Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
130789 Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment Elsevier
130446 Sustainable Production and Consumption 2352-5509 Elsevier
130525 Smart Health 2352-6483 Elsevier
130613 Veterinary Parasitology : Regional Studies and Reports 2405-9390 Elsevier
131833 Progrès en Urologie - FMC 1761-676X Elsevier
131868 Journal of Space Safety Engineering 2468-8967 Elsevier
131566 Materialia 2589-1529 Elsevier
131649 Practical Laboratory Medicine 2352-5517 Elsevier
131795 Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2352-5541 ELSEVIER
131244 Future Computing and Informatics Journal 2314-7288 Elsevier
130888 Underground Space 2467-9674 Elsevier
130925 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2451-9049 Elsevier
130394 Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2405-6308 Elsevier
130424 Scandinavian Journal of Pain 1877-8879 Elsevier
130990 Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 1658-077X Elsevier
72983 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 2095-0349 Elsevier
72984 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1000-9361 Elsevier
92964 Atmospheric Pollution Research 1309-1042 Elsevier
6084 Journal of Environmental Management 0301-4797 Elsevier
14317 International Journal for Parasitology 0020-7519 Elsevier
167214 Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 1674-2834 Elsevier
15497 Journal of Food Engineering 0260-8774 Elsevier
79100 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2212-683X Elsevier
17525 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 0168-9002 Elsevier
12032 Computer Physics Communications 0010-4655 Elsevier
152074 Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 2352-9385 Elsevier
8573 Soil Biology and Biochemistry 0038-0717 Elsevier
15022 Journal of Adolescent Health 1054-139X Elsevier
18465 Quaternary Research 0033-5894 Elsevier
17517 Nuclear Data Sheets 0090-3752 Elsevier
852801 Fundamental Plasma Physics 2772-8285 Elsevier
15971 The Journal of Pediatrics 0022-3476 Elsevier
388403 SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2667-3215 Elsevier
113496 Revue Francophone Internationale de Recherche Infirmière eLSEVIER
10608 Applied Catalysis A : General 0926-860X Elsevier
18381 Public Health 0033-3506 Elsevier
11119 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research 0167-4889 Elsevier
541121 Tetrahedron Chem 2666-951X Elsevier
13760 Trends in Genetics 0168-9525 Elsevier
120221 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 2468-8495 Elsevier
7541 Nutrition Research 0271-5317 Elsevier
3839 Cell 0092-8674 Elsevier
11828 Clinical Radiology 0009-9260 Elsevier
18893 Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1043-0679 Elsevier
22544 Bulletin du Cancer 0007-4551 Elsevier
11429 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0141-8130 Elsevier
4108 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 0898-1221 Elsevier
141874 Journal of Industrial Information Integration 2467-964X Elsevier
10643 Applied Ocean Research 0141-1187 Elsevier
13843 Hearing Research 0378-5955 Elsevier
152088 Aquaculture Reports Elsevier
12364 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 0223-5234 Elsevier
172395 Animal. Science proceedings 2772-283X Elsevier
226473 IJID Regions 2772-7076 Elsevier
7759 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 0048-3575 Elsevier
15900 Journal of Nuclear Materials 0022-3115 Elsevier
17798 Pattern Recognition 0031-3203 Elsevier
18898 Seminars in Vascular Surgery 0895-7967 Elsevier
13277 Neurobiology of Disease 0969-9961 Elsevier
12088 Construction and Building Materials 0950-0618 Elsevier
11064 Basic and Applied Ecology 1439-1791 Elsevier
11221 Biosensors and Bioelectronics 0956-5663 Elsevier
17790 Pathology 0031-3025 Elsevier
18625 Resource and Energy Economics 0928-7655 Elsevier
12771 Economic Systems 0939-3625 Elsevier
3438 Biological Conservation 0006-3207 Elsevier
9553 Acta Biomaterialia 1742-7061 Elsevier
11902 Combustion and Flame 0010-2180 Elsevier
14714 International Journal of Solids and Structures 0020-7683 Elsevier
6194 Journal of Insect Physiology 0022-1910 Elsevier
102206 Data in Brief 2352-3409 Elsevier
19006 Social Science & Medicine 0037-7856 Elsevier
180779 Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 2665-9727 Elsevier
7555 Ocean Engineering 0029-8018 Elsevier
4660 Environmental and Experimental Botany 0098-8472 Elsevier
10661 Applied Soft Computing 1568-4946 Elsevier
10670 Applied Thermal Engineering 1359-4311 Elsevier
15365 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 0165-1889 Elsevier
19183 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 0954-349X Elsevier
68398 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2210-4224 Elsevier
5836 Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 0278-4165 Elsevier
11215 Bioresource Technology 0960-8524 Elsevier
19062 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 0927-0248 Elsevier
13269 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 0378-8741 Elsevier
19666 Toxicology in Vitro 0887-2333 Elsevier
15790 Journal of Membrane Science 0376-7388 Elsevier
13408 Food Quality and Preference 0950-3293 Elsevier
17188 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 1055-7903 Elsevier
6076 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 0095-0696 Elsevier
4674 Environmental Pollution 0269-7491 Elsevier
19628 Thrombosis Research 0049-3848 Elsevier
11622 Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry 0009-2819 Elsevier
584053 Results in Surfaces and Interfaces 2666-8459 Elsevier
14111 Immunity 1074-7613 Elsevier
4755 Experimental Cell Research 0014-4827 Elsevier
23183 Sedimentary Geology 0037-0738 Elsevier
15876 Journal of Neuroscience Methods 0165-0270 Elsevier
18907 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 0925-4005 Elsevier
