Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
455951 Department of Nursing and Midwifery department
58224 CTVR/Stokes Institute, Engineering Research Building laboratory
129807 Centre for Next Generation Localisation CNGL laboratory Dublin City University Dublin 9
439333 Centre for Physical Activity and Health Research laboratory
115851 Colleges of Arts, Humanities & Social Studies laboratory
571674 Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences [Limerick, Ireland] laboratory Limerick
482520 Department of Life Sciences laboratory
167450 Department of Mathematics and Statistics laboratory
210553 Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering laboratory
124101 Department of Mfg and Ops Engineering laboratory Limerick
455952 Department of Psychology laboratory
208198 Dept. of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering laboratory
160659 Enterprise Research Centre laboratory N/A;Limerick
160660 Enterprise Research Centre laboratory Limerick
179371 Enterprise Research Centre laboratory Limerick
1041213 Health Research Institute HRI laboratory V94 T9PX Limerick
174592 Industrial Biochemistry Program, Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences laboratory Limerick
48868 Interaction Design Centre laboratory
263844 Interaction Design Centre, Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems laboratory Limerick
160661 Manufacturing and Operation Department laboratory Limerick
263137 Materials and Surface Science Institute laboratory
174593 Materials and Surface Sciences Institute laboratory Limerick
569984 School of Engineering [Limerick, Ireland] Bernal Institute laboratory
183248 School of Law laboratory Limerick
176480 School of languages, litterature, culture and communication laboratory Limerick
51443 Stoke Institute laboratory
174135 The Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences laboratory Limerick
536527 Bernal Institute [Limerick, Ireland] regrouplaboratory
536526 Department of Biological Sciences [Limerick, Ireland] regrouplaboratory
1052773 Faculty of Science and Engineering regrouplaboratory
405477 Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering researchteam
1146284 KA220-HED-1CB10F32 TRIP (Training and Realising Innovations in Internationalisation at Home Pedagogies) TRIP researchteam
405476 Research Centre for Education and Professional Practice researchteam