Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
18501 Rangelands 0190-0528 Society for Range Management
1536 Journal of Reproduction and Development 0916-8818 Society for Reproduction and Development
21380 Reproduction [Cambridge]. Supplement 1477-0415 Society for Reproduction and Fertility [2001-2003]
21384 Reproduction [Cambridge]. Abstract series 1476-3990 Society for Reproduction and Fertility [2001-2004]
567 Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences 1817-4604 Society for Research in Social Sciences
149443 しごと能力研究 Society for Research on Working Competency, Japan
106080 Advances in Image and Video Processing [2013-2019] 2054-7412 Society for Science and Education
108602 Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 2054-7390 Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom
966890 Progressive Research – An International Journal 0973-6417 Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology Meerut (U.P.) INDIA
176031 Collection Forum 0831-4985 Society for Scientific Collections
39719 Journal of Scientific Exploration 0892-3310 Society for Scientific Exploration
16192 Journal of Sedimentary Research 1527-1404 Society for Sedimentary Geology
17760 Palaios 0883-0351 Society for Sedimentary Geology
119554 Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 2413-8053 Society for Social Studies of Science
8818 Technical Communication -Washington 0049-3155 Society for Technical Communication
8587 Soundings 0038-1861 Society for Values in Higher Education
109172 The Political Methodologist Society for political methodology
21304 Saad Digest 0049-1160 Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry; 1999
9140 USA today 0161-7389 Society for the Advancement of Education, Inc
170044 SALIS Journal of Information Management and Technology Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS)
2630 Advanced Management Journal 0749-7075 Society for the Advancement of Management
30272 Journal of Advanced Materials -Covina 1070-9789 Society for the Advancement of Material and Process
2004 Prolegomena 1333-4395 Society for the Advancement of Philosophy, Zagreb
8373 Scandinavian Studies -Menasha- Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study 0036-5637 Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study
5841 Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 0021-8855 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
6536 Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 0022-5002 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
178226 Lingua Franca - The History of Book in Translation 2475-1367 Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
7595 Old-Time New England 0030-2031 Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities
129625 Motivation Science 2333-8113 Society for the Science of Motivation
3031 Annual Review of Sex Research 1053-2528 Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
179169 Studies in Japonisme 1344-2198 Society for the Study in Japonisme
6169 Journal of herpetology 0022-1511 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
116322 Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) Quarterly Bulletin 0268-4179 Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
7042 Medium Aevum 0025-8385 Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature
7684 Parabola -New York 0362-1596 Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition, Inc
11179 Biology of Reproduction 0006-3363 Society for the Study of Reproduction - Oxford Academic
123612 Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 2159-0303 Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy
88173 North American Actuarial Journal 1092-0277 Society of Actuaries
15030 Journal of Advanced Science 0915-5651 Society of Advanced Science
62084 Nyame Akuma 0713-5815 Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAFA)
2772 American Archivist 0360-9081 Society of American Archivists
4928 Forest Science 0015-749X Society of American Foresters
6134 Journal of Forestry 0022-1201 Society of American Foresters
40071 Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 0742-6348 Society of American Foresters
40595 Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 0148-4419 Society of American Foresters
40858 Western Journal of Applied Forestry 0885-6095 Society of American Foresters
3097 Architectural History 0066-622X Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain
3320 Automotive Engineering 0098-2571 Society of Automotive Engineers
113970 International Journal of Automotive Engineering 2185-0984 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
5880 Journal of Biblical Literature 0021-9231 Society of Biblical Literature
2069 Review of Biblical Literature 1099-0046 Society of Biblical Literature
2397 TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 1089-7747 Society of Biblical Literature
106736 The Studia Philonica Annual Society of Biblical Literature
22614 Biologist 0006-3347 Society of Biology
107692 Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers 1226-0606 Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, Korea
4224 CPCU Journal 0162-2706 Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters
