Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
13964 Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 0885-6222 Wiley
13461 Free Radical Biology and Medicine 0891-5849 Elsevier
13462 Free Radical Research 1071-5762 Taylor & Francis
13463 French History 0269-1191 Oxford University Press (OUP)
13464 French Politics 1476-3419 Palgrave Macmillan
13465 French Studies Bulletin 0262-2750 Oxford University Press (OUP)
13466 Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry 0937-0633 Springer Verlag
13467 Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie 0016-1152 Springer-Verlag
13468 Freshwater Invertebrate Biology 0738-2189 JSTOR
13469 Frontiers in Bioscience 1093-9946 Frontiers in Bioscience
13470 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry 1567-2042 Bentham Science Publishers
13471 Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry 1574-0897 Bentham Science
13472 Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 0091-3022 Elsevier
13473 Frontiers of Biology in China 1673-3509 Springer Verlag
13474 Frontiers of Chemistry in China 1673-3495 Springer Verlag
13475 Frontiers of Economics in China 1673-3444 Brill Academic Publishers
13476 Frontiers of Education in China 1673-341X Springer Verlag
13477 Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 1673-3460 Springer Verlag
13478 Frontiers of Forestry in China 1673-3517 Springer Verlag
13479 Frontiers of History in China 1673-3401 Brill Academic Publishers
13480 Frontiers of Law in China 1673-3428 Springer Verlag
13481 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1673-3452 Springer Verlag
13482 Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China 1673-3479 Springer Verlag
13483 Frontiers of Medical and Biological Engineering 0921-3775 Brill Academic Publishers
13484 Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1673-3436 Brill Academic Publishers
13485 Frontiers of Physical in China 1673-3508 Higher Education Electronic & Audio-Video Press, The
13486 Frontiers of Physics in China 1673-3487 Springer Verlag
13487 Fruits 0248-1294 EDP Sciences/CIRAD
13488 Fuel 0016-2361 Elsevier
13489 Fuel and Energy Abstracts 0140-6701 Elsevier
13490 Fuel Cells 1615-6846 Wiley-VCH Verlag
13491 Fuel Cells Bulletin 1464-2859 Elsevier
13492 Fuel Processing Technology 0378-3820 Elsevier
13493 Fullerene Science and Technology 1064-122X Informa UK (Marcel Dekker)
13494 Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 1536-383X Taylor & Francis
13495 Functional and Integrative Genomics 1438-793X Springer Verlag
13496 Functional Analysis and Its Applications 0016-2663 Springer Verlag
13497 Functional Ecology 0269-8463 Wiley
13498 Functional Plant Biology 1445-4408 CSIRO Publishing
13499 Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 0767-3981 Wiley
13500 Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology 0272-0590 Elsevier - Academic Press;Elsevier
13501 Fungal Genetics and Biology 1087-1845 Elsevier
13502 Funkcialaj ekvacioj.Serio internacia 0532-8721 Japana Matematika Societo
13503 Fusion Engineering and Design 0920-3796 Elsevier
13504 Fuß and Sprunggelenk 1619-9987 Elsevier
13505 Future Cardiology 1479-6678 Future Medicine
13506 Future Generation Computer Systems 0167-739X Elsevier
13507 Future Lipidology 1746-0875 Future Medicine
13508 Future Microbiology 1746-0913 Future Medicine
13509 Future Oncology 1479-6694 Future Medicine
13510 Future Rheumatology 1746-0816 Future Medicine
13511 Future Virology 1746-0794 Future Medicine
13512 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1568-4539 Springer Verlag
13513 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0165-0114 Elsevier
13514 Infant and Child Development 1522-7227 Wiley
13515 International Journal of Family Therapy 0148-8384 Springer-Verlag
13516 International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 1064-2277 Begell House
13517 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 0129-0541 World Scientific Publishing
13518 International Journal of Fracture 0376-9429 Springer Verlag
13519 International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 0020-7268 Springer-Verlag
13520 International Law FORUM du droit international 1388-9036 Brill Academic Publishers
13521 Journal of Family Psychotherapy 0897-5353 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13522 Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1361-2026 Emerald
13523 Journal of Financial Crime 1359-0790 Emerald
