Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
256355 Bioinformatics Institute laboratory Blacksburg
572277 Center for International Research, Education and Development laboratory
1077883 Center for Power Electronics Systems CPES laboratory Blacksburg
458107 Center for Power Electronics Systems - CPES (Blacksburg, USA) laboratory
572278 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Blacksburg laboratory
118715 Department Engineering Sciences and Mechanics laboratory
97056 Department of Biology laboratory VA 24061
215277 Department of Biomedical Science and Pathobiology Center for Molecular Medecine and Infections Diseases laboratory Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
197382 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology laboratory Duck Pond Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24061
61427 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering laboratory
504623 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering laboratory -
61465 Department of Computer Science laboratory
64673 Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences laboratory
119512 Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics laboratory
119272 Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics laboratory
119293 Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics laboratory
477025 Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation laboratory 310 West Campus DriveBlacksburgVirginia 24061
151913 Department of Physics laboratory Blacsburg Virginia
24317 Department of economics laboratory
257881 Dept Biochem laboratory Blacksburg
66805 Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering laboratory
1065388 Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering laboratory
233127 Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute laboratory Blacksburg, VA 24061
1007373 Mind Music Machine Lab, Virginia Tech laboratory Blacksburg, VA
118093 R.B. Pamplin College of Business laboratory
560867 School of Plant and Envionmental Sciences laboratory Blacksburg, VA, United States
572273 School of Plant and Environmental Sciences laboratory
1078278 School of Plant and Environmental Sciences laboratory Blacksburg, VA,
1042283 School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, laboratory
1008115 School of Plantan and Environmental Sciences laboratory Blacksburg,VA,
256375 Virginia Bioinformatics Institute laboratory Blacksburg