Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
68309 International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives 1938-0216 IGI Global Publisher
39406 International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 1555-3396 IGI Global
14457 International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 1368-2156 Inderscience
14458 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 0142-727X Elsevier
5623 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 0017-9310 Elsevier
128222 International Journal of Heat and Technology 0392-8764 International Information and Engineering Technology Association
14459 International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 1744-232X Inderscience
14460 International Journal of Hematology 0925-5710 Springer Verlag
161822 International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research
147967 International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2394-0514 AkiNik Publications
14461 International Journal of Heritage Studies 1352-7258 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
113988 International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 2047-4970 SAGE Journals
14463 International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 1094-3420 SAGE Publications
14462 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 1740-0562 Inderscience
37521 International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture (IJHPSA) 1751-6528 InderScience Publisher
23358 International Journal of High Pressure Research
14464 International Journal of High Speed Computing 0129-0533 World Scientific Publishing
14465 International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 0129-1564 World Scientific Publishing
14466 International Journal of High Technology Ceramics 0267-3762 Elsevier
61630 International Journal of High Throughput Screening 1179-1381 Dove Medical Press
110345 International Journal of Higher Education 1927-6044 Sciedu Press
14467 International Journal of Hindu Studies 1022-4556 Springer Verlag
14468 International Journal of Historical Archaeology 1092-7697 Springer Verlag
147743 International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology 2322-1461 University of Tehran; Iranian Society for Horticultural Science
172604 International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science 2456-8635 AI Publications
142379 International Journal of Hospital Research 2251-8940 Iran University of Medical Sciences
14470 International Journal of Hospitality Management 0278-4319 Elsevier
14469 International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration 1525-6480 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
151034 International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 1753-8270 Emerald Publishing
13044 International Journal of Housing Policy 1461-6718 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14472 International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 1742-5549 Inderscience
14471 International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing 1045-2699 Wiley
1162 International Journal of Human Genetics 0972-3757 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
14473 International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14474 International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 1465-6612 Inderscience
13989 International Journal of Human Rights 1364-2987 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1163 International Journal of Human Sciences 1303-5134 International Journal of Human Sciences
148340 International Journal of Human Settlements 2588-1779 Association Nationale des Enseignants Architectes Universitaires (A.N.E.A.U) (Algérie)
14475 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 1044-7318 Taylor & Francis
5624 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 1071-5819 Elsevier
148101 International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education 2349-0373 ARC Publications
64506 International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 1753-8548 Edinburgh University Press
5625 International Journal of Humanities and Peace 1042-4032 International Journal of Humanities and Peace
60106 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) 2220-8488 Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA
162338 International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2415-0916
14476 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 0219-8436 World Scientific Publishing
118573 International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 1448-5869
14477 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 0360-3199 Elsevier
153877 International Journal of Hydropower and Dams 1352-2523
14478 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 1438-4639 Elsevier
14479 International Journal of Hyperthermia 0265-6736 Taylor & Francis
14480 International Journal of Iberian Studies 1364-971X Intellect
81640 International Journal of Image Processing and Visual Communication (IJIPVC) Journal Home e-Publication ( A Unit of OppCorp Learning & Development Pvt.Ltd.)
65826 International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 1947-9832 Taylor & Francis
14481 International Journal of Image and Graphics 0219-4678 World Scientific Publishing
93536 International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 2074-9074 Modern Education and Computer Science Press(MECS Press)
14482 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 0899-9457 Wiley
14483 International Journal of Immunogenetics 1744-3121 Wiley
22056 International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 0394-6320 University of Chieti -- Medical School
14484 International Journal of Immunopharmacology 0192-0561 Elsevier
14485 International Journal of Impact Engineering 0734-743X Elsevier
14486 International Journal of Impotence Research 0955-9930 Nature Publishing Group
1164 International Journal of Inclusive Democracy 1753-240X International Network for Inclusive Democracy
14487 International Journal of Inclusive Education 1360-3116 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14489 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 0169-8141 Elsevier
14490 International Journal of Industrial Organization 0167-7187 Elsevier
14488 International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1748-5037 Inderscience
14491 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 1201-9712 Elsevier
106235 International Journal of Informatics Society 1883-4566 Japan Informatics Society
14492 International Journal of Information Acquisition 0219-8789 World Scientific Publishing
14494 International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 Elsevier
40509 International Journal of Information Management 0143-6236 Elsevier
125489 International Journal of Information Science & Technology 2550-5114 iJIST
83304 International Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering 1836-7305 Pharus
1090 International Journal of Information Sciences for Decision Making 1265-499X University of South Toulon - Var
14495 International Journal of Information Security 1615-5262 Springer Verlag
39408 International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 1930-1650 IGI Global
63798 International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 1947-8186 IGI Global
14496 International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 1479-3121 Inderscience
150425 International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 1935-5726 IGI Global
137075 International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 1937-9390 IGI-Global
1165 International Journal of Information Technology 1304-239X World Enformatika Society
14497 International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 0219-6220 World Scientific Publishing
14498 International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111 Inderscience
109724 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 1554-1045 Idea group publishing
64916 International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 1753-7703 Inderscience
123336 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 1466-6642 Inderscience Publishers
39407 International Journal of Information and Computer Security 1744-1765 Inderscience
71784 International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering 2010-3719 Inconnu
137012 International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 2056-4880 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
14493 International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 1744-2303 Inderscience
14499 International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 0195-9271 Springer Verlag
14500 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1745-7300 Taylor & Francis
39409 International Journal of Innovation Management 1363-9196 World Scientific Publishing
110841 International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 2028-9324 ISSR Journals
14501 International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197 Inderscience
109465 International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research 2351-8014 ISSR Journals
14502 International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 1740-8822 Inderscience
14503 International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 0219-8770 World Scientific Publishing
68402 International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 2010-0248 International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology