Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
176584 Sains Humanika
176585 journal of shipping and trade
176586 Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics
176587 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
176588 Digital and Social Media Marketing
176590 Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion
176592 Journal of Consumer Culture
176593 Tourism Management Perspectives
176594 Marketing Theory
176595 Journal of the Association of Consumer Research
176597 Journal of Service Management Research
176598 Computers in Industry
176599 Group and Organization Management
176600 Research Policy
176601 International Journal of Logistics Management
176602 Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
176603 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
176604 Journal of Organizational Change Management
176608 The Guardian newspaper
176612 International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Collective Volume of Scientific Papers
176613 Journal of Stomatology 0011-4553
176618 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
176619 Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2581-8430
176626 SOLEIL Highlights 2020 synchrotron SOLEIL
176627 The European Physical Journal Special Topics 1951-6401
176628 Diabetes Epidemiology and Management Elsevier
176629 Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian 2085-0840
176631 France3-regions Nouvelle-Aquitaine
176632 Strate(s) : photos+graphies de l'aventure spatiale 2803-4627 Observatoire de l'espace / Centre national d'études spatiales
176633 Journal of Cell Signaling 2576-1471
176634 IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 2398-3396 Wiley
176635 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House
176639 Theorie and decision
176640 Brèves Mésopotamiennes 2551-9859 Pour la Science
176641 TheMA: Theatre Music Arts 2307-440X
176642 Journal of Oriental Studies 1829-4340
176643 La Bouinotte, le magazine du Berry 0754-233X La Bouinotte
176644 Transition La Flamme 1162-2768 Fédération française de crémation
176645 Perspectivas : Journal of Political Science 1646-2157 School of Economics and Management University of Minho
176646 Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfert of Knowledge 2445-2378 UCO Press Editorial Universidad de Córdoba
176647 The Buckingham Journal of Education
176648 Revues et Méthodes sur le Management et le Commerce International 1737-9934 Proceedings of Engineering & Technology
176649 International Economy and Globalization Journal 2602-7860 Université Ziane Achour - Djelfa
176650 Kréolistika
176652 Frontiers in Control Engineering 2673-6268 Frontiers Media
176653 Journal of Modern Transportation 2095-087X
176656 Journal of the British Astronomical Association British Astronomical Association
176657 ISSI Scientific Reports Series Springer
176658 Europe comparée 1762-8873
176380 Administration and Society
176381 Journal of Enterprise Information Management
176383 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
176384 International Journal of Bank Marketing
176386 World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research
176388 Current Opinion in Food Science
176390 Journal of MacroMarketing
176391 Worlwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
176392 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
176393 Human Systems Management
176394 Projectics
176395 British Food Journal
176396 Information Management and Business Review
176398 Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition)
176399 Journal of Relationship Marketing
176400 Cornell Hospitality Quaterly
176402 Health Policy
176403 Finance Research Letters
176404 Omega - The International Journal of Management Science
176406 International Journal of Digital Media & Interaction 2184-3120 DigiMedia - Digital Media and Interaction Research Center
176407 Problems of Post-Communism 1557-783X
176408 Teoria politica 0394-1248
176409 Volume ! 2117-4148
176410 Rivista di politica economica 0035-6468
176412 Marine Biology Research
176416 OLDI (Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia) 0125-9830 Research Center for Oceanography and Research Center for Limnology
176420 Trayectorias 1405-8928
176422 Journal of Accounting Research 1475-679X
176423 ISIM Review 1871-4374
176424 Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2582-0230
176425 Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 1864-4031
176426 Perspectives on European Politics and Society 1570-5854
176427 Agora 0044-6726
176428 Politica & Sociedade 2175-7984
176429 Materials Proceedings 2673-4605 MDPI
176430 Dialoghi internazionali. Città nel mondo 1971-5595
176432 Controverses 1779-2355
176433 Statistiques et études financières 0015-9654
176435 INAMO 0946-0721
176436 European Journal of Midwifery 2585-2906
176438 Economic Bulletin for Europe 0041-638X
176439 Este país 0188-5405
176440 Economic Policy 1468-0327
176442 Magazine, So foot 1765-9086
176443 La voix des Sports 0752-2517
176444 International Journal of Technology Management 1741-5276
176446 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW)
176447 Beiträge zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung in Norddeutschland
176448 Paris projet 0294-8362
176449 L'Entraînant : le journal de l'UNECATEF 2104-2365 Union nationale des entraîneurs et cadres techniques du football
176450 Archives
176451 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics 0043-2636
176452 Journal of Philosophical Economics Editura ASE Bucuresti
176453 Intervention Journal of Economics / Intervention: Zeitschrift fur Okonomie 1613-0960
176454 Germano-Fil: Accéder à la documentation et aux ressources scientifiques sur l'Allemagne
