Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
636645 International Journal of Educational Research Open 2666-3740 Oxford Elsevier Ltd
1158 International Journal of Educational Technology 1327-7308 International Society for Educational Technology
5616 International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 1077-9124 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
98334 International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 1751-4088 Inderscience Publishers
5617 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 0020-7209 Manchester University Press
81105 International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 0976-6545 IAEME Publication
171391 International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation 1773-9357 Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard
13245 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 0142-0615 Elsevier
101947 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2088-8708 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES)
152946 International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications 2319-2518 R Balamurali Krishna
111737 International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering 2010-376X World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology
118969 International Journal of Electrochemical Science 1452-3981 ESG
67182 International Journal of Electrochemistry 2090-3529 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
14408 International Journal of Electronic Business 1470-6067 Inderscience
109714 International Journal of Electronic Business Management 1728-2047 Electronic Business Management Society, Taiwan
5618 International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14409 International Journal of Electronic Finance 1746-0069 Inderscience
103022 International Journal of Electronic Governance 1742-7509 Inderscience
14410 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 1741-8453 Inderscience
14411 International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 1741-1025 Inderscience
14412 International Journal of Electronics 0020-7217 Taylor & Francis
14413 International Journal of Embedded Systems 1741-1068 Inderscience
601453 International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 1839-5171 AIRCC Publishing Corporation
86697 International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems 1947-3176 IGI Global
13246 International Journal of Emergency Management 1471-4825 Inderscience
22059 International Journal of Emergency Mental Health 1522-4821 Chevron Publishing Corporation
39395 International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 1553-779X De Gruyter
14414 International Journal of Emerging Markets 1746-8809 Emerald
69645 International Journal of Emerging Sciences 2415-2056 Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
1159 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 1863-0383 International Association of Online Engineering
120288 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering IJETAE Publishing House
160393 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2347-3983 The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
102198 International Journal of Endocrinology 1687-8337 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
166534 International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion 2150-766X Begell House
112333 International Journal of Energy Engineering 2163-1891 Scientific & Academic Publishing
13247 International Journal of Energy Research 0363-907X Wiley
39396 International Journal of Energy Sector Management 1750-6220 Emerald
13248 International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 1472-8923 Inderscience
112640 International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 2008-9163 Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch
218598 International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 2326-957X Science Publishing Group
13249 International Journal of Engine Research 1468-0874 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
140325 International Journal of Engineering 1025-2495 Materials and Energy Research Center
159718 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology Researcher Index Society for Engineers
138545 International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2227-524X Science Publishing Corporation
573331 International Journal of Engineering (IJE) 1985-2312
39397 International Journal of Engineering Education 0949-149X Tempus Publications
159703 International Journal of Engineering Management 2640-1525 Science Publishing Group
90209 International Journal of Engineering Research 2347-5013 Jaikaran Singh
109643 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 2278-0181 International Research Publication House
105253 International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 2248-9622
148332 International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 2278-067X International Journal of Engineering Research and Development Org
121652 International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 1663-3571 Trans Tech Publications
14415 International Journal of Engineering Science 0020-7225 Elsevier
147976 International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing PEARL (Publishing Engineering and Academic Research Letters) Media Publications
65053 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2230-7818
131882 International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology 2277-9655 International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
105022 International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 1755-9758 InderScience
113155 International Journal of Engineering Works 2521-2419 Kambohwell Publisher Enterprises
111385 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd
102306 International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Modelling 2351-8707 ORB Academic Publisher
163782 International Journal of Engineering and Safety Sciences 2657-3334 Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza
138214 International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 2456-7620 Infogain Publication
122341 International Journal of English Studies 1578-7044 Universidad de Murcia
39398 International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 1548-1115 IGI Global
14416 International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 1748-1252 Inderscience
166701 International Journal of Entomological Research 2310-3906 EScience Press
152352 International Journal of Entomology Research Gupta Publications
14417 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 1355-2554 Emerald
145104 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 1742-5360 Inderscience
39399 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503 IP Publishing
14418 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 1368-275X Inderscience
14419 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1476-1297 Inderscience
132952 International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 2581-8627 International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
156081 International Journal of Environment and Development 0973-3574
147993 International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics 2148-9173 IJEGEO
39400 International Journal of Environment and Health 1743-4955 Inderscience
14420 International Journal of Environment and Pollution 0957-4352 Inderscience
13250 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 1474-6778 Inderscience
14421 International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 1478-9876 Inderscience
147986 International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology 2456-1878 Infogain Publication
14422 International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 1741-8437 Inderscience
14423 International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 0306-7319 Taylor & Francis
14424 International Journal of Environmental Health Research 0960-3123 Taylor & Francis
146350 International Journal of Environmental Impacts 2398-2640 WIT press
786951 International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis 2328-7659 Science Publishing Group
83985 International Journal of Environmental Research Springer Verlag
104492 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 1661-7827 MDPI
72243 International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2010-0264 IJESD
1160 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 1735-1472 Springer
13251 International Journal of Environmental Studies 0020-7233 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13252 International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 1466-2132 Inderscience
39401 International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 1832-2077 Common Ground Publishing
39402 International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing 1095-807X ECM Press
14425 International Journal of Epidemiology 0300-5771 Oxford University Press (OUP)
39403 International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood 1448-6318 Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood
133628 International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering
176465 International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 2198-591X Quintessence Publishing
5619 International Journal of Ethics 1526-422X University of Chicago Press
178694 International Journal of Ethics and Systems 2514-9369 Emerald Publishing Limited
115714 International Journal of Event and Festival Management 1758-2954 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing