Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
156702 Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 0266-996X
114299 Aquafilia 1766-5930
155997 Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 1015-4442
156482 Arab Journal of Plant Protection 0255-982X
22679 Arbeiten- Paul Ehrlich Institut 0936-8671
155512 Arbo Bio Infos 2261-9658
104535 Arboriculture Fruitière 0003-794X
155799 Arboriculture en Val de Loire 2109-2974
154174 Arbre actuel
156006 Arbres et Sciences 1620-3739
22678 Arc de cercle : an international journal of the history of the mind-sciences 1535-0436
983287 Archaeologia historica 0231-5823
3084 Archaeology & Physical Anthropology in Oceania 0003-8121
161782 Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia (Russian-language) 1563-0102
154132 Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie
120600 Archiv für Fischereiwissenschaft 0003-9063
160081 Archiv für Geflügelkunde 0003-9098
155926 Archiv für Geflügelkunde. Sonderheft 1619-2354
22880 Archiv für Hydrobiologie
156569 Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband, Large Rivers 0945-3784
98911 Archiv für Mikrobiologie
105324 Archiv für Tierzucht 0003-9438
155872 Archiva Zootechnica 1016-4855
157379 Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie 0003-9780
157478 Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale 0003-9594
157479 Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale 0003-9667
22675 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie Institut Pasteur d'Algerie 0020-2460
22674 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar 0020-2495
22673 Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis 0020-2509
157593 Archives des Sciences (Genève) 0003-9705
3110 Archives et Bibliotheques de Belgique 0003-9748
157408 Archives et Documents. INSEE 0249-6186
119264 Archives françaises de pédiatrie
161823 Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases
887702 Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus 2950-3078
24220 Archives of Mechanics
156011 Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 1072-4710
154337 Archives of Polish Fisheries
20590 Archives of Suicide Research - New to Brunner Routledge for 2002
159775 Archives of Toxicology 0340-5761
159910 Archivos de Zootecnia 0004-0592
22668 Archiwum medycyny sadowej i kryminologii 0324-8267
117672 Area Development and Policy 2379-2949
3122 Arena 1069-8272
22664 Arerugi = [Allergy] 0021-4884
24768 Arkiv för Matematik
156466 Arquivos (Faculdade de Veterinaria, UFRGS) 0101-5230
22661 Artery -Kalamazoo 0098-6127
3191 Artforum 0004-3532
129524 Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 2169-1401
117855 Arts et Gastronomie 2265-9617
3210 Arts in Society 0004-4024
156010 Arvalis Infos 1960-2049
156807 Arve Leman Savoie Nature 0221-8305
105268 Arvicola 0758-5721
157463 Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya 0212-0372
22659 Asepsis 1062-0281
3222 Asia 0891-3536
155994 Asia Life Sciences 0117-3375
20639 Asia Pacific Development Journal
22657 Asian American and Pacific Islander journal of health 1072-0367
54579 Asian Biomedicine
154980 Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology 2320-7027
155549 Asian Journal of Animal Science 0973-4759
102176 Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 1683-9919
127800 Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
735754 Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2305-0500
126699 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2221-1691
157137 Asparagus Research Newsletter 0112-1421
114214 Aspects of Applied Biology 0265-1491
22653 Assia--Jewish medical ethics 0793-2952
114029 Astaciculteur de France 1244-457X
23946 Astronomical Society of the Pacific
155987 Ateliers du LESC 1954-3646
3266 Atlantic Monthly (1857) 0160-6514
3267 Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1971) 0004-6795
155076 Atlantico (Paris) 2115-2179
3270 Atlas (New York, N.Y: 1961) 0004-6930
3271 Atlas world press review 0161-6528
20052 Atomic Energy Review
20053 Atomki Bulletin
156820 Atout Fleurs 1148-0785
58279 Atout Porc Bretagne
156755 Atouts Bretagne 0993-9997
156750 Atti - Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino 0365-3552
42629 Atw -Dusseldorf 1431-5254
154189 Aubier
20640 Auditing, A Journal of Practice and Theory
3285 Audubon Magazine 0004-7694
157154 Aujourd'hui la Chine 0399-0680
863415 Austin Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism 2573-5330
20641 Australian Commodities Forecasts and Issues
155806 Australian Grapegrower and Winemaker 0727-3606
105603 Australian Journal of Crop Science 1835-2693
156540 Australian Journal of Statistics 0004-9581
