Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
156921 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 0706-6457
150849 Canadian journal of comparative medicine 0008-4050
22506 Cancer prevention & control : CPC = Prevention & controle en cancerologie : PCC 1206-548X
155471 Cangüé 0797-8480
32982 Caoutchoucs et Plastiques
153867 Cap Agro 1957-4177
155624 Cap Elevage 1779-5303
22502 Capitation management report 1083-7183
22501 Capitation rates & data 1090-1574
156406 Capricorne 0991-9473
156818 Capsicum Newsletter 1122-5556
156627 Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter 1122-5548
156693 Carbohydrates in the Netherlands 1385-0067
118163 Carbon Management 1758-3004
120626 Cardiologie Cardinale 1960-1646
156910 Cardioscience 1015-5007
83814 Cardioscopies
20814 Care
156120 Caribbean Food Crops Society Proceedings 9507-0410
465 Caribbean Studies 0008-6533
41714 Carnets de bord
157007 Carnets du CARI 2034-1865
154991 Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology 2066-6845
141503 Case Reports in Pulmonology
127123 Case Reports in Transplantation 2090-6943
156004 Caseus 1127-2244
162168 Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 1757-1898
20528 Catalysts and Catalysed Reactions
117910 Catena Supplement 0722-0723
3834 Catholic world 0008-848X
131574 Catéchèse 0576-9248
155914 Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 1814-3326
63696 Caucasian Geographical Review
143786 Cause commune
155103 Causeur 1966-6055
23416 Cell Growth and Differentiation
161148 Cell Host & Microbe 1931-3128
918004 Cell Reports Sustainability 2949-7906
22492 Cell biology education [electronic resource]
159949 Cellular Immunology 0008-8749
27015 Cellular and Molecular Biology
156756 Cellular and Molecular Biology Research 0968-8773
22486 Center for home care policy and research policy briefs [electronic resource]
22488 Central African Journal of Medicine 0008-9176
154909 Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Papers 1442-8636
70949 CentrePiece
74683 Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova
128861 Cereal Foods World 0146-6283
99615 Cerevisia and Biotechnology
37279 Cerveau et Psycho
22482 Ceska Gynekologie 1210-7832
22483 Ceska a slovenska oftalmologie : casopis Ceske oftalmologicke spolecnosti a Slovenske oftalmologicke spolecnosti 1211-9059
22485 Ceskoslovenska fysiologie / Ustredni ustav biologicky 1210-6313
22484 Ceskoslovenska patologie 1210-7875
147339 Chain Letter 1380-7595
104488 Chambres d'Agriculture 0396-7883
120602 Champs du Monde 0242-889X
22480 Chang Gung medical journal
155831 Charente Libre 0247-7823
157210 Charolais 0395-8183
157299 Chasse en Alsace et en Lorraine 1141-3204
156139 Chasseur Vendéen 0242-8652
20101 Chaud Froid Plomberie
63000 Chauffage, ventilation, conditionnement
20529 Chemical Biology Virtual Journal
20544 Chemical Educator
23527 Chemical Engineering Education
20562 Chemical Engineering and Technology
22956 Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly
121562 Chemical Intelligencer 0947-0662
99471 Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability
155065 Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 2196-5641
3880 Chemistry 0163-1519
20483 Chemistry and Biology
157143 Chemistry in Britain 0009-3106
155149 Cheval Magazine 0245-3614
120725 Cheval Santé 1620-2821
156742 Chevaux et Champions 1152-5770
131617 Chiang Mai Journal of Science 0125-2526
393695 Child Development Research 2090-3987
22476 Child health alert 1064-4849
28120 Chimie Analytique
23088 China Economic Quarterly
153853 China Environmental Science 1000-6923
26818 China Review International
157409 Chinese Journal of Biological Control 1000-1034
21060 Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology 1003-9279
20103 Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics
157211 Chinese Journal of Rabbit Farming 1005-6327
47709 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
156121 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology 1005-0868
156062 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science 1005-4545
156058 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses 1002-2694
22468 Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990) 1221-9118
22472 Chirurgia Italiana -Milano then Roma 0009-4773
22471 Chirurgia maxillofacialis & plastica 0009-4781
102031 Cholé Doc 1639-2558
3925 Christendom 0190-4043
156800 Chromatography and Analysis 0164-0453
159938 Chromosome Research 0967-3849
109503 Chronica Horticulturae 0578-039X
120579 Chroniques d'Actualité 0009-613X
156826 Chroniques de la SEDEIS 1164-8759
157031 Chronobiologia 0390-0037
155981 Chulalongkorn Journal of Economics 0857-8397
3938 Church Quarterly Review 0269-4034