13524 Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 1358-1988 Emerald
13525 Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 0022-1139 Elsevier
13526 Journal of Food Biochemistry 0145-8884 Wiley
13527 Journal of Food Process Engineering 0145-8876 Wiley
13528 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 0145-8892 Wiley
13529 Journal of Food Quality 0146-9428 Wiley
13530 Journal of Food Safety 0149-6085 Wiley
13531 Journal of Foodservice Business Research 1537-8020 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13532 Journal of Forecasting 0277-6693 Wiley
13533 Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 1522-8932 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13534 Journal of Forest Economics 1104-6899 Elsevier
13535 Journal of Muscle Foods 1046-0756 Wiley
13536 Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology 0914-9244 Technical Assoc of Photopolymers Japan
13537 Journal of Sensory Studies 0887-8250 Wiley
13538 Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics 0300-9238 Royal Society of Chemistry
13539 Funtai Oyobi Funmatsu Yakin == 0532-8799 Japanese Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
13540 Jsme International Journal Series B 1340-8054 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
13541 Luminescence 1522-7235 Wiley
13542 Médecine et Chirurgie du Pied 0759-2280 Springer Verlag
13543 Frontiers in health policy research / National Bureau of Economic Research 1096-231X MIT Press
13544 New Review of Film and Television Studies 1740-0309 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13546 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 1538-6341 Guttmacher Institute
13547 Reviews in Fisheries Science 1064-1262 Taylor & Francis
13548 Russian Physics Journal 1064-8887 Springer Verlag
13549 Soviet Physics Journal 0038-5697 Springer-Verlag
13550 Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1069-5869 Springer Verlag
13551 Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung A 1431-4630 Springer Verlag
13552 Geotechnique 0016-8505 Thomas Telford
13553 Geometric And Functional Analysis 1016-443X Springer Verlag
13554 Gait & Posture 0966-6362 Elsevier
13555 Games and Culture 1555-4120 SAGE Publications
13557 Gamete research 0148-7280 John Wiley & Sons
13558 Gaming Law Review 1092-1885 Mary Ann Liebert
13559 Garden History 0307-1243 Maney Publishing
13560 Gas Separation & Purification 0950-4214 Elsevier
13561 Gastroenterología y Hepatología 0210-5705 Elsevier España
13562 Gastroenterologie up2date 1616-9670 Georg Thieme Verlag
13564 Gastroenterology Clinics of North America 0889-8553 WB Saunders
13565 Gastroenterology Nursing 1042-895X Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
13566 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 0016-5107 Elsevier
13567 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America 1052-5157 WB Saunders
13568 Gastrointestinal Oncology 1475-956X Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
13569 Gastrointestinal radiology 0364-2356 Springer-Verlag
13570 Gazette -Leiden then Deventer then Dordrecht then London 0016-5492 Kluwer
13571 Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 0016-5751 Thieme Publishing
13572 Gefässchirurgie 0948-7034 Springer Verlag
13573 Gender and Development 1355-2074 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13574 Gender and Education 0954-0253 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13575 Gender Medicine 1550-8579 Elsevier
13576 Gender, Place and Culture 0966-369X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13577 Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 SAGE Publications
13578 Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673 Wiley
13579 Gene analysis techniques 0735-0651 Elsevier
13580 Gene Function and Disease 1438-7506 Wiley-VCH Verlag
13581 Gene Therapy 0969-7128 Nature Publishing Group
13582 Gene Therapy and Regulation 1388-9532 Brill Academic Publishers
13584 General Anthropology 1537-1727 American Anthropological Association
13585 General Hospital Psychiatry 0163-8343 Elsevier
13586 General Pharmacology 0306-3623 Elsevier
13587 General Relativity and Gravitation 0001-7701 Springer Verlag
13588 General Topology and its Applications 0016-660X Elsevier
13589 Genes and Environment 1880-7046 Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society, The
13590 Genes, Brain and Behavior 1601-1848 Wiley
13591 Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 1045-2257 Wiley