1625 Kagaku k¿¿¿¿gaku ronbunsh¿¿¿¿ 0386-216X Society of Chemical Engineers Japan
101847 Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 2152-3878 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons
1390 Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan 1347-1767 Society of Computer Chemistry
15194 Journal of Chemical Software 0918-0761 Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
21955 Journal of Cosmetic Science 1525-7886 Society of Cosmetic Chemists; 1999
4482 Economic Geology 0361-0128 Society of Economic Geologists
4995 Geophysics 0016-8033 Society of Exploration Geophysicists
15425 Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 1083-1363 Society of Exploration Geophysicists
13648 Leading Edge 1070-485X Society of Exploration Geophysicists
13287 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1052-3812 Society of Exploration Geophysicists
6124 Journal of Financial Service Professionals 1537-1816 Society of Financial Service Professionals
4863 Fire Protection Engineering 1524-900X Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE)
158848 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 0022-1392 Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
5037 Glass Technology 0017-1050 Society of Glass Technology
36191 Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A 1753-3546 Society of Glass Technology
40217 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 0031-9090 Society of Glass Technology
85478 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B 1753-3562 Society of Glass Technology
16356 Journal of the Human Environment System 1345-1324 Society of Human Environment System
5437 The Indexer 0019-4131 Society of Indexers
739182 Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law 3008-637X Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences
21792 Journal- Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 1086-8089 Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
3323 Automotive Plastics 1531-6815 Society of Manufacturing Engineers
121239 Journal of Manufacturing Processes 1526-6125 Society of Manufacturing Engineers
6946 Manufacturing Engineering 0361-0853 Society of Manufacturing Engineers
7191 Molding Systems 1520-2585 Society of Manufacturing Engineers
101516 Society for Mathematical Biology Newsletter Society of Mathematical Biology
8523 Smpte Journal 0036-1682 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
8805 Teaching children mathematics 1073-5836 Society of National Association Publications
39721 Journal of Ship Production 8756-1417 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
38035 Journal of Ship Research 1542-0604 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
6955 Marine Technology 0025-3316 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
6329 Journal of Nematology 0022-300X Society of Nematologists
7070 Metalsmith 0270-1146 Society of North American Goldsmiths
21868 Journal of Nuclear Medicine 0161-5505 Society of Nuclear Medicine
21867 Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology 0091-4916 Society of Nuclear Medicine
21532 Orl Head and Neck Nursing 1064-3842 Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-neck Nurses, Inc
8650 SPE Drilling Engineering 0885-9744 Society of Petroleum Engineers
8649 SPE Drilling and Completion 1064-6671 Society of Petroleum Engineers
8651 SPE Formation Evaluation 0885-923X Society of Petroleum Engineers
19110 SPE Production & Operations 1930-1863 Society of Petroleum Engineers
8654 SPE Production Engineering 0885-9221 Society of Petroleum Engineers
8653 SPE Production and Facilities 1064-668X Society of Petroleum Engineers
8655 SPE Reservoir Engineering 0885-9248 Society of Petroleum Engineers
8656 SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 1094-6470 Society of Petroleum Engineers
8652 SPE Journal 1086-055X Society of Petroleum Engineers (Richardson)
8556 Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 0197-7520 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
6352 Journal of Petroleum Technology 0149-2136 Society of Petroleum Engineers of Aime
128550 Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics Society of Pharmaceutical Tecnocrats (SoPhTec)
134981 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2349-8234 Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
127069 Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems 2329-4124 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
11441 Journal of Biomedical Optics 1083-3668 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
68393 Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 1932-5150 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
47119 Journal of Nanophotonics 1934-2608 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
94196 Journal of Photonics for Energy 1947-7988 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
109305 Neurophotonics 2329-423X Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
1518 Journal of Physical Therapy Science 0915-5287 Society of Physical Therapy Science
2285 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 1341-1667 Society of Physical Therapy Science
