Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
496410 ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls department
566613 Adelaide Medical School [Australia] regrouplaboratory Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building Corner of North Terrace and George Street, Adelaide SA 5000
218225 Australian Centre for Ancient DNA laboratory
469004 Department of Genetics and Evolution [Adelaide] laboratory
1063106 FrenCh austRalian labOratory for humanS/autonomouS agents teamING CROSSING laboratory Adelaide 2021-01-01
408065 Physics Department [Adelaide] laboratory Adelaide, South Australia, 5005 Australia
410693 Robinson Research Institute regrouplaboratory Ground Floor, Norwich Centre 55 King William Road North Adelaide SA 5006
522863 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine laboratory Glen Osmond, SA, 5064
525846 School of Biological Sciences [Adelaïde] laboratory University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia
33267 School of Computer Science [Adelaide] laboratory Innova21 Building The University of Adelaide SA 5005
210332 School of Earth and Environmental Sciences [Adelaide] laboratory
478335 Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories laboratory Adelaide
65954 World Institute for Space Environment Research WISER laboratory Adelaide University, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia