Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
165622 ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies 2616-8375 ITU
176839 ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries ITU
39507 ITWeb Brainstorm 1680-1555 ITWeb
820704 Vesper. Rivista di architettura, arti e teoria | Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory 2704-7598 IUAV
98065 Academy of Environmental Law eJournal IUCN
131957 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2307-8235 IUCN
147932 crocodile specialist group newsletters IUCN
166266 E-journal 1929-6088 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law
177309 Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung / Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies 0170-0006 IUDICIUM Verlag GmbH
132062 Gaïac 2109-0092 IUFM / ESPE MARTINIQUE
151799 Gaïac: revue de l’IUFM de Martinique, n°2 IUFM / ESPE MARTINIQUE
563180 IUL Research | Open Journal of IUL University 2723-9586 IUL University
329950 InterArtes 2785-3136 IULM
592427 International Union of Soil Sciences Bulletin. IUSS
936445 IUSVEducation 2283-642X IUSVE
226482 Les Cahiers de jéricost IUT de Tours - Université François Rabelais – CEDP
140909 Blue-Green Systems IWA Publishing
89316 Hydrology Research 0029-1277 IWA Publishing
15594 Journal of Hydroinformatics 1464-7141 IWA Publishing
108472 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2220-1319 IWA Publishing
117108 Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA IWA Publishing
86653 Journal of Water and Climate Change 2040-2244 IWA Publishing
16484 Journal of Water and Health 1477-8920 IWA Publishing
73059 Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 2043-9083 IWA Publishing
40849 Water Asset Management International 1814-5434 IWA Publishing
40850 Water Intelligence Online IWA Publishing
17489 Water Policy 1366-7017 IWA Publishing
40851 Water Practice and Technology 1751-231X IWA Publishing
924994 Water Reuse 2709-6092 IWA Publishing
19873 Water Science and Technology 0273-1223 IWA Publishing
40852 Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 1606-9749 IWA Publishing
40853 Water Utility Management International 1747-7751 IWA Publishing [2006-2015]
9239 Water Research 0043-1354 IWA Publishing/Elsevier
19187 Structural Engineering International 1016-8664 Iabse, Eth-honggerberg
110172 IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems 1646-3692 Iadis Press
866 Evolutionary Psychology: an International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior 1474-7049 Ian Pitchford, Ed.& Pub
22104 Iapac Monthly 1545-1089 Iapac
22102 Iarc Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans 1017-1606 Iarc; 1999
74657 Logos & Episteme 2069-0533 Iasi
123253 Diacronia 2393-1140 Iaşi : Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Facultatea de Litere
178627 Philologica Jassyensia 1841-5377 Iaşi Alfa
118414 Meta. Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and practical Philosophy 2067-3655 Iaşi: Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi
74 African Journal of Biomedical Research 1119-5096 Ibadan Biomedical Communications Group
124843 Indiana - Anthropologische Studien zu Lateinamerika und der Karibik 0341-8642 Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
149217 Iberoamericana. América Latina. España. Portugal 1577-3388 Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut-Berlín--Iberoamericana/Vervuert Madrid-Frankfurt am Main
1392 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1666-6046 Iberoamerican Science & Technology Education Consortium
68523 Revista Internacional de Lingüistica Iberoamericana 1579-9425 Iberoamericana
540438 Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (JSPPS) Ibidem
124969 Paideutika. Quaderni di formazione e cultura 1974-6814 Ibis Edizioni
25713 Documents pour l'histoire des techniques 0417-8726 Ibis Press et Centre d'Histoire des Techniques CNAM- EHESS
1020 Ibm Journal of Research and Development 0018-8646 Ibm Corporation
136703 ICAMOP journal Ibn Tofail University
2679 African Business -London 0141-3929 Ic Publications Limited
1434 Journal of Health Population and Nutrition 1606-0997 Icddr:b
124822 Jökull 0449-0576 Iceland Glaciological Society
5298 Iceland Review 0019-1094 Iceland Review
28185 Anthropopages Ici et Ailleurs - GRAEA
3875 Chemical Market Reporter 1092-0110 Icis Publications
109275 Icono 14: Comunicación y tecnologías emergentes 1697-8293 Icono 14
21923 Journal of Heart Valve Disease 0966-8519 Icr Publishers
147513 Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 0340-9031 IdW-Verlag
5301 Idaho Law Review 0019-1205 Idaho Law Review
5302 Idaho Librarian 0019-1213 Idaho Library Association
5303 Idaho Magazine 1552-6240 Idaho Magazine, Inc
2656 Advocate (Boise, Id.) 0515-4987 Idaho State Bar
738 Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education 1556-5378 Idaho State University, College of Education
181992 Idea Books, Issue: Bourdieu and Sociology of Power, Volume 1 Idea Books
81433 International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 1548-3908 Idea Group Pub
107087 International Journal of Web Services Research 1545-7362 Idea Group Pub
108286 Journal of organizational and end user computing 1546-2234 Idea Group Pub
38290 Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT) 1537-937X Idea Group Publishing
6061 Journal of End User Computing 1063-2239 Idea Group Publishing
109724 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 1554-1045 Idea group publishing
180489 Ideaz 0799-1401 Ideaz Institute
267356 Réussir Pâtre 1638-4830 Idèle
36279 IFAC conference on Analysis and control systems Ifac (Ed)
5581 International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control 1011-8829 Ifla Ubcim Programme
483 CESifo Forum 1615-245X Ifo Institute for Economic Research
89891 La revue internationale des mondes francophones Iframond
133292 Éditoriaux de l'Ifri Ifri
117835 BLPC - Bulletin des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées 1269-1496 Ifsttar
22826 Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica 0001-6659 Ig Jusagi Lapk
21580 Neurological Surgery 0301-2603 Igaku Shain
629074 精神医学 0488-1281 Igaku Shoin, Tōkyō
21578 Brain and Nerve 0006-8969 Igaku-shoin Ltd
113607 Religion and Gender 1878-5417 Igitur Publishing
217 Ars Disputandi : the Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1566-5399 Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services
1797 1567-6633 Igitur, Utrecht Publishing and Archiving Services
39430 International journal of pharmaceutical compounding 1092-4221 Ijpc
675710 les cahiers d'Ikerzaleak Ikerzaleak
135241 Mir 9782916011134 Ikko
102668 Mir, revue d'anticipation Ikko
454953 Op.cit. Selezione della critica d'arte contemporanea Il Centro
154708 Urbanities - Journal of Urban Ethnography 2239-5725 Il Denaro Group
113748 Il Giotti 2499-605X Il Giotti
81547 Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trento 0392-0011 Il Mulino
107950 Annali di Storia delle università italiane 1127-8250 Il Mulino
29158 Contemporanea : rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900 1127-3070 Il Mulino
179857 Diritto Pubblico 1721-8985 Il Mulino
125434 Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo 1720-4313 Il Mulino