Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
501328 6Center for Biomedical Imaging and Center for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Research laboratory
401533 ACIT,CIBM-Siemens Lausanne researchteam
528763 Anthropologie laboratory
222405 Applied and Environmental Geophysics Group CRET laboratory Quartier UNIL-Moulin Bâtiment Géopolis 1015 Lausanne
222406 Applied and Environmental Geophysics Group laboratory 1015 Lausanne
247439 BFSH1 laboratory
1144300 BioInformatics Competence Center [Lausanne] laboratory
547727 Biogeoscience Laboratory laboratory
176963 Center for Integrated Genomics laboratory University of Lausanne, Genopole building CH-1015 Lausanne
487960 Center for Investigation and Research in Sleep [Lausanne, Switzerland] department 1015 Lausanne.
1201544 Center for Primary Care and Public Health department
19852 Center for Research on Intracellular Bacteria laboratory Lausanne
1168587 Center of Theatre Studies laboratory
481774 Centre Cantonal de l’Autisme laboratory
516623 Centre Intégratif de Génomique laboratory
231044 Centre Leenaards de la Mémoire laboratory Lausanne
55701 Centre Walras-Pareto laboratory
127991 Centre d'études interdisciplinaires Walras-Pareto laboratory Lausanne
204263 Centre d'études interdisciplinaires Walras-Pareto CWP laboratory Université de Lausanne Internef - Dorigny 1015 Lausanne
209319 Centre de recherche en l'environnement terrestre laboratory Université de Lausanne
1156737 Centre d’histoire internationale et d’études politiques de la mondialisation CRHIM laboratory
1146051 Centre en Etudes Genre CEG laboratory Université de Lausanne
247137 Centre en Etudes Genre CEG laboratory Université de Lausanne
408754 Centre en études genre Liège CEG laboratory
35604 Centre romand en logique, histoire et philosophie des sciences (Western Swiss Center for Logic, History and Philosophy of Sciences) laboratory Immeuble HELSANA, Ch . de la Colline 12, CH-1015 Lausanne
39330 Computer Science Institute laboratory
511176 Ctr Integrat Genom laboratory
515023 DEE Département d'Ecologie et Evolution laboratory
21280 Departement d' Ecologie et Evolution laboratory Université de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland
447852 Departement de Biologie Moléculaire Végétale laboratory
172303 Departement de Pharmacologie & Toxicologie laboratory
229635 Department of Biochemistry laboratory Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Chemin des Boveresses 155, 1066 Epalinges s/Lausanne, Switzerland.
95852 Department of Biochemistry laboratory 1066 Epalinges
439008 Department of Biochemistry laboratory
238001 Department of Biochemistry WHO-IRTC laboratory Ch. des Boveresses 155, 1066 Epalinges
238016 Department of Biochemistry WHO-IRTC laboratory Epalinges
171450 Department of Biochemistry laboratory University of Lausanne Ch. des Boveresses 155 Epalinges
156632 Department of Biochemistry laboratory CH1066 Epalinges
21294 Department of Cell Biology and Morphology laboratory Rue Bugnon 9 CH - 1005 Lausanne
19718 Department of Cell Biology and Morphology laboratory
194181 Department of Cellular Biology and Morphology laboratory
1006603 Department of Computational Biology department University of Lausanne, Switzerland
93314 Department of Dermatology laboratory Neurodermatology Research, CHUV, Lausanne
501639 Department of Diagnostic Radiology department
425258 Department of Ecology & Evolution laboratory
540867 Department of Ecology and Evolution laboratory
481986 Department of Ecology and Evolution laboratory
133536 Department of Ecology and Evolution laboratory CH-1015 Lausanne
91510 Department of Ecology and Evolution laboratory
1093360 Department of Ecology and Evolution researchteam