Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
133276 Institute of Modelling and Sumulation in Mechanics and Materials laboratory Cardiff School of Engineering Cardiff University Queen's Buildings The Parade CARDIFF CF24 3AA Wales, UK.
177273 Learning & Development School of Psychology laboratory
177663 Logistics and Operations Management laboratory Cardiff
498071 MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics [Cardiff, UK] laboratory Cardiff CF24 4HQ.
264221 Manufacturing Engineering Centre laboratory Cardiff
114465 Medical Biochemistry & Immunology laboratory
137288 Medical Genetics laboratory CF14 4XN;Cardiff
167442 Medical Genetics laboratory CF14 4XN;Cardiff
172701 Medicinal Chemistry, Welsh School of Pharmacy laboratory King Edward VII Avenue;CF10 3NB;Cardiff
571865 Neuroscience Division [Cardiff, UK] School of Bioscience regrouplaboratory
571869 Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute [Cardiff, UK] School of Medicine regrouplaboratory
146594 North Wales Department of Psychological Medicine laboratory
166511 Obstetrics and Gynaecology laboratory
138264 Pallitive Care laboratory Cardiff
138063 Primary Care and Public Health laboratory Cardiff
17224 Research laboratory laboratory PO Box 911, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3US
121424 SKOPE laboratory
519062 School Bioscience, Division Molecular Bioscience laboratory
12229 School of City and Regional Planning SCRP laboratory School of City and Regional Planning Cardiff University Cardiff CF10 3WA, UK.
126947 School of City and Regional Planning laboratory Cardiff
155257 School of City and Regional Planning laboratory CF10 3WA;Cardiff
575381 School of Optometry and Vision Sciences [Cardiff, UK] regrouplaboratory
263093 School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences laboratory
577100 School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences [Cardiff, UK] regrouplaboratory
570460 Sustainable Pl. laboratory
535453 Systems Immunity Research Institute [Cardiff, UK] regrouplaboratory
113876 Tenovus Centre for Cancer Research laboratory Redwood Building, , King Edward VII Avenue;CF10 3XF;Cardiff
264220 The Manufacturing Engineering Centre laboratory Cardiff
109940 The accounting and business history research group laboratory
91739 Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory School of Psychology
114453 Welsh School of Pharmacy laboratory
113818 Welsh School of Pharmacy laboratory Cardiff
141951 Welsh School of Pharmacy laboratory Redwood Building, Kind Edward VII Avenue;CF10 3NB;Cathays Park, Cardiff
250245 Welsh School of Pharmacy laboratory