
100660 Modern Physics C
181864 Modern Physics Letters A
155237 Modern Phytomorphology 2226-3063
176788 Modern Research in Dentistry 2637-7764
900417 Modern Theology
875382 Modern Theology 1468-0025
80036 Modern Ukraine
498730 Modern and Contempory France
50332 Modern development of powder metallurgy
154822 Modern pathology 1530-0285
98734 Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc
179713 Modern philosophy / 现代哲学 [Xiandai zhexue] 1000-7660
21667 Modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry 0077-0094
96591 Modern scientific thought. Scientific journal of research institute of history, economics and law (Moscow, Russia)/ Cовременная научная мысль. АНО "Научно-исследовательский институт истории, экономики и права" (Москва)
89235 Moderna
79002 Moderne Musik in Frankreich ", MaerzMusik, programme du Berliner Festpiele, Berlin, 2004, p. 22-27
339629 Moderne Stadtgeschichte (MSG), H. 2, pp. 117-128
33146 Modernisation, démocratisation, Européanisation : la Bulgarie et la Roumanie comparées
35511 Moderniser la gestion des hommes dans l'entreprise, Editions Liaisons p. 23-48 Technologie-emplois
157739 Modernism/Modernity
792242 Modernism/Modernity Print Plus
781096 Modernist Cultures 2041-1022
76429 Modernité
749745 Modernité et Romantisme
35967 Modernité, démocratie et totalitarisme : S. Weil et H. Arendt
175280 Modernité/ Modernism - Textuel