Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
21592 Computer Multimedia Division laboratory
425905 Department of Applied Mathematics department Pukyong National UniversityBusan 608-737Korea
264738 Department of Computer Science laboratory Busan
188217 Department of Energy Resources Engineering laboratory Busan, South Korea
179407 Department of Environmentam Geoscienc laboratory Pusan 60873
264740 Department of IT Convergence and Application Engineering laboratory
264739 Department of Information Security laboratory
406907 Department of Materials System Engineering laboratory Engineering Building 7, 365, Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu Busan 608-739
562631 Department of Materials System Engineering department 48547 Busan
562633 Department of Metallurgical Engineering department 48547 Busan
21595 Electronics and Telecommunication division laboratory
121460 Pukyong National University laboratory Pukyong National Univ., 608-737 Busan, Korea.