Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
197057 Business Administration laboratory Istanbul
507106 Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine regrouplaboratory Istanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi34098 Cerrahpaşa-Fatih/İstanbul
523736 Departement of Genetics [University of Istanbul] laboratory Vakıf Gureba Caddesi Şehremini 34393, Istanbul
1041556 Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences [Istanbul] laboratory Faculty of Science, İstanbul University, 34116, İstanbul
178176 Department of Electrical and Electronics Eng laboratory
453281 Department of Genetics laboratory
230701 Department of Geological Engineering laboratory
198471 Department of Medical Genetics laboratory Istanbul
155194 Department of Neurology laboratory Istanbul
138243 Department of Neurology, Behavioural Neurology and Movement Disorders Unit, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine laboratory Istanbul
547243 Department of Pediatric Genetics [Istanbul, Turkey] Cerrahpasa Medicine School regrouplaboratory 34290 Istanbul.
119383 Department of Pediatrics laboratory Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
190687 Department of Pharmacology [Istanbul] IUFP laboratory
58643 Department of Physics laboratory
431100 Dept. of Forest Biology and Wood Protection Technol., Faculty of Forestry laboratory
124622 Dept. of Physics laboratory Vezneciler-Istanbul
226712 Division of Child Neurology laboratory Department of Neurology - 34303 Cerrahpaşa-İstanbul
495166 Faculty of Political Sciences [Istanbul] laboratory 2017-05-17
260067 Faculty of fisheries laboratory Laleli-Istanbul
154971 Istambul University laboratory Fisheries Faculty ordu cad. No 200 34470 Laleli Istambul
178592 Istanbul Aydin University laboratory
1053067 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine regrouplaboratory