Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
498977 Department of Chemical Sciences [TIFR] DCS laboratory Homi Bhabha Rd, Bombay 400005, Maharashtra
53051 Department of Computer Science DCS laboratory Strand, London WC2R 2LS, England, United Kingdom. Tel +44 (0)20 7836 5454
46763 Department of Computer Science - University of Pannonia DCS regrouplaboratory University of Pannonia Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology Egyetem u. 10 Veszprém H-8200
106906 Department of Computer Science [Leuven] DCS laboratory Celestijnenlaan 200A 3001 Heverlee Belgium
544837 Department of Computer Science [University of Toronto] DCS regrouplaboratory 40 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E4
1088501 Droit et changement social DCS laboratory Faculté de Droit Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - BP 81307 44313 NANTES CEDEX 3 2022-01-01
389208 Dynamique et Contrôle des Structures DCS researchteam