Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
325485 Yeats Annual 2054-3611 Open Book Publishers
325513 Bulletin de la société des amis de la cathédrale d'Amiens
325758 Industrie du futur
326290 Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 1338-5410 Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta
327410 Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy 2476-1303
300252 Physical Review E
300253 Viruses
300255 American Journal of Nephrology
300301 Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 2080-6744 Infor Biznes
300323 Ariège Nature
300368 El Guiniguada 2386-3374
300441 Arabesken: Tijdschrift van het Louis Couperus Genootschap
300517 International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 2217-2661
300560 Composition Studies
300636 Journal of Sociology and Social Work 2333-5807
300657 Research methodologies
300950 Cancer/Radiotherapie
301219 ARPHA Conference Abstracts
301226 Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis
301309 RCGT 2292-4108 RCJT, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2C6, Canada. ISSN :
301313 The International Journal of Biochemisty & Cell Biology
301322 Textuel. Revue de l'U.F.R. « Science des textes et documents », Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot,
301324 Correspondance. Revista hispano-belga, Universidad de Extremadura (Espagne), Archives et Musée de la Littérature (Belgique)
301382 NIHON KENKYŪ 0915-0900 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
301423 International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research 2456-8678
301515 Archaeology & History in Lebanon
301529 Aiac, Quaderni Quasar
301535 Invigilata lucernis
301553 AL. Rivista di studi di Anthologia latina
301555 L'année africaine
301567 Studies in History Sage Publications, New Delhi / Thousand Oaks, London
301569 Quarterly Journal Fides et ratio
301585 Over Multatuli
301594 L'Afrique politique Karthala
301604 Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa University of Cape Town
301607 Tempo Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro
301608 EL - HAKIKA (the Truth) Journal for Social and Human Sciences 1112-4210 Ahmed Draia-Adrar
301628 Trends in Classics 1866-7473 W. de Gruyter
301655 Annales du Cercle Hutois des Sciences et Beaux-Arts 1374-5212 Cercle Hutois des Sciences et Beaux-Arts
301697 Dimensions. Journal of Achitectural Knowledge 2747-5085 Transcript
301706 Comunicaçao e Memoria 2763-7158
301838 La Lettre R 1841-2009 Université de Stefan cel Mare Suceava
301904 Taiwan Journal of English Literature 1813-6664 National Chengchi University, Department of English
301907 CEA Critic 0007-8069 College English Association
301909 Atenea: A Bilingual Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 0885-6079
301914 Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 0145-7888
301916 English Studies in Africa: A Journal of the Humanities 0013-8398
301917 Iowa English Bulletin 0444-4663
302108 Cahiers voor een Lezer
302202 Psychanalyse Yetu ERES
302203 New writings of sound and music
302210 ACM Digital Library
302221 The Thailand Natural History Museum Journal 1686-770X Natural History Museum, National Science Museum, Thailand
302256 Makerere Journal of Higher Education 1816-6822
302263 International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development 2572-4878
302283 International Journal of Translation, Interpretation, and Applied Linguistics 2575-6974
302294 Beatdom Beatdom
302315 Empty Mirror Denise Enck
302320 Revue d‘Études Sino-Africaines 2791-3546 L’association pour la promotion des études sino-africaines (APÉSA)
302358 Intelligent Computing
302370 Sexuality, Gender & Policy 2639-5355
302375 Antichità altoadriatiche
302376 Rivista d'arte
302387 Rheumatology
302389 Annals of Intensive Care
302396 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
302397 Nature Reviews Rheumatology
302398 ACR Open Rheumatology
302401 Arthritis Care & Research
302403 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
302405 Journal of Medical Ethics
302407 British Journal of Anaesthesia
302415 The Lancet Rheumatology
302559 Stochastic PDE: Analysis and Computation
302688 Revue de Géographie Madagascar Mada Revue
302737 Sustainability and Climate Change 2692-2924
302845 French Politics
336978 Les Carnets d'histoire de la médecine 2352-6585 Faculté médecine -Tours
336986 Communications Chemistry 2399-3669
337053 Topoi 1572-8749
337057 Histoire de la Médecine 2678-842X CIRHMS et Faculté Médecine Paris Cité
337164 Minerva Pneumologica 0026-4954
337220 Séminaires de recherche" du CEREdI
337292 Journal ancient cultures and languages 2716-9901
337326 Evolutionary Applications 1752-4571
337495 Prace Filologiczne 0138-0567
337505 Tập san Nghiên cứu Âm nhạc – Thông báo khoa học 1859-1360 Vietnam Institute of Musicology
337554 Carbohydrate Research
337556 Pharmaceuticals
337561 Synthesis
337563 Journal of Separation Science
337564 Journal of Chromatography A
337567 RSC Advances
337570 Oriane Bernard Guillon
337601 Slavica occitania 1245-2491 université de Toulouse
337654 Moroccan Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management 2509-0429
337830 Teatro et Storia 0394-6932 Bulzone Editore
337897 Classroom Discourse 1946-3014
337923 Innovation in Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Crimson Publishers