Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
910325 Gradus 2064-8014 Kecskemét
106072 Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 1625-8312 Kedge Business School
39788 Keesing's Record Of World Events 0950-6128 Keesings Worldwide Llc
17614 Okajimas folia anatomica japonica 0030-154X Keio University, Tokyo
40710 Teknosport Kells/Technosport Com
2034 Quarterly Report- Rtri 0033-9008 Ken -- Yusha Inc -Japan
38667 Consultants News 0045-8201 Kennedy Information Inc
40054 New Titles In Bioethics Kennedy Institute Of Ethics
335330 Kent Akademisi 2146-9229 Kent Akademisi
8458 The Serif 0037-2471 Kent State University Libraries
777 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1068-9613 Kent State University Library
3956 Civil War history 0009-8078 Kent State University Press
1874 Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 1091-3734 Kent State University School of Nursing
6665 Kentucky bench & bar 0164-9345 Kentucky Bar Association
6666 Kentucky Law Journal 0023-026X Kentucky Law Journal
6667 Kentucky Libraries 0732-5452 Kentucky Library Association
6668 Kentucky Library Association Bulletin 0022-734X Kentucky Library Association
21905 Journal- Kentucky Medical Association 0023-0294 Kentucky Medical Association
22323 East African Medical Journal 0012-835X Kenya Medical Association
103515 Mitteilungsblatt des Keramik Freunde der Schweiz‏ 0023-0553 Keramik-freunde der Schweiz
133444 International journal of health policy and management Kerman University of Medical Sciences
134508 Applied Rheology 1430-6395 Kerschensteiner Verlag
54228 Wuli xuebao / Acta physica Sinica 1000-3290 Kewue Chubanshe
80435 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 1000-0577 Kexue Chubanshe
1152 International Journal of Design Computing 1329-7147 Key Centre of Design Computing, Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney
38895 English Teaching Professional 1362-5276 Keyways Publishing
93124 Journal of Advances in Chemistry 2321-807X Khalsa Publications
165015 Medénergie : revue me?diterrane?enne de l'e?nergie 1112-377X Khan consultants
166884 Drevnosti 2309-6608 Kharkiv Pedagogical University
30394 Advances in Differential Equations 1079-9389 Khayyam Publishing
20875 Differential and integral equations 0893-4983 Khayyam Publishing
148689 Khazar Journal Of Humanities and Social Sciences 2223-2613 Khazar University Press
42637 Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 1230-1388 Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences
83576 ARCHÆOPlus Kiesslich IFFB coroner, Université de Salzbourg
133824 Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka 1728-2713 Kiïvsʹkij nacìonalʹnij unìversitet ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka
80022 Incidences Kimé
63308 Otrante : art et littérature fantastiques 1148-0904 Kimé
40466 Screen International -London 0307-4617 King
6779 Legal Intelligencer 0277-495X King & Baird
54522 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 1319-8025 King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals SAUDI ARABIA - Springer (en ligne)
113835 Asian International Journal of Science and Technology in Production and Manufacturing Engineering 1906-151X King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
175379 Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies King's College London
637 Didaskalia : Ancient Theatre Today 1321-4853 King's College, London, University of London
61699 Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 1918-3178 Kingston Ontario Canada: Queen's University
22922 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0916-7005 Kinokuniya Company
6673 The Kiplinger Agriculture Letter 0023-1746 Kiplinger Washington Editors
6674 The Kiplinger California Letter 0453-9249 Kiplinger Washington Editors
6675 The Kiplinger Letter 1528-7130 Kiplinger Washington Editors
6676 The Kiplinger Tax Letter 0023-1762 Kiplinger Washington Editors
6677 Kiplinger's Personal Finance 1528-9729 Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc
6678 Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine 1056-697X Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc
6679 Kiplinger's Personal Finance Mutual Funds 1081-8901 Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc
6680 Kiplinger's Personal Finance Retirement Planning 1528-9753 Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc
6681 Kiplinger's Retirement Report 1075-6671 Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc
6682 Kiplinger's Safe Investing 1555-5585 Kiplinger Washington Editors Inc
6684 Kirjastotiede ja Informatiikka 0358-9803 Kirjastotieteen ja informatiikan yhdistys
19533 Kita Kanto igaku. Kitakanto medical journal 1343-2826 Kitakanto Medical Society
381294 Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History 1348-2653 Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History
155689 Kitej Kitej
82941 Regional Formation and Development Studies 2029-9370 Klaipeda University press
101078 Klesis - Revue philosophique 1954-3050 Klesis
110378 Musik & Ästhetik 1432-9425 Klett-Cotta
26599 Etudes Anglaises 0014-195X Klincksieck
35926 Etudes Germaniques 0014-2115 Klincksieck
148410 Littératures contemporaines 1277-183X Klincksieck
76441 Recherches linguistiques 0339-8749 Klincksieck
8262 Revue de littérature comparée 0035-1466 Klincksieck
45132 Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 0035-1652 Klincksieck
159464 La Lecture littéraire 1279-7308 Klincksieck / Université de Reims
93186 IJHE Bildungsgeschichte International Journal for the Historiography of Education 2192-4295 Klinkhardt
22800 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 0065-2598 Kluwer
22505 Cancer treatment and research 0927-3042 Kluwer
13570 Gazette -Leiden then Deventer then Dordrecht then London 0016-5492 Kluwer
22200 Genetic Engineering Principles and Methods 0196-3716 Kluwer
21630 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 0028-2162 Kluwer
42634 Symposium- International Astronomical Union 0074-1809 Kluwer
176728 Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medecine in Non-Western Cultures Kluwer Academic Publishers
19005 Social Psychology of Education 1381-2890 Kluwer Academic Publishers [1996-2004] - Springer [2005-....]
10803 ASA Bulletin 1010-9153 Kluwer Law International
10302 Air and Space Law 0927-3379 Kluwer Law International
3078 Arbitration International 0957-0411 Kluwer Law International
3159 Art Antiquity and Law -Leicester 1362-2331 Kluwer Law International
38370 Asian International Arbitration Journal 1574-3330 Kluwer Law International
122794 Bulletin for comparative labour relations 0770-3724 Kluwer Law International
3664 Business Law Review 0143-6295 Kluwer Law International
11910 Common Market Law Review 0165-0750 Kluwer Law International
4092 Computer and Internet Lawyer 1531-4944 Kluwer Law International
4131 Conference on Labor (New York University) 0193-3418 Kluwer Law International
12740 EC Tax Review 0928-2750 Kluwer Law International
4610 Employee Relations Law Journal 0098-8898 Kluwer Law International
38967 European Business Law Review 0959-6941 Kluwer Law International
38972 European Company Law 1572-4999 Kluwer Law International
38976 European Energy and Environmental Law Review 0966-1646 Kluwer Law International
38977 European Foreign Affairs Review 1384-6299 Kluwer Law International
4738 European Public Law 1354-3725 Kluwer Law International
13135 European Review of Private Law 0928-9801 Kluwer Law International
167266 Global Privacy Law Review 2666-3570 Kluwer Law International
39151 Global Trade and Customs Journal 1569-755X Kluwer Law International
39364 International Corporate Rescue 1572-4638 Kluwer Law International
12387 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law 0952-617X Kluwer Law International