Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
573949 Research Cluster Translational Cancer Therapy Research [Vienna, Austria] regrouplaboratory
561659 Research Group Knowledge Engineering [Vienna] KE department University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna
522839 Research Group Workflow Systems and Technology researchteam
35789 Research institute for molecular pathology laboratory Vienna
426382 Structural Processes Group Vienna laboratory
512784 Vegetation & Landscape Ecology laboratory
1081421 Vienna Institute for Archaeological Sciences VIAS laboratory Vienne
55466 Wolfgang Pauli Institute WPI laboratory Wolfgang Pauli Institute c/o Fak. f. Math. Univ. Wien Nordbergstr. 15 A 1090 Wien
231426 Zentrum fur Umweltmanagement und Entscheidungstheorie CEMDS laboratory Wien
494698 institut für Theoretische Chemie, Universität Wien laboratory