8094 The Quill (Chicago, Ill.) 0033-6475 Society of Professional Journalists
6383 The Journal of protozoology 0022-3921 Society of Protozoologists
1592 Nihon Reorojī Gakkaishi = Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan 0387-1533 Society of Rheology = Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi
138459 Southwestern Entomologist 0147-1724 Society of Southwestern Entomologists
109203 Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 0272-1635 Society of Spanish and Spanish American Studies
765817 Anales de la literatura española contemporánea, ALEC 0272-1635 Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies
40518 Society of Toxicology of Canada Newsletter Society of Toxicology of Canada Newsletter
165676 Nepalese Translation 2594-3200 Society of Translators Nepal
6898 Lubrication Engineering -Illinois 0024-7154 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
9007 Tribology and Lubrication Technology 1545-858X Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
16461 Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0272-4634 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
108823 Oil and gas facilities Society of petroleum engineers
75979 Bulletin of Primitive Technology 1078-4845 Society of primitive technology
6532 Journal- Copyright Society of the Usa 0886-3520 Society of the U.S.A
319867 Bollettino delle attività dell'anno ... Società Tarquiniense di arte e storia 0392-9930 Società Tarquiniense di Arte e Storia
373787 Notiziario della Società Botanica Italiana 2532-8034 Società Botanica Italiana, Firenze
178646 Gazzetta Chimica Italiana 0016-5603 Società Chimica Italiana
42871 Targets in Heterocyclic Systems 1724-9449 Società Chimica Italiana
179964 Apice, rivista della Società Dante Alighieri Società Dante Alighieri
41664 Animazione Sociale 0392-5870 Società Editoriale Periodi democratici s.p.a.; Edizioni Gruppo Abele
983461 Italian Poetry Review. Plurilingual Journal of Creativity and Criticism 1557-5012 Società Editrice Fiorentina
139093 Problemi di amministrazione pubblica 0391-2655 Società Editrice Il Mulino
45340 Rassegna italiana di Sociologia Società Editrice Il Mulino
137048 Foro italiano 0015-783X Società Editrice del Foro Italiano
151765 Economia della cultura : rivista trimestrale dell' Associazione per l'economia della cultura 1122-7885 Società Editrice il Mulino
38823 Economia politica 1120-2890 Società Editrice il Mulino
44248 Iride 1122-7893 Società Editrice il Mulino
39809 L'industria 0019-7416 Società Editrice il Mulino
39285 Mulino 0027-3120 Società Editrice il Mulino
40239 Politica economica 1120-9496 Società Editrice il Mulino
40273 Problemi dell'informazione 0390-5195 Società Editrice il Mulino
40317 Quaderni costituzionali 0392-6664 Società Editrice il Mulino
40425 Rivista italiana degli economisti / Riviste - Rivista italiana degli economisti 1593-8662 Società Editrice il Mulino
40495 Sistemi intelligenti 1120-9550 Società Editrice il Mulino
557 Comunicazione Filosofica 1128-9082 Società Filosofica Italiana
55478 Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana 1121-7820 Società Geografica Italiana
49833 Italian Journal of Geosciences 2038-1719 Società Geologica Italiana
126010 LetterateMagazine Società Italiana Delle Letterate
175453 Antropologia Pubblica 2531-8799 Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata
178609 Notiziaro SIBM 1121-161X Società Italiana di Biologia Marina /
180666 Rivista de la Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica 0035-6832 Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica
39288 Il Nuovo Saggiatore 0393-4578 Società Italiana di Fisica
39287 Nuovo Cimento B 0369-3554 Società Italiana di Fisica
14096 Nuovo Cimento D 0392-6737 Società Italiana di Fisica
20399 Rivista del Nuovo Cimento Società Italiana di Fisica
60611 Il Nuovo Cimento C 2037-4909 Società Italiana di Fisica (Bologna)
126848 Quaderni di Storia della Fisica Società Italiana di Fisica (Italian Physical Society)
166236 SISmagazine - Online magazine della Società Italiana di Statistica Società Italiana di Statistica
63214 Rivista di criminologia, vittimologia e sicurezza Società Italiana di Vittimologia
168068 Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane 0392-0267 Società Napoletana di Storia Patria
69661 Rivista Italiana di numismatica e scienze affini 1126-8700 Società Numismatica Italiana
165868 Cartagine Studi e Ricerche (Caster) 2532-1110 Società Scientifica Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Cartagine
1187 International Journal of Speleology 0392-6672 Società Speleologica Italiana
118771 de Valle Sicida Società Valsesiana di Cultura
82326 Archeologia Veneta 0392-9876 Società archeologica veneta
21045 Memorie della Societa astronomica italiana 0037-8720 Società astronomica italiana
26957 Memorie Geografiche. Supplemento alla Rivista geografica italiana Società di Studi Geografici
106293 La Beidana 0394-1264 Società di Studi Valdesi - Torre-Pellice (Italie)
72474 Segusium Società di ricerche e studi valsusini
340717 Studi trentini. Storia 2240-0338 Società di studi trentini di Scienze Storiche (Trento)
125425 - Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comparato, europeo 1826-3534 Società editoriale federalismi s.r.l.
