Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
149727 Съпоставително езикознание / Contrastive Linguistics 0204-8701 Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
148080 ARPHA Conference Abstracts 2603-3925 Sofia: Pensoft Publishers
112246 Images et Mémoires 2105-1410 Sofii
167796 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Centʺr za slavâno-vizantijski proučvaniâ Ivan Dujčev 1311-784X Sofiâ : Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski
129227 Научни трудове на УНСС = The Scientific Papers of UNWE 0861-9344 Sofiâ: Universitet za Nacionalno i Svetovno Stopanstvo
116918 Survey Magazine 2427-741X Soft Concept
62202 The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks - MEDJCN 1744-2397 SoftMotor Ltd
587 Crosstalk: Journal of Defense Software Engineering d000-0089 Software Technology Support Center, Odgen, Utah
804632 Linux Developer's Journal 1896-6314 Software-Wydawnictwo Sp. z o.o
139707 Contrôles essais mesures 1637-4657 Sogi Communication
477932 Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2090-4932 Sohag University, Egypt
104181 Cahiers Rémois de Musicologie 1766-9936 Soicété champenoise de musicologie
6446 Journal of soil and water conservation 0022-4561 Soil Conservation Society of America
8575 Soil Science Society of America Journal 0361-5995 Soil Science Society of America
104578 Vadose Zone Journal Soil science society of America - Geological society of America
101700 Сцена, La scene, The Stage 1817-6542 Soiuz teatralnih deiatelei Rossiskoi Federatsii (VTO)
8576 Sojourners 0364-2097 Sojourners
619404 La lettre de Sol et Civilisation 1252-9417 Sol et Civilisation
8577 Solar Age 0160-8401 Solar Age, Subscription Service Dept
43799 Solaris 1295-8727 Solaris
515107 I quaderni della formazione Solco mantova
8580 Solid State Technology 0038-111X Solid State Technology
148346 La Petite Boite à Outil Solidaires
123701 La lettre de SPFA Solidarité Protestante France-Arménie (Paris)
233232 Bulletin des Chrétiens d'Orient Solidarité d'Orient
170776 Parages 2494-8268 Solitaires intempestifs
173464 Solscope Mag 2417-6508 Solscope
121110 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization 1906-9685 Sompong Dhompongsa and Somyot Plubtieng
144271 Helden, heroes, héros 2198-4662 Sonderforschungsbereich 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen" Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
109322 Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift Sonderheft
2349 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 0125-3395 Songkla University
107155 Sonus 0739-229X Sonus
400992 Historia 1270-0835 Sophia Publications
225554 Historia Sophia Publications
161839 Historia. Hors-série 2270-311X Sophia Publications
98458 L'Histoire 0182-2411 Sophia Publications
142075 L'Histoire. Hors Série 2493-2310 Sophia Publications
776820 Iberoamericana Revista 0388-1237 Sophia University
142076 L'Histoire. Les collections 2727-6945 Sophia publications
147844 La Recherche. Les Essentiels 2681-4749 Sophia publications
165587 Publications de l'AIDELF – Carrefour de la démographie francophone Sophie Pennec et Michel Oris
135544 Notiziario Archeologico della Soprintendenza di Palermo Soprintendenza di Palermo
115180 Asie Sorbonne
477067 Genesis. Revue internationale de critique génétique Sorbonne Presses Université
446047 124 Sorbonne. Carnet de l'école doctorale d'Histoire de l'art et d'Archéologie 2497-594X Sorbonne Université
151074 Camenulae 2494-212X Sorbonne Université
177990 Encyclopédie d'histoire numérique de l'Europe Sorbonne Université
456668 Bulletin - Association des historiens modernistes des universités 0221-3486 Sorbonne Université Presses
160546 Raison publique Sorbonne Université Presses
149259 e-Theatrum mundi Sorbonne Université Presses
122000 LaRivista Sorbonne Universités
232792 OBVIL Observatoire de la vie littéraire Sorbonne Universités
132997 Revista de Soria 0213-9731 Soria: Diputación Provincial de Soria
2350 Sorites 1135-1349 Sorites Team (CSIC - Spanish Institute for Advanced Study)
39958 Milling and Baking News 0091-4843 Sosland Publishing Cmpany
127297 Napoléon Ier 1298-6380 Soteca
103716 A Trabe de Ouro: publicación galega de pensamento crítico 1130-2674 Sotelo Blanco Ediciones
40523 Sound on Sound 0951-6816 Sound On Sound Ltd
8586 Sound and Vibration 0038-1810 Sound and Vibration
149278 Histoire et Mémoires 1967-7839 Souny
22168 Health Data Management 1079-9869 Source Media Inc
163713 Trax magazine Sources Management
112809 Les Nouveaux Cahiers Sous les auspices de l'Alliance Israélite Universelle
95400 South African Archaeological Bulletin 0038-1969 South African Archaeological Society
133922 African Skies South African Astronomical Observatory
2339 Smithiana Bulletin 1684-4130 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity
8591 South African Journal for Librarianship and Information Science 0256-887X South African Institute for Librarianship and Information Science
40592 Southern African Forestry Journal 1029-5925 South African Institute of Forestry
158667 The South African Journal of International Affairs 1022-0461 South African Institute of International Affairs
136634 SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 1729-0376 South African Medical Association, Health and Medical Pub. Group
