Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
7225 Inst. of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk (Russia) laboratory Lavryentyev pr. 15, Novosibirsk, 630090
234392 Inst. of the Information Transmission Problems IITP RAS laboratory Bolshoy Karetny per. 19, Moscow, 127994, Russia
65206 Inst. of the Physics of the Earth laboratory
1042805 Institut Kosmicheskikh Issledovanii laboratory Moscow
101598 Institut de Génie Radiotechnique et Electronique V.A. Kotelnykova laboratory Moskovskaya 11-7 125009 MOSCOU
143114 Institut of Applied Physics IAP laboratory Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
53459 Institut of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials laboratory 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow district
101210 Institut of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry laboratory
74356 Institut of Solid State Physics laboratory Russian Academy of Sciences, 14432 Moscow Region, Chermogolovka, Russia
132025 Institute for Biological Instrumentation laboratory Institute for Biological Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia
142844 Institute for Biological Instrumentation laboratory 142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia
487514 Institute for Biomedical Problems laboratory
72965 Institute for Computational Modelling laboratory
425170 Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics IDPM laboratory 124681 Moscou
57412 Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology laboratory
48276 Institute for High Energy Densities IHED laboratory Izhorskaya 13/19 125412 Moscow
130051 Institute for High Energy Density laboratory Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow, 125412
87944 Institute for Information Transmission Problems laboratory
258662 Institute for Nuclear Research laboratory 60-letiya Oktyabrya 7a, 117312 Moscow
222299 Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering laboratory
254409 Institute for Solid State Physics laboratory
164385 Institute for System Analysis laboratory
245753 Institute for Systems Analysis laboratory
39224 Institute of Applied Physics IAP laboratory
162998 Institute of Archaeology of Russian laboratory Academia of Sciences, Moscow Russia
37986 Institute of Automation and Electrometry laboratory 1, Prosp. Akademika Koptyuga 630090 Novossibirsk
54161 Institute of Basic Biological Problems laboratory Russian Academy of Sciences, 142290 Pushchino, Moscow region, Russia
63668 Institute of Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone laboratory
123324 Institute of Biology laboratory Karelian Res. Ctr. Petrozavodsk 185610
63503 Institute of Biology and Soil Science laboratory
436244 Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences laboratory
101378 Institute of Chemical Physics laboratory Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
148390 Institute of Chemical Physics laboratory Moscow
124667 Institute of Chemical Physics laboratory Moscow 142432;Chernogolovka
166909 Institute of Chemistry of High Purity Substances laboratory
105658 Institute of Chemistry of High Purity Substances of RAS laboratory Tropinin Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, RUSSIE, FEDERATION DE
138894 Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch laboratory Vladivostok, 690022 Russia
87558 Institute of Computational Modelling laboratory 660036 Krasnoyarsk-36
131352 Institute of Computational Technologies laboratory Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 Acad. Lavrentjev Avenue, 630090 Novosibirsk
105680 Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS laboratory 1 Koroleva Street, 614013 Perm
263657 Institute of Control Sciences laboratory
59745 Institute of Cytology laboratory Tikhoretsky pr. 4, 194064 St. Petersburg
411963 Institute of Ecological Problems of the North laboratory 23 Nab. Sev. DvinyArkhangelsk
411941 Institute of Ecological Problems of the Northern Regions laboratory 23 Naberezhnaja Sev. DvinyArkhangelsk
411952 Institute of Ecological Problems of the Northern Regions laboratory 29 Naberezhnaja Sev. DvinyArkhangelsk
436230 Institute of Ecology and Evolution laboratory
34930 Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics laboratory Chernogolovka, Moscow Region 142432
187859 Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics laboratory Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia
215008 Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology laboratory
85198 Institute of Experimental Mineralogy laboratory 142432 Chernogolovka