Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2933 American Review of International Arbitration 1050-4109 Juris Publishing, Inc
7695 Parker School Journal of East European Law 1074-9292 Juris Publishing, Inc
61786 Jurisassociations : le bimensuel des organismes sans but lucratif [Juris associations] 0755-0006 Juris-éditions ; Dalloz [1983-....]
102586 Juristourisme : le mensuel des acteurs du tourisme & des loisirs [Juris tourisme] 2108-0968 Juris-éditions ; Dalloz [2010-....]
109537 : Droit des technologies de l'information Juriscom (Marseille, France) [2011-....]
169353 Derecho y economia de la integracion Jury-Dileyc
121714 Miscellanea Juslittera Juslittera
39456 International Justice Tribune 1767-8889 Justice Memo Sarl
39457 International Justice Tribune (French Version) 1767-8862 Justice Memo Sarl
725674 Passé simple. Mensuel romand d'histoire et d'archéologie Justin Favrod
8594 South African Law Journal 0038-2388 Juta Law
54907 Kriminologisches Journal - Krim J 0341-1966 Juventa-Verl
67362 Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 2000-9011 Järfälla: Co-Action Publishing
133602 Acta universitatis szegediensis de Attila József nominatae. Acta antiqua et archaeologica József Attila Tudományegyetem (Szeged)
135383 Nuire 2553-4831 K'A
7099 Microform Review 0002-6530 K. G. Saur, Reed Reference Publishing
126032 Acta Scientifica Naturalis 2367-5144 K. Preslavsky University
74648 Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte = Revue suisse d'art et d'archéologie = Rivista svizzera d'arte e d'archeologia 0044-3476 K. Schwegler
4884 Flower and Garden 0891-9534 K.C. Publishing, Inc
7151 Mitteilungsblatt (Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) 0042-3629 K.G. Saur Verlag KG
47150 Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews 1738-2572 KAIST Press
603610 Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods 2251-6204 KARE Publishing
123500 Medical Research Archives 2375-1916 KEI Journals
98051 International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology 2229-3345 KEJA Publications
92927 Journal d'oncogériatrie 2106-8534 KEPHREN PUBLISHING
5585 International Construction 0020-6415 KHL Group
108128 Customer & service systems 2198-8005 KIT scientific publishing
7262 n.paradoxa 1461-0434 KT Press
54460 Humanistica Lovaniensia. Journal of Neo-latin Studies 0774-2908 KU Leuven
116293 Scientific Israel Technological Advantages 1565-1533 KUD Industries PN Ltd & Israeli Association of Scientists- Newcomers and New Immigrant Engineering Union
148057 Interférences Littéraires / Literaire interferenties 2031-2790 KULeuven – Faculteit Letteren
133927 Philia, International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies 2149-505X Kabalci
97178 Les Cahiers de la Société internationale d'étude des littératures de l'ère coloniale (SIELEC) 1765-5927 Kailash éd / SIELEC
1626 Kairos 1521-2300 Kairos
39281 Iglesia y Misi¥n 0122-2937 Kairos Community
234983 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering 0974-5823 Kalahari Journals
78604 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 0972-8600 Kalasalingam University
3256 Astronomy -Milwaukee then Waukesha 0091-6358 Kalmbach Publishing Co
4456 Earth (Waukesha, Wis.) 1056-148X Kalmbach Publishing Co
7158 Model Railroader 0026-7341 Kalmbach Publishing Co
113155 International Journal of Engineering Works 2521-2419 Kambohwell Publisher Enterprises
14954 Kami-pa Gikyo¿¿¿¿ shi 0022-815X Kami Paupu Gijutsu Kyokai
174 Anthropologist 0972-0073 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
1162 International Journal of Human Genetics 0972-3757 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
1437 Journal of Human Ecology 0970-9274 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
1549 Journal of Social Sciences 0971-8923 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
2383 Studies of Tribes and Tribals 0972-639X Kamla-Raj Enterprises
124775 International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modeling 1758-9401 Kannan, Devika, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
19695 Transactions- Kansas Academy of Science 0022-8443 Kansas Academy of Science
6555 Journal- Kansas Bar Association 0022-8486 Kansas Bar Association
608 Current Research in Earth Sciences d000-0064 Kansas Geological Survey
6658 Kansas Judicial Council Bulletin 0022-8656 Kansas Judicial Council
9090 University of Kansas Law Review 0083-4025 Kansas Law Review Inc
21788 Kansas Nurse 0022-8710 Kansas State Nurses Association
6594 Journal of the West 0022-5169 Kansas State University
4522 Educational Considerations 0146-9282 Kansas State University College of Education
124233 The Kathmandu Post Kantipur Publications Pvt. Ltd
112603 International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology 2410-1869 Karachi: Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
149617 Accents and Paradoxes of Modern Philology 2521-6481 Karazin National University, Ukraine
142 The Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation 1306-8814 Kare Yayincilik
22853 Acta Cytologica 0001-5547 Karger
9577 Acta Haematologica 0001-5792 Karger
22809 Advances in Cardiology 0065-2326 Karger
22794 Advances in Otorhinolaryngology 0065-3071 Karger
22791 Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine 0065-3268 Karger
10388 American Journal of Nephrology 0250-8095 Karger
10463 Annales Nestlé (Ed. española) 0252-8185 Karger
10464 Annales Nestlé (Ed. française) 0250-9644 Karger
10465 Annales Nestlé (English ed.) 0517-8606 Karger
10493 Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 0250-6807 Karger
10884 Audiology and Neurotology 1420-3030 Karger
11181 Biology of the Neonate 0006-3126 Karger
11255 Blood Purification 0253-5068 Karger
11279 Brain, Behavior and Evolution 0006-8977 Karger
38461 Breast Care 1661-3791 Karger
11519 Cardiology 0008-6312 Karger
11533 Caries Research 0008-6568 Karger
105843 Case reports in neurology Karger
11567 Cells Tissues Organs 1422-6405 Karger
11572 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 1015-8987 Karger
11591 Cerebrovascular Diseases 1015-9770 Karger
22478 Chemical Immunology and Allergy 1660-2242 Karger
11645 Chemotherapy 0009-3157 Karger
11704 Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 0177-9990 Karger
11937 Community Genetics 1422-2795 Karger
11968 Complexus 1424-8492 Karger
22409 Contributions to Microbiology 1420-9519 Karger
22407 Contributions to Nephrology 0302-5144 Karger
22390 Current Directions in Autoimmunity 1422-2132 Karger
22376 Current Problems in Dermatology -Basel 1421-5721 Karger
12348 Cytogenetic and Genome Research 1424-8581 Karger
12492 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 1420-8008 Karger
102800 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 1664-5464 Karger
12534 Dermatology 1018-8665 Karger
12564 Developmental Neuroscience 0378-5866 Karger
22347 Developments in Biologicals 1424-6074 Karger
22342 Developments in Ophthalmology 0250-3751 Karger
11420 Digestion 0012-2823 Karger
12361 Digestive Diseases 0257-2753 Karger
12606 Digestive Surgery 0253-4886 Karger