11513 Carbohydrate Polymers 0144-8617 Elsevier
12051 Computers & Security 0167-4048 Elsevier
12774 Economics and Human Biology 1570-677X Elsevier
13959 Human Movement Science 0167-9457 Elsevier
10611 Applied Clay Science 0169-1317 Elsevier
18463 Quaternary Geochronology 1871-1014 Elsevier
10877 Atmospheric Research 0169-8095 Elsevier
6424 Journal of Rural Studies 0743-0167 Elsevier
17158 Molecular Aspects of Medicine 0098-2997 Elsevier
18553 Reliability Engineering and System Safety 0951-8320 Elsevier
16957 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 0888-3270 Elsevier
10547 Annual Reviews in Control 1872-9088 Elsevier
15826 Journal of Molecular Structure 0022-2860 Elsevier
132188 European Journal of Pharmacology 1879-0712 Elsevier
15460 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 0022-0981 Elsevier
18912 Separation and Purification Technology 1383-5866 Elsevier
12828 Electrochimica Acta 0013-4686 Elsevier
11186 Biomaterials 0142-9612 Elsevier
11928 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1007-5704 Elsevier
4678 Environmental Research 0013-9351 Elsevier
15820 Journal of Molecular Liquids 0167-7322 Elsevier
9232 Waste Management 0956-053X Elsevier
17606 Ocean Modelling 1463-5003 Elsevier
15055 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 0925-8388 Elsevier
13583 General and Comparative Endocrinology 0016-6480 Elsevier
18264 Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 0278-5846 Elsevier
10620 Applied Geochemistry 0883-2927 Elsevier
19748 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism = Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 1043-2760 Elsevier
16901 Materials Science and Engineering: A 0921-5093 Elsevier
119549 Journal of Energy Storage 2352-152X Elsevier
113975 International journal for parasitology. Drugs and drug resistance 2211-3207 Elsevier
13373 Fisheries Research 0165-7836 Elsevier
5624 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 1071-5819 Elsevier
4210 Corrosion Science 0010-938X Elsevier
122290 Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Elsevier
14477 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 0360-3199 Elsevier
12129 Control Engineering Practice 0967-0661 Elsevier
12689 Dyes and Pigments 0143-7208 Elsevier
4926 Forest Ecology and Management 0378-1127 Elsevier
18860 Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 1084-9521 Elsevier
16878 Marine Pollution Bulletin 0025-326X Elsevier
13245 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 0142-0615 Elsevier
12305 Current Opinion in Plant Biology 1369-5266 Elsevier
884465 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications 2950-2845 Elsevier
13173 Evolution and Human Behavior 1090-5138 Elsevier
9656 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 0169-409X Elsevier
108835 Neuroimage-Clinical 2213-1582 Elsevier
15431 Journal of Environmental Psychology 0272-4944 Elsevier
12048 Computers and Graphics 0097-8493 Elsevier
9687 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 0001-8686 Elsevier
16877 Marine Policy 0308-597X Elsevier
15722 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 0304-8853 Elsevier
13803 Harmful Algae 1568-9883 Elsevier
15138 Journal of Biomechanics 0021-9290 Elsevier
16235 Journal of Sound and Vibration 0022-460X Elsevier
6537 Journal of The Franklin Institute 0016-0032 Elsevier
16078 Journal of Process Control 0959-1524 Elsevier
380720 Applied Food Research 2772-5022 Elsevier
16037 Journal of Plant Physiology 0176-1617 Elsevier
19844 Vibrational Spectroscopy 0924-2031 Elsevier
4114 Computers in Human Behavior 0747-5632 Elsevier
17773 Parallel Computing 0167-8191 Elsevier
27429 Physica Medica European Journal of Medical Physics 1120-1797 Elsevier
18840 Scripta Materialia 1359-6462 Elsevier
934768 Food and Humanity 2949-8244 Elsevier
12004 Computational Materials Science 0927-0256 Elsevier
18054 Plant Science 0168-9452 Elsevier
6178 Journal of Human Evolution 0047-2484 Elsevier
18254 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 0360-1285 Elsevier
19751 Trends in Microbiology 0966-842X Elsevier
6008 Journal of Development Economics 0304-3878 Elsevier
17078 Microchemical Journal 0026-265X Elsevier
17239 Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 0027-5107 Elsevier
146159 Biomedical journal 2319-4170 Elsevier
16007 Journal of Phonetics 0095-4470 Elsevier
3273 Atmospheric Environment 1352-2310 Elsevier
18830 Science of the Total Environment 0048-9697 Elsevier
19371 Telecommunications Policy 0308-5961 Elsevier
119690 Alexandria Engineering Journal 1110-0168 Elsevier
12640 DNA Repair 1568-7864 Elsevier
12692 Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 0377-0265 Elsevier
123363 ICT Express 2405-9595 Elsevier
795820 Indoor Environments 2950-3620 Elsevier
14994 Journal for Nature Conservation 1617-1381 Elsevier
527976 Current Research in Insect Science 2666-5158 Elsevier
133638 iScience Elsevier
18247 Progress in brain research 0079-6123 Elsevier
19594 Theoretical Computer Science 0304-3975 Elsevier
17480 Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 0362-546X Elsevier
7360 Neural Networks 0893-6080 Elsevier
160764 JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology Elsevier
12029 Computer Networks 1389-1286 Elsevier
19306 Systems and Control Letters 0167-6911 Elsevier
8987 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 0965-8564 Elsevier
16760 Linear Algebra and its Applications 0024-3795 Elsevier
144340 Operations Research Perspectives 2214-7160 Elsevier
22406 Cortex 0010-9452 Elsevier
87610 Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 0049-237X Elsevier
206252 Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry 2468-1717 Elsevier
17964 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 0167-2789 Elsevier
12056 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 0168-1699 Elsevier
12018 Computer Communications 0140-3664 Elsevier