52640 Rivista di filosofia 0035-6239 Società editrice il Mulino
618533 Ce fastu? 1828-4302 Società filologica friulana
56492 Rendiconti della Società Geologica Italiana 0392-3037 Società geologica italiana
118557 Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto 1593-7135 Società italiana di filosofia giuridica e politica e dell'Istituto di filosofia del diritto dell'Università di Roma La Sapienza
79679 Medioevo Romanzo 0390-0711 Società per il Medioevo romanzo
350341 Vitelliana 1970-7975 Società storica viedanese
54587 Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali, residente in Pisa. Memorie Società toscana di scienze naturali
836551 Periodico di Matematiche Mathesis 1582-8832 Societá Italiana di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche Fondata nel 1895
148467 Le Fablier 0996-6560 Societé des Amis de Jean de La Fontaine
115196 Annales de Haute-Provence Societé scientifique et littéraire des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
126823 Bulletin de la Société Archéologique de Touraine 1153-2521 Société Archéologique de Touraine
105127 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 1962-5197 Société Française de Statistique et Société Mathématique de France
140257 Compostelle, Cahiers d’Études de recherche et d’Histoire compostellanes 0994-8597 Société Française des Amis de Saint Jacques de Compostelle
92105 Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne 0986-2226 Société Jules Verne
24992 Lunula : Archaeologia protohistorica 1373-8623 Société belge d'études celtiques. Groupe de contact études celtiques et comparatives
152281 Numismatique asiatique 2261-0545 Société de numismatique asiatique (Nantes)
32723 Journal d'Acoustique 0988-4319 Société française d'acoustique
53630 TAOCI : revue annuelle de la Société française d'étude de la céramique orientale 1624-4842 Société française d'etude de la céramique orientale
121962 Bulletin de la Société Historique du 6e arrondissement de Paris 2022-1223 Société historique du sixième arrondissement de Paris
109004 Bulletin de la Société Montalbanaise d’Étude et de Recherche sur le Protestantisme 1241-6975 Société montalbanaise d'étude et de recherche sur le protestantisme
8557 SA. Sociological analysis 0038-0210 Sociological Analysis
25487 The Journal of sociology and social anthropology Sociologicheskoe obshchestvo im. M.M. Kovalec
68051 ICTE in Regional Development 2009/2010 Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute
850195 La mer Société Franco-Japonaise d'Océanographie. Tokyo Sociéte Franco-japonaise d'océanographie
850204 La mer. Sociéte franco-japonaise d'Océanographie. Tokyo Sociéte franco-japonaise d'Océanographie. Tokyo
102815 Le Vieux Papier Société "Le Vieux Papier" pour l'étude de la vie quotidienne à travers les documents et l'iconographie. - Fondée en 1900