Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
4758 Expert Systems 0266-4720 Wiley
4772 Family Court Review 1531-2445 Wiley
4777 Family Relations 0197-6664 Wiley
4797 FEBS Journal 1742-464X Wiley
5083 Groundwater 0017-467X Wiley
5084 Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 1069-3629 Wiley
4725 European Journal of Biochemistry 0014-2956 Wiley
4727 European Journal of Education 0141-8211 Wiley
4732 European Journal of Soil Science 1351-0754 Wiley
4734 European Law Journal 1351-5993 Wiley
4973 Gender and History 0953-5233 Wiley
4987 Geographical Journal 0016-7398 Wiley
4994 Geology Today 0266-6979 Wiley
5020 German Quarterly 0016-8831 Wiley
4850 Financial Accountability and Management 0267-4424 Wiley
4853 Financial Management 0046-3892 Wiley
4854 Financial Review 0732-8516 Wiley
4921 Foreign Language Annals 0015-718X Wiley
4950 Freshwater Biology 0046-5070 Wiley
4643 English Literary Renaissance 0013-8312 Wiley
4652 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587 Wiley
6473 Journal of Supply Chain Management 1523-2409 Wiley
6474 Journal of Supreme Court History 1059-4329 Wiley
6499 Journal of the American Ceramic Society 0002-7820 Wiley
6506 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614 Wiley
6273 Journal of Management Studies 0022-2380 Wiley
6277 Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 0194-472X Wiley
6281 Journal of Marriage and Family 0022-2445 Wiley
6313 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 0022-2879 Wiley
6350 Journal of Personality 0022-3506 Wiley
6580 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1359-0987 Wiley
6585 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 0022-5142 Wiley
6607 Journal of Urban Affairs 0735-2166 Wiley
6623 Journal of Wildlife Management 0022-541X Wiley
6632 Journal of Zoology 0952-8369 Wiley
6185 Journal of Industrial Ecology 1088-1980 Wiley
6186 Journal of Industrial Economics 0022-1821 Wiley
6199 Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 0022-1937 Wiley
6202 Journal of Interior Design 1071-7641 Wiley
6247 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 1073-1105 Wiley
6091 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 1066-5234 Wiley
6106 Journal of Experimental Zoology 0022-104X Wiley
6116 Journal of Field Robotics 1556-4959 Wiley
6118 Journal of Finance 0022-1082 Wiley
6123 Journal of Financial Research 0270-2592 Wiley
6132 Journal of Food Science 0022-1147 Wiley
6133 Journal of Forensic Sciences Wiley
6135 Journal of Futures Markets 0270-7314 Wiley
6355 Journal of Philosophy of Education 0309-8249 Wiley
6365 The Journal of Physiology 0022-3751 Wiley
6369 Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 0276-8739 Wiley
6372 Journal of Popular Culture 0022-3840 Wiley
6401 Journal of Regional Science 0022-4146 Wiley
6404 Journal of Religious Ethics 0384-9694 Wiley
6412 Journal of Research in Science Teaching 0022-4308 Wiley
6419 Journal of Risk and Insurance 0022-4367 Wiley
6427 Journal of School Health 0022-4391 Wiley
6439 Journal of Social Issues 0022-4537 Wiley
6939 Manchester School 1463-6786 Wiley
6700 Kyklos 0023-5962 Wiley
6722 Language Learning 0023-8333 Wiley
6734 Latin American Politics and Society 1531-426X Wiley
6739 Law and Social Inquiry 0897-6546 Wiley
6740 Law and Society Review 0023-9216 Wiley
6781 Legal Studies 0261-3875 Wiley
4087 Competitive Intelligence Review 1058-0247 Wiley
4263 Criminology 0011-1384 Wiley
4267 Critical Quarterly 0011-1562 Wiley
4281 CrossCurrents 0011-1953 Wiley
4297 Curator: The Museum Journal 0011-3069 Wiley
4310 Curriculum Inquiry 0362-6784 Wiley
4347 Decision Sciences 0011-7315 Wiley
3739 Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien 0008-3658 Wiley
3746 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics / Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie 0008-3976 Wiley
3751 Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 0008-4034 Wiley
3757 Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Économique 0008-4085 Wiley
3811 Career Development Quarterly 0889-4019 Wiley
4147 Conservation Biology 0888-8892 Wiley
4162 Contemporary Economic Policy 1074-3529 Wiley
4200 Corporate Governance: An International Review 0964-8410 Wiley
4215 Counseling and Values 0160-7960 Wiley
4217 Counselor Education and Supervision 0011-0035 Wiley
4460 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 0098-8847 Wiley
4472 Ecological Entomology 0307-6946 Wiley
4483 The Economic History Review 0013-0117 Wiley
4485 Economic Inquiry 0095-2583 Wiley
4489 Economica 0013-0427 Wiley
4494 Ecumenical Review 0013-0796 Wiley
4531 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 0731-1745 Wiley
4547 Educational Theory 0013-2004 Wiley
3881 Chemistry and Industry 0009-3068 Wiley
3896 Child Development 0009-3920 Wiley
4399 Diplomatic History 0145-2096 Wiley
7917 Presidential Studies Quarterly 0360-4918 Wiley
7998 Project Management Journal 8756-9728 Wiley
8017 Psychology and Marketing 0742-6046 Wiley
8019 Psychology in the Schools 0033-3085 Wiley
8024 Public Administration 0033-3298 Wiley
8025 Public Administration Review 0033-3352 Wiley
8027 Public Budgeting and Finance 0275-1100 Wiley