2352 South African Journal of Animal Science 0375-1589 South African Society for Animal Science
159145 South African Journal of Sports Medicine 1015-5163 South African Sports Medicine Association
40588 South African Statistical Journal 0038-271X South African Statistical Association
152726 Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the South African Sugar Technologists' Association 0373-045X South African Sugar Technologists' Association
175172 South Asian Research Journal of Biology and Applied Biosciences 2664-7923 South Asian Research Publication
1151 International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 0973-5089 South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology
19083 South Atlantic Review 0277-335X South Atlantic Modern Language Association
40589 South Carolina State Register South Carolina Legislative Council
8599 South Carolina Librarian 0038-3112 South Carolina Library Association
21827 Journal- South Carolina Medical Association 0038-3139 South Carolina Medical Association
787305 South Centre, Research Paper 1819-6926 South Centre
977418 South China Morning Post South China Morning Post
21306 South Dakota Journal of Medicine 0038-3317 South Dakota Journal Medicine
8604 South Dakota Magazine 0886-2680 South Dakota Magazine
8603 South Dakota Library Bulletin 0090-5801 South Dakota State Library Commission
114507 SECI Oncology 2314-8500 South Egypt Cancer Institute
339082 SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin 1025-4943 South Pacific Community
984797 SPC Fish Aggregating Device Information Bulletin South Pacific Community
40601 Spatial Business Newsletter South Pacific Science Press
8606 South Texas Law Review 1052-343X South Texas College of Law
8605 South Texas law journal 0038-3546 South Texas College of Law
106901 Bulletin of the South Ural State University 2071-0216 South Ural State University
104777 Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 2409-6008 South Ural State University
38786 Discoveries in Renaissance Culture 1097-3494 South-Central Renaissance Conference
129515 Postmodernism problems 1314-3700 South-West University
149743 Езиков свят / ORBIS LINGUARUM 1312-0484 South-West University "Neofit Rilski
917927 Antropologiâ : Spisanie za sociokulturna antropologiâ = Anthropology : Journal for Socioсultural Anthropology 2367-573X South-West University Neofit Rilski
3335 Balance Sheet 0005-4232 South-Western Pub. Co
3735 Canadian Chemical Processing 0008-3186 Southam Business Publications, Ltd
134156 Cahiers du dix-septième 1040-3647 Southeast American society for French seventeenth-century studies
168498 Bulletin of the Burma Studies Group Southeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies
115140 Geotechnical Engineering 0046-5828 Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society & Association of Geotechnical Societies in SouthEast Asia
8610 Southeastern College Art Conference Review 1043-5158 Southeastern College Art Conference
8612 The Southeastern Librarian 0038-3686 Southeastern Library Association
11537 Castanea 0008-7475 Southern Appalachian Botanical Society
164836 Virginia Woolf Miscellany Southern Connecticut State University
22645 Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 1322-8803 Southern Cross University
8618 Southern Economic Journal 0038-4038 Southern Economic Association
182822 Terra Economicus 2073-6606 Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
38679 Convergences Southern Humanities Council
7683 Papers on language & literature 0031-1294 Southern Illinois University
62 Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education 1545-4517 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
722 Edwardsville Journal of Sociology 1552-3268 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
4944 Free Speech Yearbook 0899-7225 Southern Illinois University Press
278773 The Promise of Reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric Southern Illinois University Press
8625 Southern Living 0038-4305 Southern Living
6270 Journal of Management 0149-2063 Southern Management Association
5821 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 0021-8642 Southern Methodist University
8633 Southwest review 0038-4712 Southern Methodist University
8636 Southwestern law journal 0038-4836 Southern Methodist University School of Law
8816 Teaching Tolerance 1066-2847 Southern Poverty Law Center
21929 Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 1079-3739 Southern Public Administration Education Foundation
7416 New South (Atlanta, Ga.) 0028-6745 Southern Regional Council
8607 South Today 0038-3554 Southern Regional Council
8630 Southern University Law Review 0099-1465 Southern University Law Center
40596 Southscan Southscan Ltd
123903 Xinan Renmin Daxue Xuebao 西南民族大学学报 [Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities] 1004-3926 Southwest University for Nationalities, China
8634 Southwestern Historical Quarterly 0038-478X Southwestern Historical Quarterly
4572 The Electronic Journal of Science Education 1087-3430 Southwestern University
8638 Southwestern University Law Review 0886-3296 Southwestern University, School of Law
