Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
130588 IT Industrie & Technologies 1633-7107
130592 Revue de psychologie analytique 2268-8870 L'Esprit du Temps
130598 Vesalius. Acta Internationalia Historiae Medicinae 1373-4857 International Society for the History of Medicine
130599 Journal of Patient Experience 2374-3735
130603 Clinic Editions CdP
130605 Clinic Edition CdP
130611 Le Détour, Revue des Sciences Humaines 1241-4468 Editions Histoire et anthropologie
130792 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations
130793 Revue internationale animation, territoires et pratiques socioculturelles 1923-8541 Université du Québec à Montréal
130796 Annali online Lettere Università di Ferrara 1826-803X
130798 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
130799 Belgrade Philosophical Annual 0353-3891 Institute for Philosophy, University of Belgrade
130800 Le pedagogue 2458-5483 CNRST-IMIST
130804 Les Carnets d’Eucharis Nathalie Riera
130814 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science 2160-5866 Scientific Research Publishing Inc
130815 Clinical Neuropsychiatry 1724-4935 Giovanni Fioriti Editore srl
130816 Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2211-3649
130819 The Annals of Mathematics 0003-486X
130826 Transinformacao
130827 Revista Brasileira de Pós-Graduação
130828 Revista Gestão & Tecnologia
130829 Revista de Ciências da Administração (CAD/UFSC)
130830 Exacta (Online)
130831 Informação & Informação (UEL. Online)
130832 Perspectivas em Gestão & Conhecimento
130833 Intellectual Property Rights : Open Access
130834 Revista de gestão em Sistemas de Saúde
130835 Problems of Management in the 21st Century
130836 International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering
130837 Revue Musicorum 1763-508X Université François Rabelais, Tours
130838 Garance Voyageuse 0988-3444
130839 Journal of Dental Sciences 1991-7902
130841 Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens 1868-9787
130844 The AAG Review of Books
130847 Bulletin de la société d'égyptologie de Genève 0255-6286 SEG
130850 Revista Ingeominas Ingeominas
130853 Sociální studia / Social Studies 1803-6104 Masaryk University
130855 Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Speleologia
130861 La revue des gestionnaires des milieux naturels remarquables de Franche-Comté 1774-7635
130868 CLASS. Revue congolaise de Communication, Lettres, Arts et Sciences sociales Les Editions HEMAR
130869 Polish Journal for American Studies 1733-9154 Polish Association for American Studies
130871 Itinerario 0165-1153 Cambridge University Press
130872 Z. Phys. B
130876 Cahiers de Recherche 'GREMMO) GREMMO ("UMR 5647")
130879 Geodynamics & Tectonophysics
130882 International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research IJSIR
130886 Journal of Engineering Sciences 2312-2498 Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies, Sumy State University
130887 Comprendre & Entreprendre La lettre d’intelligence économique et territoriale de l’EM (école de management) de Normandie
130892 Bioorganic Chemistry
130893 Santé Science & Conscience
130894 Archeologia Africana - Saggi occasionali Centro Studi Archeologia Africana
130898 Tijdschrift voor de Studie van de Verlichting en van der Vrije Denken Vrije Universiteit Brussel
130901 Ciencia y Tropico 0304-2685
130902 Atmospheric and oceanic optics 0235-6880 V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics
130903 Orbis Latina 2237-6976
130906 Stasis 2500-0721 European University at St Petersburg
130907 Metals
130912 世界哲学- World Philosophy 1671-4318 Institut de Philosophie de l’Académie des Sciences sociales
130916 SEANOE
130917 Psychologie Magazine 0032-1583
130918 Revue Impulsions
130920 Otium 2532-0335 University of Perugia Electronic Press
130921 Advanced Ceramics Research of Nagoya Institute of Technology 2187-6738
130926 Bulletin de l'Observatoire du Puy-de-Dôme 0366-4015 Observatoire du Puy-de-dôme
130928 Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation
130929 Circumscribere 1980-7651
130930 Romanica Helvetica 0080-3871 A. Francke
130933 Science Postprint 2187-9834 General Healthcare Inc
130937 International Journal of Research Publication (IJRP.ORG)
130940 Izvestiya akademii nauk Fizika atmosfery i okeana 0002-3515 MEZHDUNARODNAYA KNIGA, MOSCOW, RUSSIA
130941 Tric Trac, Journal of World Mythology and Folklore 1996-7330 Unisa Press
130944 The Phonetic Society of Japan special issue on ‘The phonetics and phonology of a voicing contrast’
130947 European Journal of Japanese Philosophy
130948 Les études phénoménologiques
130949 Visual Culture 1598-1088 Korean Association for Visual Culture
130205 Bulletion de l'Association des Amis de la Collection de Mineraux de la Sorbonne
130206 Istor, Revista de historia internacional Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C. (CIDE) Mexico
130208 International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (ISSN: 2327- 2058)
130211 Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture Issue 1547-4348 Marc Ouellette
130212 Históricka Revue
130222 Journal of food protection
130225 Mayab 1130-6157 Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas
130228 Ñawpa Pacha 0077-6297
130230 Moneta Moneta
130234 Journal of Applied Solution Chemistry and Modeling
130237 Revue de la société des Amis du Vieux Toulon et de sa région
130238 Jeune Economiste
130239 Aging : Immunology and infectious diseases Mary Ann Liebert Inc., Publishers
130242 RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports
130244 Civil-Comp Proceedings
130246 International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research 2455-4847
130247 Economics & Sociology 2071-789X
130253 Inorganic Syntheses
130254 La Gazette des archives
130255 Advances in Systems, Signals and Devices 2364-7507 De Gruyter
130262 Biosensors and Biolelectronics
130268 Heredity
130272 Cahiers de l'Espé (Les) ESPE de Caen
130274 Afâq najafiyya
130275 Nusus mu‘asira