176455 State and Local Government Budget Law (online) 2353-7086 Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland)
176456 International Journal of Bullying Prevention 2523-3653
176457 Indian Journal of Applied Economics 0971-8281
176458 Mondes 2105-6153
176459 College of Europe Studies 1780-9665
176460 El convenio arbitral
176461 Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 0018-280X
176462 East Central Europe 0094-3037
176463 31e édition de la Fête de la science, Insa de Strasbourg, France
176466 Review of Economics and Finance REFPRESS
176467 Südosteuropa, Journal of Politics and Society 2364-933X De Gruyter
176468 The Progressive Post 2506-7672
176469 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 1312-7586
176470 International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy 2687-2293 Bussecon International Academy
176471 NAQD, vol. 26-27, no. 1-2, 2009, pp. 235-245
176472 Stosunki Międzynarodowe 0209-0961
176473 Physique énergétique
176474 Politics and Society 1812-8696
176475 International Journal of Contemporary Applied Research 2308-1365
176476 Ming Qing yan jiu 1724-8574
176477 Prisma Social 1989-3469 Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada
176478 History and Politics Academic Journal
176481 professional review Marketing strategy
176482 Studies in Communication
176483 Travaux et document d’ESO CNRS
176484 Travaux et documents d'ESO CNRS
176485 Revue du CILAC
176488 via
176490 Revue Marketing Territorial IRIHS - Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Homme Société, NIMEC - laboratoire de recherche de l'université de Rouen en sciences de gestion
176491 AIMS Agriculture and Food 2471-2086
176493 Journal of Machine Learning for Modeling and Computing 2689-3967 Begell House
176495 The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1097-685X
176497 Revue Milieu(x) 2291-806X Éditions Habiter
176498 Journal des libertés
176502 J.Chem.Phys
176503 日本知財学会誌 [Nihon chizai gakkaish] / Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan [Revue de l'Association japonaise de la propriété intellectuelle] 1349-421X 日本知財学会 / Intellectual Property Association of Japan (Tokyo, Japon) [2004-....]
176173 Haykakan Banak 1829-0108
176174 Bolletino Storico Pisano 0391-1780 Pacini Editore
176175 Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics 1913-8059 North American Business Press
176176 Les sociétés méditerranéennes antiques et les mondes de l’océan Indien 2553-9876 MeDIan : les sociétés méditerranéennes et l’océan Indien [Carnet de recherches] [2010-2013]
176177 Saitabi: revista de la Facultat de Geografia i Història 0210-9980 Universitat de València: Facultat de Geografía e Història
176179 Logical Methods in Computer Science
176180 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
176182 Bulletin of the EATCS
176198 Fisheries Oceanography
176219 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
176223 Aquatic Toxicology
176227 Ocean and Coastal Research 2675-2824 Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo
176233 OperaViva 2531-4866 OperaViva Magazine
176234 Para-doxa 1079-8072
176245 La lettre de la cour administrative d'appel de Douai et des tribunaux administratifs d'Amiens, Lille et Rouen 1969-4075
176253 OER Osteuropa Recht 0030-6444
176264 Journal of Economic Development 0254-8372 Sung Y. Park
176265 Academy of Marketing Science Review (AMS Review)
176266 Cahiers du centre de recherches pour la promotion de la sante (Crps) Prof. Dr Patrick Milabio
176267 Оптика и спектроскопия 0030-4034
176268 Cahiers du CERUKI Nouvelle serie 2412-5873 Prof. Theo MUHASANYA BIL'UMBELE
176269 lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 1307-9298
176271 Les Cahiers de la Nuit de la Philosophie
176272 Agenda Cultural Alma Mater Universidad de Antioquia, Colombie
176273 Revue Monde arabe - Maghreb - Machrek 1241-5294 La documentation française
176277 Open Journal of Astrophysics 2565-6120 Maynooth University
176278 Ieee Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
176280 Dialogue Studies 1875-1792 John Benjamins
176281 Entre-Temps
176288 KLI Magazine 1599-8355
176289 - La revue géopolitique
176292 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
176294 Soil Ecology Letters 2662-2289 Springer
176295 Australian Journal of Politics & History 1467-8497
176296 AAWM Music and Nature 2771-4497 International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics
176297 Current Research in Behavioral Sciences 2666-5182 Elsevier
176298 Cadernos Cemarx 2318-065X Universidade Estadual de Campinas
176302 Crime Science 2193-7680 BMC
176304 Molbank
176305 Brèves de l'Iramis
176306 Atomization and Sprays 1044-5110
176307 International Journal of Heat and Technology (IJHT)
176312 Applied and Computational Mathematics 2328-5605
176313 Sociologie économique. Carnet du RT12 de l'Association Française de Sociologie
176314 Le nouvel
176315 Libé
176316 L'Équipe
176318 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 1939-8654 Elsevier
176319 Journal of Historical Sociology 1467-6443
176320 Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization Centre Mersenne
176321 Flamme. Fédérer Langues, Altérités, Marginalités, Médias, Ethique 2802-7329 Université de Limoges
176322 EcoMat 2567-3173 John Wiley & Sons Inc. Wiley Beijing Office
176323 The Times Literary Supplement
176324 Food Quality and Preference
176325 International Marketing Review
176326 Journal of Marketing Management
176327 Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism
176328 Politiques et Management Public
176329 International Journal of Information Management
176330 Journal of Services Marketing