13592 Genes to Cells 1356-9597 Wiley
13593 GeneScreen 1466-920X Wiley
13595 Genetic Analysis 1050-3862 Elsevier
13596 Genetic Epidemiology 0741-0395 Wiley
13597 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 1389-2576 Springer Verlag
13598 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 0925-9864 Springer Verlag
13599 Genetic Testing 1090-6576 Mary Ann Liebert
13600 Genetica 0016-6707 Springer Verlag
13602 Genetics Selection Evolution 0999-193X BioMed Central
13603 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 1018-5895 Palgrave Macmillan
13605 Genome letters 1537-3053 American Scientific Publishers
13606 Genomic Medicine 1871-7934 Springer Verlag
13608 Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 1672-0229 Elsevier
13609 Geo-Marine Letters 0276-0460 Springer Verlag
13610 Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 0883-6353 Wiley
13611 Geobiology 1472-4677 Wiley
13612 Geobios 0016-6995 Elsevier
13613 Geochemical Journal -Japan 0016-7002 The Geochemical Society of Japan
13616 Geochemistry International / Geokhimiya 0016-7029 Springer
13617 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 0016-7037 Elsevier
13618 Geoderma 0016-7061 Elsevier
13619 Geodinamica Acta 0985-3111 Taylor & Francis
13620 Geoexploration 0016-7142 Elsevier
13621 Pure and Applied Geophysics 0033-4553 Springer Verlag
13622 Geofluids 1468-8115 Wiley
13623 Geoforum 0016-7185 Elsevier
13624 Geografiska Annaler 1651-3215 JSTOR
13625 Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 0435-3676 Wiley
13626 Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 0435-3684 Wiley
13627 Geographical Analysis 0016-7363 Wiley
13628 International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 0269-3798 Taylor & Francis
13629 Geographical Research 1745-5863 Wiley
13631 Geography Compass 1749-8198 Wiley
13633 GeoJournal 0343-2521 Springer Verlag
13634 Geological Journal 0072-1050 Wiley
13635 Geologie en Mijnbouw 0016-7746 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
13636 Geologische Rundschau 0016-7835 Springer Verlag
13637 Geology of Ore Deposits 1075-7015 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
13638 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 0016-7932 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
13639 Geometriae Dedicata 0046-5755 Springer Verlag
13640 Geometry and Topology 1465-3060 Mathematical Sciences Publishers
13641 Geomicrobiology Journal 0149-0451 Taylor & Francis
13643 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 0309-1929 Taylor & Francis
13644 Geophysical Journal International 0956-540X Oxford University Press (OUP)
13645 Geophysical Prospecting 0016-8025 Wiley
13646 Geophysical Research Letters 0094-8276 American Geophysical Union
13648 Leading Edge 1070-485X Society of Exploration Geophysicists
13649 Geopolitics 1465-0045 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13650 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1072-947X Springer Verlag
13651 Geosynthetics International 1072-6349 Thomas Telford
13652 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 0960-3182 Springer Verlag
13653 Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 1353-2618 Thomas Telford
13654 Geotectonics 0016-8521 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
13655 Geotextiles and Geomembranes 0266-1144 Elsevier
13656 Geothermics 0375-6505 Elsevier
13657 Geriatric Nephrology and Urology 0924-8455 Springer Verlag
13658 Geriatric Nursing 0197-4572 Elsevier
13659 Geriatrics and Gerontology International 1444-1586 Wiley
13660 German Economic Review 1465-6485 Wiley
13661 German History 0266-3554 Oxford University Press (OUP)
13662 German Life and Letters 0016-8777 Wiley
13966 Human Reproduction Update 1355-4786 Oxford University Press (OUP)
13967 Human Resource Development International 1367-8868 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13968 Human Resource Development Review 1534-4843 SAGE Publications
13969 Journal of Heuristics 1381-1231 Springer Verlag
13970 Hrc -Heidelberg 0935-6304 John Wiley & Sons
13971 Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 1538-1927 SAGE Publications
13972 Journal of Historical Sociology 0952-1909 Wiley
13973 Journal of Housing Economics 1051-1377 Elsevier
13974 Journal of Human Hypertension 0950-9240 Nature Publishing Group
13975 Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 0952-3871 Wiley
13976 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 0219-8916 World Scientific Publishing