Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

id name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
426414 Department of Biology department IL-32000 Haifa
412534 Department of Biology department
409815 Department of Biology department
456080 Department of Biology department Padova
458171 Department of Biology department Chapel Hill, NC 27599
472337 Department of Biology department
439829 Department of Biology department Damghan branch, Damghan
461007 Department of Biology department
447621 Department of Biology department NY 13244
459190 Department of Biology department
505018 Department of Biology department
501578 Department of Biology department
495531 Department of Biology department
495337 Department of Biology department
499936 Department of Biology department
506716 Department of Biology department
494592 Department of Biology department
494593 Department of Biology department
494594 Department of Biology department
576916 Department of Biology department
1068296 Department of Biology department
1065410 Department of Biology department 2020 Antwerp
572295 Department of Biology department Department of Biology, Institute of Botany, Faculty of Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 01217 Dresden
493848 Department of Biology department
495647 Department of Biology department
471809 Department of Biology department
1062775 Department of Biology department
1122761 Department of Biology department
423091 Department of Biology institution Aquatic EcologyLund UniversitySweden
458076 Department of Biology institution Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4B-1R6
446326 Department of Biology institution Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621
498208 Department of Biology institution Pleven
1006924 Department of Biology institution Universidad del Valle, Cali
1068719 Department of Biology institution Chicago
1051811 Department of Biology institution
1051816 Department of Biology institution
306643 Department of Biology institution
100012 Department of Biology laboratory Boston College 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
43572 Department of Biology laboratory
74349 Department of Biology laboratory
188181 Department of Biology laboratory University of Duisburg-Essen, Hufelandstrasse 55, 45 122 Essen
565572 Department of Biology laboratory
17414 Department of Biology laboratory 415 South University Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. USA
17541 Department of Biology laboratory Haifa 32000
17565 Department of Biology laboratory Amherst Massachusetts
35085 Department of Biology laboratory
36613 Department of Biology laboratory College Park, MD 20742, USA
10050 Department of Biology laboratory Memphis TN 38132
14849 Department of Biology laboratory Via della Ricerca Scientifica 00133 Rome
21702 Department of Biology laboratory 1725 State Street La Crosse Wisconsin 545601