Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
160164 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
114065 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Herestraat 49;3000;Leuven
113475 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Plesmanlaan 121;1066 CX;Amsterdam
113752 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Milan
113645 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Amsterdam
113367 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Leuven
113447 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Plesmanlaan 121;1066 CX;Amsterdam
144194 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
155954 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Eindhoven
155956 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Tilburg
118786 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Nijmegen
140078 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
139962 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
132663 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Avda Blasco Ibáñez 17;46010;Valencia
152109 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory Ospedale Umberto I;Mestre
169125 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
203247 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
203239 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
446131 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
519299 Department of Radiotherapy department
259775 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
163099 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory
259776 Department of Radiotherapy laboratory