Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
177216 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series IOPscience
147799 International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management 2581-4540 IOR Publication
72017 Risk and Decision Analysis 1569-7371 IOS
38210 AI Communications 0921-7126 IOS Press
38253 Analytical Cellular Pathology 0921-8912 IOS Press
38326 Applied Ontology 1570-5838 IOS Press
167047 Argument & Computation 1946-2166 IOS Press
59892 Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 0972-9860 IOS Press
20853 Asymptotic Analysis 0921-7134 IOS Press
22629 Behavioural Neurology 0953-4180 IOS Press
22610 Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 0959-2989 IOS Press
11216 Biorheology 0006-355X IOS Press
117973 Brain Plasticity 2213-6304 IOS Press
22547 Breast Disease 0888-6008 IOS Press
11299 Bridge Structures 1573-2487 IOS Press
38530 Cancer Biomarkers 1574-0153 IOS Press
22489 Cellular Oncology 2211-3428 IOS Press
22453 Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 1386-0291 IOS Press
75638 Computability 2211-3568 IOS Press
951432 Data Science 2451-8484 IOS Press
4511 Education for Information 0167-8329 IOS Press
38862 Electronic Journal of Pathology and Histology 0948-0382 IOS Press
38922 Environmental Policy and Law 0378-777X IOS Press
62332 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 0922-6389 IOS Press
138020 Fundamenta Informaticae IOS Press
22112 Human Antibodies 1093-2607 IOS Press
39239 Human Systems Management 0167-2533 IOS Press
39255 I-Ways 1084-4678 IOS Press
39329 INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS Management 1389-1995 IOS Press
1042 In Silico Biology 1386-6338 IOS Press
39318 Information Infrastructure and Policy 1383-7605 IOS Press
39320 Information Polity 1570-1255 IOS Press
39323 Information Services and Use 0167-5265 IOS Press
39351 Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 1069-2509 IOS Press
14249 Intelligent Data Analysis 1088-467X IOS Press
104615 Intelligent decision technologies 1872-4981 IOS Press
23216 International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 1383-5416 IOS Press
39413 International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 1327-2314 IOS Press
125082 International Journal of RF Technologies 1754-5730 IOS Press
39435 International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine 0924-6479 IOS Press
39481 Intervention Research 1573-417X IOS Press
39495 Isokinetics and Exercise Science 0959-3020 IOS Press
112259 JAISE - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1876-1364 IOS Press
107271 Journal of Aerospace Operations 2211-0038 IOS Press
22009 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 1387-2877 IOS Press
165948 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports 2542-4823 IOS Press
15119 Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 1053-8127 IOS Press
39592 Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 1472-7978 IOS Press
24420 Journal of Computer Security 0926-227X IOS Press
39610 Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 0747-9662 IOS Press
39615 Journal of Embedded Computing 1740-4460 IOS Press
109003 Journal of Facade Design and Engineering 2213-3038 IOS Press
39635 Journal of High Speed Networks 0926-6801 IOS Press
39646 Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 1092-0617 IOS Press
39648 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1064-1246 IOS Press
122712 Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2214-3599 IOS Press
15882 Journal of Neutron Research 1023-8166 IOS Press
39698 Journal of Pediatric Neurology 1304-2580 IOS Press
188216 Journal of Sports Analytics 2215-0218 IOS Press
16462 Journal of Vestibular Research 0957-4271 IOS Press
16481 Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 1052-2263 IOS Press
16502 Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 0895-3996 IOS Press
1613 Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 1574-0617 IOS Press
16834 Main Group Chemistry 1024-1221 IOS Press
136718 Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 1973-798X IOS Press
39973 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 1574-1699 IOS Press
37514 Multiagent and Grid Systems - An International Journal of Cloud Computing 1574-1702 IOS Press
17408 NeuroRehabilitation 1053-8135 IOS Press
120359 Nutrition and Aging 1879-7717 IOS Press
40100 Occupational Ergonomics 1359-9364 IOS Press
40197 Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law 1389-2827 IOS Press
21373 Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 0922-6028 IOS Press
40462 Scientific Programming 1058-9244 IOS Press
74058 Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability 1570-0844 IOS Press
40484 Shock and Vibration 1070-9622 IOS Press
40598 Space Communications 0924-8625 IOS Press
40604 Spectroscopy 0712-4813 IOS Press
40634 Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 0167-8000 IOS Press
162453 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine IOS Press
40650 Strength, Fracture and Complexity 1567-2069 IOS Press
21221 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 0926-9630 IOS Press
19362 Technology and Disability 1055-4181 IOS Press
21198 Technology and Health Care 0928-7329 IOS Press
19912 WORK 1051-9815 IOS Press
116137 Web Intelligence : An International Journal 2405-6464 IOS Press
40855 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 1570-1263 IOS Press
40919 Zeitschrift fur medizinische Psychologie : ZMP 0940-5569 IOS Press
124544 Multiagent and Grid Systems archive Volume 6 Issue 3, August 2010 1574-1702 IOS Press Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands
340966 Semantic Web journal 1570-0844 IOS Press Journal
103741 Intelligenza Artificiale 1724-8035 IOS press
171604 Statistical Journal of the IAOS 1874-7655 IOS press
822834 IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 2319-2380 IOSR
599734 IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 2321-5933 IOSR
113847 IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering 2320-334X IOSR JOURNALS
102324 IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry IOSR Journals
121382 IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) 2278-4861 IOSR Journals
217939 Official Journal of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education 2799-3507 IOSTE
151655 Journal of Occultation and Eclipse IOTA
176721 Journal for Occultation Astronomy 2325-5765 IOTA-ES
144137 JOE - Journal of Occultation and Eclipse 2522-7955 IOTA/ME