Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
16613 Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 1016-264X Hogrefe
19981 Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie 1617-6391 Hogrefe
19991 Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie 1661-4747 Hogrefe
13764 Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 1010-0652 Hogrefe
19997 Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 0044-3514 Hogrefe
19998 Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 1612-5010 Hogrefe
13444 Forum Psychotherapeutische Praxis 1860-7357 Hogrefe & Huber Publishing Group
18163 Praxis 0369-8394 Hogrefe & Huber Publishing Group
18371 Psychotherapeutische Praxis 1616-1041 Hogrefe & Huber Publishing Group
19972 Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie 0301-6811 Hogrefe & Huber Publishing Group
134617 European Journal of Health Psychology 2512-8442 Hogrefe Publishing Corp
38222 Allergy and Clinical Immunology International 1097-1424 Hogrefe and Huber Publishers
141181 Rorschachiana International Yearbook of Rorschach Society Hohegref
4401 Direct Marketing -Garden City 0012-3188 Hoke Communications, Inc
22126 Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science 0367-6102 Hokkaido Medical Society
292867 Aspects of Language Instruction Hokkaido University
119037 Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers Hokkaido University
292863 Media, Language and Culture 1347-0280 Hokkaido University
2338 Slavic Studies 0562-6579 Hokkaido University
68650 Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy 1883-342X Hokkaido university
136515 The Hokkaido Law Review 0385-5953 Hokkaidō Daigaku Hōgakubu
543828 Stat 2049-1573 Holger Dette
176718 Jazzforschung/Jazz Research 0075-3572 Hollitzer Verlag
894605 schizophrenia (heidelberg) 2334-265X Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
110761 The Arab Economic and Business Journal 2214-4625 Holy Spirit University of Kaslik [USEK] (Liban) ; Elsevier [2013]
5232 Home Mechanix 8755-0423 Home Mechanix, Subscription Dept
5234 Home Office Computing 0899-7373 Home Office Computing
163784 Jeanne d’Arc et la guerre de Cent Ans, Hommel et association des villes johannqiues
26070 Balkanologie 1279-7952 Homo balkanicus
837227 Heraldicum disputationes Kwartaalblad voor Heraldiek 1370-7000 Homunculus
7392 New Jersey Law Journal 0028-5803 Honeyman & Rowe
529221 Stem Cell Investigation 2306-9759 Hong Kong : AME Publishing Company
26935 China perspectives 2070-3449 Hong Kong : French Centre for Research on Contemporary China
133908 International journal of digital information and wireless communications (IJDIWC) 2412-6551 Hong Kong : Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications,
107770 Journal of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems 2309-0650 Hong Kong : World Academic Publishing
1001 Hong Kong Medical Journal 1024-2708 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
701769 Asia-Pacific Journalism Review Hong Kong Baptist University
220 Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching 1609-4913 Hong Kong Institute of Education
5237 Hong Kong Law Journal 0378-0600 Hong Kong Law Journal Ltd
75340 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 1995-7645 Hong Kong Medical Technologies Publisher
144613 International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications 2412-3587 Hong Kong Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication
169012 Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 2078-0966 Hong Kong: Newswood Limited
6054 The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 0075-4234 Honorary Treasurer of the Egypt Exploration Society
920702 Bibliothèque de grammaire et de linguistique Honoré Champion
410515 Epistolaire, Revue de l'A.I.R.E Honoré Champion
50756 Le Français préclassique (1500-1650) 1145-7023 Honoré Champion
822162 Revue François Mauriac Honoré Champion
123355 Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology 2457-0125 Hooghly: Sciencedomain International
169945 Chemical Science International Journal 2456-706X Hooghly: Sciencedomain International
174695 Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 2456-9119 Hooghly: Sciencedomain International
178682 Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics 2582-5992 Hoogly: Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics
5240 Hoover Digest 1088-5161 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University
38607 Clinical Kinesiology 0896-9620 Hope College
61138 Hor Yezh 0769-0088 Hor Yezh
8841 Telecommunications -Norwood- International Edition 0040-2494 Horizon House -- Microwave Inc
7101 Microwave journal 0192-6225 Horizon House Publications, Inc
8842 Telecommunications International 1534-9594 Horizon House Publications, Inc
122264 Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences 2320-8694 Horizon Publisher India
125117 South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology Horizon Publisher India
779132 immunology and infectious diseases Horizon Research
114628 Chemical and Materials Engineering 2332-1032 Horizon Research Publishing
120198 Environment and Ecology Research 2331-6268 Horizon Research Publishing
165345 Sociology and Anthropology 2331-6179 Horizon Research Publishing
86053 Universal Journal of Control and Automation 2331-6489 Horizon Research Publishing
146721 Advances in Economics and Business 2331-5059 Horizon Research Publishing Corporation
107870 Manufacturing Science and Technology 2333-2735 Horizon Research Publishing Corporation
116139 Universal Journal of Educational Research 2332-3205 Horizon Research Publishing Corporation (HRPUB)
90245 Universal Journal of Materials Science 2331-6691 Horizon Research publishing corporation
22386 Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology 1466-531X Horizon Scientific Press
22385 Current Issues in Molecular Biology 1467-3037 Horizon Scientific Press
5241 Horizon (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) 0018-4977 Horizon Subscription Service
169603 Rendez-vous côte de Penthièvre 1631-9222 Hormé
123358 Hors champ 1712-9567 Hors champ
165953 Ballast 2466-7609 Hors d’atteinte
165257 Arts de la piste 1269-0120 Hors-les-murs
164599 Scènes urbaines : arts/rue/espaces/publics 1634-7404 Hors-les-murs
102402 Stradda : Hors les murs 1950-4713 HorsLesMurs Edition
6081 Journal of Environmental Horticulture 0738-2898 Horticultural Research Institute
5243 Horticulture 0018-5329 Horticulture Limited
792187 International Japanese Studies : Annual Report Hosei Daigaku Kokusai Nihongaku Kenkyuusho
163822 Sartre philosophe Hosei University Press
129984 KONA Powder and Particle Journal 0288-4534 Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation
5245 Hospital financial management 0018-5639 Hospital Financial Management Association
21351 Revista de Investigacion Clinica 0034-8376 Hospital de Enfermedads de la Nutricion
976970 Hospitalia 1960-1298 Hospitalia
5129 Harvard Review (1992) 1077-2901 Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library
149268 Review 31 Houman Barekat
5255 House & Garden (New York, N.Y.: 1998) 1522-0273 House & Garden
5258 Housing (New York, N.Y.) 0161-0619 Housing, Fulfillment Manager
102443 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES – NÁRODOHOSPODÁŘSKÝ OBZOR 2013-0009 Houssem Rachdi, Mohamed Ali Trabelsi, Naama Trad
5260 Houston law review 0018-6694 Houston Law Review
2940 American Shipper 0160-225X Howard Publications Inc
2941 American Shipper (Jacksonville, Fla.: 1991) 1074-8350 Howard Publications Inc
38242 American Shipper Howard Publishing, Inc
9308 Wired -San Francisco 1059-1028 Howard S Mittman
6327 Journal of Negro education 0022-2984 Howard University
6405 Journal of Religious Thought 0022-4235 Howard University Press
5262 Howard Law Journal 0018-6813 Howard University School of Law
8751 Supermarket Business 0196-5700 Howfrey Communications, Inc
103288 Ultreïa ! 2416-674X Hozhoni