Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
169334 Julius Centre laboratory Utrecht
169335 Julius Centre laboratory 3584 CX;Utrecht
172965 Julius Centre for Health Sciences & Primary Care laboratory Utrecht
165595 Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Utrecht
207341 Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Utrecht University, PO Box 85500, 3508, GA, Utrecht
160488 Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Utrecht
55413 Laboratory for Thrombosis and Haemostasis laboratory Dpt of Clinical Chemistry and Haematology Heidelberglaan 100 3584 CX Utrecht
476197 Laboratory of Translational Immunology [Utrecht, the Netherlands] laboratory Heidelberglaan 100 - 3584 CX Utrecht
163865 Medical Genetics laboratory Utrecht
157689 Medical Microbiology laboratory 3584 CX ;Utrecht
235837 Medical Practice laboratory Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht
114542 Metabolic and Endocrine diseases laboratory
182468 Molecular Cancer Research laboratory P.O. Box 85060, 3508 AB Utrecht,
227268 Nephrology and Hypertension laboratory Utrecht
145431 Neurology laboratory Utrecht
125291 Nursing Science laboratory Utrecht
158098 Pathology laboratory 3584 CX;Utrecht
158099 Pathology laboratory Utrecht
161613 Pathology laboratory
160486 Pediatric Critical Care laboratory 3508 GA ;Utrecht
160492 Pediatric Critical Care laboratory Utrecht
160487 Pediatric Infectious Diseases laboratory Utrecht
131620 Pediatric Pulmonology laboratory 3584 EA;Utrecht
158356 Pediatric Pulmonology laboratory Utrecht
158341 Pediatric Respiratory Medicine laboratory Utrecht
139993 The Department of Histopathology laboratory
139992 The Department of Medical Genetics laboratory
170236 The Department of Radiology laboratory Heidelberglaan 100;3584 CX;Utrecht
139994 The Department of Surgery laboratory
122882 UMC Utrecht laboratory
111897 UMC Utrecht, Ophthalmology laboratory
160490 Virology laboratory Utrecht
171603 Virology and Microbiology laboratory Utrecht