157038 Australian Microbiologist 0158-619X
156322 Australian Nutgrower 0819-7849
157260 Australian Rangeland Journal 0313-4555
155921 Australian and New Zeland Grapegrower and Winemaker 1175-6322
22641 Australian orthodontic journal 0587-3908
154882 Austrian Journal of Statistics 1026-597X
20054 Automatique Productique Informatique Industrielle
20855 Automatisierungstechnik
674564 Automotive Innovation 2096-4250
20055 Autrement
20056 Auvergne Sciences
156523 Avances en Alimentacion y Mejora Animal 0005-1896
155885 Avances en Tecnologia Porcina 1697-2015
22639 Avances en periodoncia 1130-1457
157398 Avenir Agricole de l'Ardèche 0998-0210
155805 Avenir Agricole et Viticole Aquitain 0300-2942
22638 Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine 0233-528X
156360 Avian Poultry and Biology Reviews 1470-2061
3326 Aviation 0097-7028
3327 Aviation Week 0097-7128
3329 Aviation Week Including Space Technology 1042-1688
156828 Aviculteur 0150-939X
153895 Avis de recherche forestière (Québec) 1715-0795
638712 BDJ Open 2056-807X
22623 BETA : bulletin of experimental treatments for AIDS : a publication of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation 1058-708X
162523 BJHS Themes 2058-850X
22604 BJR supplement / BIR 0961-2653
161513 BMJ Military Health 2633-3767
120611 BTI Bulletin Technique d'Information 1148-2168
154135 BTMEA
157621 BVF Bulletin de la vulgarisation forestière 0150-6404
24014 Babel
156324 Back Journal 0940-0362
157254 Bacterial Wilt Newsletter 1030-8512
156500 Badische Winzer 0172-0937
94058 Baies et rias
22633 Balance -Alexandria 1094-6195
106943 Balde Branco
20057 Balkan Physics Letters
161503 Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture 1691-9971
24740 Banach Center Publications
156626 Banane Antilles 1287-5112
156044 Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology 1991-007X
3344 Bankers' Magazine (New York, N.Y.: 1896) 0730-4080
156991 Barley Genetics Newsletter 1043-5174
156782 Barreau de France 0404-9608
157199 Bas-Rhone Languedoc 0408-6058
155457 Basta ( 2111-5052
30268 Beam dynamics newsletter (ICFA)
136695 Bee World 0005-772X
156949 BeeScience 1063-939X
22631 Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association) 1071-2984
20643 Behavioral Research in Accounting
23081 Behaviour Brain Research
22627 Beijing da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Peking University. Health sciences 1671-167X
156201 Beiträge zur Tabakforschung International 0173-783X
156634 Beiträge zur Züchtungsforschung 0948-5538
156885 Belgian Journal of Food Chemistry and Biotechnology 0773-6177
3381 Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science 0005-8556
20058 Bell System Technical Journal
20560 Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft
20059 Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie
120320 Berichte über Landwirtschaft 0005-9080
23402 Berkeley Linguistics Society
23615 Berliner Zeitschrift für Soziologie
156825 Betteravier Français 0405-6701
30269 BgNS Transactions
3408 Biblion 1064-301X
22622 Bilten Mednarodne Federacije Zobotehnikov = Bulletin Of The International Federation Of Dental Technicians. Bulletin De La Federation Internationale Prothesistes Dentaires. Bulletin Der Internationalen Foderation Der Zahntechniker
157323 Bio Sciences 0292-8418
156168 Bio Tech International 2032-2887
156778 Bio la Lettre des Sciences de la Vie 0990-7513
132516 BioRisk 1313-2644
156348 BioVision 2321-7561
120596 Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 1878-8181
162908 Biochar 2524-7972
156320 Biochemica 0946-1310
120715 Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 2405-5808
124579 Biochemistry and molecular biology international 1039-9712
161106 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1570-9639
105261 Biocontact 1163-3948
87559 Biocosme Mésogéen
77839 Biodiversity & Ecology
24329 Bioelectromagnetics Journal
154872 Biofil 1286-5508
24127 Bioforum France
24126 Bioforum International
3434 Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 0077-2933
157094 Biologi Italiani 0392-2510
159788 Biologia 0006-3088
157634 Biologia gallo-Hellenica 0750-7321
129769 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 0144-8765
157203 Biological Research in Pregnancy and Perinatology 0724-438X
157301 Biological Structures and Morphogenesis 0989-8972
24496 Biologicheskie Membrany
66282 Biologie Géologie
157620 Biologie et Ecologie Méditerranéenne 0397-2836
120640 Biologiste Infos 1764-0873
23535 Biology International
145276 Biomasse Actualités 0294-3433
157045 Biomaterials, Artificial Cells, and Immobilization Biotechnology 1055-7172
22608 Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 0067-8856