Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

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175838 Biology Department laboratory Ottawa
428164 Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics laboratory
149045 Center for Catalysis Research and Innovation laboratory Department of Chemistry 10 Marie Curie Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
75072 Centre de Recherche en Comptabilité CRG laboratory CGA-Accounting Research Centre School of Management University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
129954 Centre de Recherche en Comptabilité CGA laboratory CGA-Accounting Research Centre School of Management University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
60466 Centre for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics laboratory Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
536559 Centre for Global Health [Ottawa] regrouplaboratory
225896 Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment laboratory Ottawa
419136 Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l’est de l’Ontario CHEO laboratory
95312 Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales CEPC laboratory Plaza de la Marina Española, 9 Madrid
218897 Chemistry Department laboratory 10 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 Canada
82188 Chemistry Department, University of Ottawa laboratory D'Iorio Hall, 10 rue Marie Curie Ottawa, ON, K1NN
6233 Computer Science, SITE laboratory
41971 Departement of Pediatrics laboratory
128168 Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology laboratory Ottawa K1Y4W7
240874 Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology laboratory Ottawa, ON
262444 Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, and Emerging Pathogens Research Centre laboratory Ottawa
45855 Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology laboratory
243689 Department of Biology laboratory ON K1N 6N5
549766 Department of Biology laboratory
1071571 Department of Biology [Ottawa, Canada] laboratory University of Ottawa, 30 Marie-Curie Private, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON,K1N 6N5, Canada
569566 Department of Biology [Ottawa, ON, Canada] regrouplaboratory
153078 Department of Biology, Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics laboratory Ottawa
1055256 Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, 10 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5 laboratory Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, 10 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5
416859 Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine laboratory
59764 Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine laboratory Ottawa, Ontario
414973 Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine laboratory
482218 Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine laboratory
151807 Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine & Neuroscience Program laboratory 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, K1H 8M5 Canada
56889 Department of Chemical Engineering laboratory University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont., K1N 6N5
234026 Department of Chemistry laboratory Ottawa, ON, Canada
215790 Department of Chemistry laboratory 10 Marie-Curie, Ottawa, Canada K1N6N5
498202 Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences laboratory
13628 Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa, 10 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5 laboratory Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa, 10 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIN 6N5
240161 Department of Civil Engineering University of Ottawa laboratory University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N6N5, Canada
1077682 Department of Civil Engineering laboratory University of Ottawa, 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N6N5, Canada
406893 Department of Economics department University of Ottawa,Ottawa, ON, K1N6N5
59756 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine laboratory Faculty of Medicine, Ottawa, Ontario
41972 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine laboratory
242091 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine OTTAWA - Epidemio laboratory Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
18232 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine laboratory Faculty of Medicine, 451 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8M5,
418654 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine laboratory
526086 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine laboratory University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
502119 Department of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine laboratory
110501 Department of Linguistics laboratory
210701 Department of Mathematics and Statistics [Ottawa] laboratory 585 King Edward, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
123686 Department of Mechanical Engineering laboratory Ottawa
261653 Department of Medecine OTTAWA - Dpt Med laboratory Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
451293 Department of Medecine Dep Med - OTTAWA laboratory Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
87141 Department of Medicine laboratory