Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
171324 Environmental Technology & Innovation 2352-1864 ELSEVIER
152378 Les Métiers de la petite enfance 1258-780X ELSEVIER
93678 Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Elsevier
821487 Advances in Computers 0065-2458 Elsevier
753756 Asia and the Global Economy 2667-1115 Elsevier
154805 Atherosclerosis Elsevier
160141 BBA-Biomembranes Elsevier
168937 Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology Elsevier
907122 Book chapter Part of DOI: 10.1201/9781315120041 EID: 2-s2.0-85053305643 Elsevier
139603 China Population, Resources and Environment 1872-583X Elsevier
123659 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier Elsevier
63890 Constraints, an International Journal Elsevier
106067 Cuadernos de economía 0210-0266 Elsevier
119191 Developments in Plant Genetics and Breeding 0168-7972 Elsevier
163548 Discourse, Context, Media 2211-6958 Elsevier
133105 EMC - Techniques Chirurgicales - Tête et Cou 2211-0402 Elsevier
123371 EMC médecine buccale Elsevier
105160 Educational Research Review Elsevier
44379 Electronic Journal in Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier
56349 Elsevier's Computer Communications Journal Elsevier
238045 Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale. Odontologie 1283-0860 Elsevier
106092 Energy Strategy Reviews Elsevier
762113 Energy and IA 2666-5468 Elsevier
168289 Environmental Modelling & Software 1364-8152 Elsevier
101582 Environmental Research 1096-0953 Elsevier
109522 Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports 2213-3232 Elsevier
384236 Examples and Counterexamples 2666-657X Elsevier
133757 Fusion Engineering and Design Elsevier
144835 Futures Elsevier
579586 Fuzzy Databases 0306-4379 Elsevier
121351 Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2352-801X Elsevier
604118 Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience 1569-7339 Elsevier
215218 Informatics In Medecine Unlocked 2352-9148 Elsevier
163466 Information Processing in Agriculture 2214-3173 Elsevier
164273 Information Sciences Elsevier
167346 Information and Decision Technology 0923-0408 Elsevier
78148 International Journal for Applied Numerical Mathematics Elsevier
50619 International Journal of Electronics and Communications Elsevier
59848 J. Algorithms Elsevier
303870 J. Math. Pures Appl 0021-7824 Elsevier
160403 Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 2213-297X Elsevier
142325 Journal of Controlled Release Elsevier
164159 Journal of Dental Sciences 1991-7902 Elsevier
807209 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2328-7616 Elsevier
610087 Journal of Electrochemical Chemistry Elsevier
110117 Journal of Functional Food Elsevier
932874 Journal of Genetics and Genomics 1673-8527 Elsevier
141803 Journal of Geochemical Exploration Elsevier
111459 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Elsevier 0022-3549 Elsevier
831094 Journal of Sea Research Elsevier
41249 Journal of Systems Architecture - The EUROMICRO Journal Elsevier
175988 Journal of Vascular Surgery Elsevier
119977 Journal of theoritical biology 0022-5193 Elsevier
63891 Journal on Functional Programming Elsevier
63889 Journal on Research in Language and Computation Elsevier
170701 KES2016 Elsevier
43737 LANGUAGE SCIENCE, special issue devoted to MIND & Language Elsevier
126629 Leukemia Research Reports 2213-0489 Elsevier
107620 Materials Sciences and Engineering: C 0928-4931 Elsevier
522363 MethodX 2215-0161 Elsevier
896996 Médecine et droit 1246-7391 Elsevier
254630 Neuroscience Informatics 2772-5286 Elsevier
88591 PROCEDIA Elsevier
594690 Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 0378-4371 Elsevier
148239 Physical Communications Elsevier
57690 Proc. of PLACES'09 Elsevier
107458 Progress in Optics 0079-6638 Elsevier
133661 Pulmonology 2531-0437 Elsevier
76658 RIAI Elsevier
762678 Recent Advances in Phytochemistry Elsevier
513799 Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety 0951-8320 Elsevier
741414 Research Policy Elsevier
167043 Resource-Efficient Technologies 2405-6537 Elsevier
58060 Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d'Economie Elsevier
291090 Smart Multifunctional Nano-inks: Fundamentals and Emerging Applications ISBN 978-0-323-91145-0 Elsevier
646510 Sports Economics Review 2773-1618 Elsevier
166685 Sustainable Operations and Computers 2666-4127 Elsevier
105654 Symposium (International) on Combustion 0082-0784 Elsevier
171495 The Internet and Higher Education Elsevier
142235 The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Elsevier
164526 USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Physics Elsevier
161941 Visual Informatics 2468-502X Elsevier
163523 Water Security 2468-3124 Elsevier
83301 Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web Elsevier
139798 eNeurologicalSci 2405-6502 Elsevier
74323 international journal on Visual Communication and Image representation (JVCI) Elsevier
180335 lingua An International Review of General Linguistics 0024-3841 Elsevier
181993 phytomedicine Plus 2667-0313 Elsevier
287359 the Veterinary journal 1090-0233 elsevier