Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
249659 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Madison, WI 53706
254824 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
212223 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Zahedan
211703 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Pasteur Ave, Tehran 13164
424946 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 2500 North State StreetJackson, MS 39216
410748 Department of Biochemistry department
409880 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
409754 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
408937 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Tahran
408723 Department of Biochemistry laboratory P.O. Box 24157,Douala,
408724 Department of Biochemistry laboratory P.O. Box 24157,Douala
414993 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
442846 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
473248 Department of Biochemistry department
490733 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
492236 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
457965 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
440332 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
449997 Department of Biochemistry department Waltham, MA 02454
477914 Department of Biochemistry department
479940 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
437240 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
437538 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
522199 Department of Biochemistry department
498382 Department of Biochemistry department
501947 Department of Biochemistry department
531691 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
577193 Department of Biochemistry department
577194 Department of Biochemistry department
1044076 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
1066632 Department of Biochemistry department
1042662 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
259804 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Tokyo
309484 Department of Biochemistry institution
463466 Department of Biochemistry institution Western University, London
481588 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
483153 Department of Biochemistry department
1056322 Department of Biochemistry institution
1056331 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
1075729 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
1077684 Department of Biochemistry department
1091133 Department of Biochemistry institution
1135012 Department of Biochemistry Bharathi Women’s College institution Chennai-600 108, Tamilnadu, India
172482 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover NH 03755
42219 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 1211 Geneva 4
150623 Department of Biochemistry laboratory University of Geneva CH-1211 GENEVA
165847 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 1211 Genève 4
261696 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
441070 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
449662 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
233361 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Center for Cancer Biomedicine - Faculty of Medicine - Montebello, 0379 Oslo
259359 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Institute for Cancer Research - Montebello, 0379 Oslo
71280 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8577
151848 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Villejuif
96328 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences GHENT University A. Baertsoenkaai 3 GENT
98525 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Albert Baertsoenkaai 3, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
412279 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 9000 Ghent
230162 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Ghent
114347 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
174417 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
16862 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824
521830 Department of Biochemistry department
456911 Department of Biochemistry department School of Medicine - 34854 Maltepe, İstanbul
559744 Department of Biochemistry department
122142 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
563550 Department of Biochemistry regrouplaboratory
1180957 Department of Biochemistry University of Cambridge institution
1053058 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
229635 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Chemin des Boveresses 155, 1066 Epalinges s/Lausanne, Switzerland.
95852 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 1066 Epalinges
439008 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
238001 Department of Biochemistry WHO-IRTC laboratory Ch. des Boveresses 155, 1066 Epalinges
238016 Department of Biochemistry WHO-IRTC laboratory Epalinges
171450 Department of Biochemistry laboratory University of Lausanne Ch. des Boveresses 155 Epalinges
156632 Department of Biochemistry laboratory CH1066 Epalinges
13811 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Bangalore, 560012
440272 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
116851 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Rouen
558122 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
486755 Department of Biochemistry laboratory