Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
58609 International Journal of Digital Library Systems 1947-9077 IGI Global
112648 International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence IGI Global
71721 International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies 1947-3532 IGI Global
86697 International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems 1947-3176 IGI Global
39398 International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 1548-1115 IGI Global
92748 International Journal of Game-Based Learning 2155-6849 IGI Global
70731 International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 1938-0259 IGI Global
39406 International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 1555-3396 IGI Global
39408 International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 1930-1650 IGI Global
63798 International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 1947-8186 IGI Global
150425 International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 1935-5726 IGI Global
39411 International Journal of Knowledge Management 1548-0666 IGI Global
178803 International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 2155-6393 IGI Global
138207 International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction 1942-390X IGI Global
110395 International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research IGI Global
106268 International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI) 1947-9344 IGI Global
128100 International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management 2155-5621 IGI Global
133084 International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management 2160-9624 IGI Global
129487 International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering and Technology 1947-959X IGI Global
173536 International Journal of Smart Sensor Technologies and Applications 2644-1845 IGI Global
175152 International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation IGI Global
135039 International Journal of Software Innovation 2166-7160 IGI Global
119077 International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence 1942-9045 IGI Global
76961 International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research 1947-9263 IGI Global
88627 International Journal of System Dynamics Applications 2160-9772 IGI Global
68323 International Journal of Web Portals 1938-0194 IGI Global
39454 International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies 1548-1093 IGI Global
101210 International Journal of e-Politics 1947-9131 IGI Global
39455 International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 1552-6283 IGI Global
95265 International journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics 1947-9115 IGI Global
739084 International journal of digital strategy, governance, and business transformation 2643-8054 IGI Global
103432 International journal of mobile computing and multimedia communications 1937-9412 IGI Global
110305 International journal of open source software & processes 1942-3926 IGI Global
105219 International journal of secure software engineering 1947-3036 IGI Global
179456 IoT Protocols and Applications for Improving Industry, Environment, and Society IGI Global
39570 Journal of Cases on Information Technology 1548-7717 IGI Global
39598 Journal of Database Management 1063-8016 IGI Global
20735 Journal of Global Information Management 1062-7375 IGI Global
111796 Journal of Information Technology Research 1938-7857 IGI Global
88535 Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics IGI Global
150272 Organizational change management IGI Global
150274 The Dark Web: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice IGI Global
65190 International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking 1548-0631 IGI Global P
85263 International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing 1947-8283 IGI Global Publisher
81313 International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing 2155-6997 IGI Global Publisher
68309 International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives 1938-0216 IGI Global Publisher
181149 IJSITA: International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications 1947-3109 IGI Global
111281 International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence 1941-6237 IGI Pub
117510 International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 2155-7098 IGI Pub
113098 International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1947-8585 IGI Publishing
107485 International Journal of e-Collaboration 1548-3673 IGI Publishing
73926 International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications IGI Publishing Hershey, PA, USA
139425 International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research 2166-7241 IGI Publishing Hershey, PA, USA
137075 International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 1937-9390 IGI-Global
146549 Perspektif 2195-5476 IGMG
153485 Action publique. Recherche et pratiques 2647-3135 IGPDE (Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique)
129921 Cahier des Amériques latines 0008-0020 IHEAL Éditions, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III
144261 Les Cahiers Protagoras 2507-0150 IHECS
133000 Revue Défense IHEDN
124469 Bois-Marie, la lettre d’informations de l’IHES IHES
153171 Revista de Historia 1017-4680 IHNCA (UCA)
62817 Agôn : Revue des arts de la scène 1961-8581 IHRIM, Association Agôn
159157 Les Cahiers de l'Institut d'histoire sociale du verre et de la céramique 2266-4513 IHS Verre et céramique
134393 Cahiers de l'Institut d'histoire du temps présent IHTP
70435 Conserveries mémorielles 1718-5556 IHTP/CELAT
150324 Bérose - Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie 2648-2770 IIAC-LAHIC, CNRS / Ministère de la Culture. Direction des Patrimoines
537740 IIARD International Journal of Geography & Environmental Management (IJGEM) 2504-8821 IIARD – International Institute of Academic Rese arch and Development
602795 International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research 2545-5303 IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development
139212 Géostratégiques 1963-0867 IIES
21001 Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés = Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials 1169-7954 IIETA
60044 Transactions on Data Privacy 1888-5063 IIIA-CSIC
137815 Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento 1852-4206 IIPsi-CONICET-UNC
117339 Revue internationale des sciences administratives 0303-965X IISA (Institut international des sciences administratives)
160811 Advances in Physics Theories and Applications 2224-719X IISTE
155251 Information and Knowledge Management 2224-5758 IISTE
151924 Journal of Education and Practice 2222-288X IISTE
129605 Network and Complex Systems 2225-0603 IISTE
167062 Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 2222-2847 IISTE
108654 Journal of Environment and Earth Science 2224-3216 IISTE - The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education
132958 Revista Jurídica Franco-Argentina / Revue Juridique Franco-Argentine 2683-7641 IJ Editores Fondo editorial [2019-....]
777506 International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 2456-8643 IJAEB pub
166883 International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics 2658-8455 IJAFAME
148333 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics 2320-5121 IJAIM
583461 International journal of applied management and economics 2509-0720 IJAME
132288 International Journal of Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS) 2335-1772 IJAPT
137763 International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2000-006X IJARW
129276 International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2000-004X IJARW
137762 International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR) 2000-005X IJARW
133896 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering 2454-8006 IJASRE
136485 International Journal of Business Insights & Transformation 0974-5874 IJBIT
93775 International Journal of Communication and Computer IJCC
570483 International Journal of. Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 2150-7988 IJCISIM
93774 International Journal of Computer Science & Applications, IJCSA IJCS
103621 International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics 1694-2108 IJCSBI.ORG
148329 International Journal of Computing Science and Communication IJCSC
72000 International Journal of Computer Science Issues 1694-0784 IJCSI Press
58668 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 1947-5500 IJCSIS
67628 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 0975-9646 IJCSIT
69555 International Journal of Design and Innovation Research IJDIR
167019 International Journal of Development Research 2230-9926 IJDR