20106 Ciel et Terre
120367 Ciencia Hoy 0327-1218
20107 Ciencia e Cultura. Suplemento
157213 Ciencias de la Agricultura 0255-8602
3944 Cinema (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 0009-7047
156758 Circuits Culture 0751-6037
155161 Citrus Research and Technology 2177-5419
132588 Civil Engineering Dimension
3954 Civil Rights Digest 0009-7969
3955 Civil Service Journal 0009-7985
156043 Ciência e Agrotecnologia 1413-7054
76316 Ciência e trópico
84922 Ciência y Técnica Vitícola
41864 Clartés
22448 Clinical Leadership and Management Review 1527-3954
155051 Clinical Medicine Insights. Pediatrics 1179-5565
128557 Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry 1179-5573
156209 Clinical Pearls News 1058-4595
157257 Clinical Research Reviews 0260-8367
22456 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology -Supplement 0143-9294
159806 Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 1556-6811
22457 Clinical and experimental pathology 1292-7953
22434 Clinical ethics report
22439 Clinical practice guideline. Quick reference guide for clinicians
22438 Clinical privilege white paper
156938 Coastal and Estuarine Studies 0733-9569
22431 Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
156642 Coconut Research and Development 0215-1162
157337 Collection Recherche Environnement 0151-7147
104715 Collection Résultats Institut de l'Elevage 1773-4738
157169 Collections de Statistique Agricole. Etude (SCEES) 0336-5638
157112 Collections de l'INSEE Serie E, Entreprises 0533-0815
155493 Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 0973-7766
157392 Colloque de la Société Française pour l'Etude de la Fertilité 0989-909X
156514 Colloque sur les recherches fruitières 0998-5646
157485 Colloques INSERM 0768-3154
157416 Colloques Phytosociologiques 1430-0540
157000 Colloques de l'Académie des sciences et du CADAS 1243-4698
156744 Colloques de l'INRA 0293-1915
22900 Colloquium Mathematicum
22426 Colorado nurse (1985) 8750-846X
156986 Colostrum
104515 Colture Protette 0390-0444
155920 Columbia County History 0069-6293
4015 Columbia forum 0010-1907
75247 Combat nature
93316 Comercio Exterior
20110 Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics
20111 Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics
97308 Commonwealth Forestry Review
97282 Communes Forestières de France
22424 Communicable Disease and Public Health 1462-1843
22423 Communicable disease report. CDR supplement 0264-1607
22422 Communicating nursing research 0160-1652
20112 Communications from the Physical Laboratory of the University of Leiden
23085 Communications in Applied Analysis
156394 Communications of the Austrian Soil Science Society 0029-8921
22421 Community-based public health policy & practice / Partnership for the Public's Health
99883 Comp Biochem Physiol A
131590 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 0300-9629
159819 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1096-4959
156425 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, Pharmacology Toxicology and Endocrinology 1367-8280
161316 Comparative Parasitology 1525-2647
156393 Composite Mechanics and Design 1086-7252
23333 Composite Part B
130369 Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications: An International Journal 2152-2057
159891 Comptes Rendus de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France 0989-6988
156770 Comptes Rendus de l'Académie de Touraine 1153-1118
160114 Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France 0001-3986
160023 Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales 0037-9026
23291 Computational Methods in Engineering
157439 Computational Statistics Quarterly 0723-712X
155841 Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference 1752-7791
20123 Computer Review
20485 Computers and Chemistry
20869 Computing 2004
120691 Comunitat Valenciana agraria 1138-2775
32175 Concepts of Physics
74396 Concours Médical
60009 Concurrence et consommation
4134 Confluence (Cambridge, Mass.) 0589-199X
24418 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
156369 Conjonction 0304-5757
120569 Connaissance de la Vigne et du Vin 0010-597X
4157 Consumer Bulletin 0010-7123
72288 Contact Santé
116631 Contaduría y Administración 0186-1042
156144 Contemporary Issues in Genetics and Evolution 0929-712X
4168 Contemporary Jewish Record 0363-6909
40946 Contraception Fertilité Sexualité
156858 Contraception Fertilité Sexualité (1991) 1157-8181
20126 Contribuciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas
20127 Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare di Scienze Matematiche e Loro Applicazioni
22408 Contributions to Gynecology and Obstetrics 0304-4246