33474 Revue du souvenir napoléonien 1270-1785 Souvenir napoléonien
175134 Nauchnye doklady vyssheĭ shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki 0470-4606 Soviet Union Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsial'nogo obrazovaniia
126012 Geopolitics under Globalization 2543-5493 Sp. z o.o. Kozmenko Science Publishing
22054 International Journal of Molecular Medicine 1107-3756 Spandidos Publications
22051 International Journal of Oncology 1019-6439 Spandidos Publications
109197 Molecular and Clinical Oncology 2049-9450 Spandidos Publications
112695 Oncology Letters 1792-1074 Spandidos Publications
21545 Oncology Reports 1021-335X Spandidos Publications
1105 Inteligencia Artificial. Ibero-American Journal of Artificial Intelligence 1137-3601 Spanish Association for Intelligence Artificial (AEPIA)
1904 Papeles del psicólogo 0214-7823 Spanish Psychological Association (Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos)
118486 Anales De Quimica - International Edition 1130-2283 Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
2219 Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas 1130-0108 Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology
376225 Nefrología (English Edition) 2013-2514 Spanish Society of Nephrology
108091 Test 1133-0686 Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research/Springer
128271 Virtual Archaeology Review 1989-9947 Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology
1552 Journal of Spatial Hydrology 1530-4736, Inc
3216 Artweek 0004-4121 Spaulding-Devlin, Inc
3584 Bulletin (Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Division) 0036-1607 Special Libraries Association
5496 Information Outlook 1091-0808 Special Libraries Association
8659 Special libraries 0038-6723 Special Libraries Association
86443 DSIH- Directeur de système d'information hospitalier 2110-6827 Special Partner
39861 Linux Journal 1075-3583 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc
100440 Neotropical Primates Species Survival Commission
640871 Asian Journal of Spectroscopy 0971-9237 Spectral-Force Publications
42630 Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy 1205-6685 Spectroscopy Society of Canada
8665 Speech Monographs 0038-7169 Speech Communication Association
8666 The Speech Teacher 0038-7177 Speech Communication Association
3178 Art Newspaper 0960-6556 Speedimpex USA
4887 FMR 0747-6388 Speedimpex USA, Inc
39106 Gehirn & Geist Spektrum der Wissenschaft
40609 Spektrum der Wissenschaft 0170-2971 Spektrum der Wissenschaft
108828 RAHIS - Revista de Administração Hospitalar e Inovação em Saúde 1983-5205 Spell
122165 The Spenser Review Spenser Society - University of South Carolina - Washington University in St. Louis
121091 International Journal of ChemTech Research 0974-4290 Sphinx Knowledge House
124456 SPIE Newsroom 1818-2259 Spie
125139 Corpus Pragmatics 2509-9507 Spinger
50718 Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 1865-5025 Spinger (en ligne) / BMES (imprimé)
176889 Journal of Leather Science and Engineering SpingerOpen
123189 Spirale 0225-9044 Spirale magazine culturel inc
119035 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 1598-2386 Spiringer Link
358019 Cross Cultural Studies Review. A Journal for comparative studies of culture, literature and the art 2671-065X Split University
165118 Loutkář 1211-4065 Spolek pro vydávání časopisu Loutkář
148891 Spoletium 0490-4788 Spoleto : Academia spoletina edizioni
150342 STUDI E RICERCHE - COLLANA DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ITA.NA DEI PALEOGRAFI E DIPLOMATISTI, 6 Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2015, cop. 2015
40618 SportBusiness International SportBusiness Group
596399 Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport 1825-6678 Sports Law and Policy Centre
40680 Swimming World Magazine Sports Publications Inc
126911 The International Sports Law Journal 1567-7559 Sportzaken Uitgeverij
38832 Ecoute 0176-9596 Spotlight Verlag
25375 Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung aus dem Konstanzer SLI Sprachlehrinstitut der Universität Konstanz
186687 Sustainable Water Resources Management 2363-5037 Spriger
171092 Global Research Journal of Fishery Science and Aquaculture Spring Journals
134777 3 Biotech 2190-572X Springer
338449 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves Springer
109720 3D Research 2092-6731 Springer
137975 AI Perspectives 2523-398X Springer
169792 AI and Ethics 2730-5953 Springer
115212 Abdominal Radiology 2366-004X Springer
137143 Abel Symposia 2193-2808 Springer
169777 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 0025-5858 Springer
98001 Acoustical Imaging 0270-5117 Springer
43713 Acta Analytica 0353-5150 Springer
117455 Acta Geochimica 2096-0956 Springer
102360 Acta Oceanologica Sinica 0253-505X Springer
20018 Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 0001-6705 Springer
20019 Acta Physica Austriaca 0001-6713 Springer
122498 Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology Springer
117751 Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2213-7467 Springer
112329 Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging Springer
131899 Advanced Structured Materials 1869-8433 Springer