Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
142522 Epe Journal
142524 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
142537 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1096-4959
142542 Journal of Engineering-Joe
142548 Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology
142549 Advances in Sciences, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
142550 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
142564 Philosophical Magazine 1478-6435
142569 Materialia 2589-1529
142570 Inorganic Materials 0020-1685
142571 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409
142578 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia 1224-7154
142581 Computer Graphics Forum - Eurographics
142582 Revue Française de Métrologie
142583 TWMS J. Pure Applied Math
142584 Commun. Stoch. Anal
142586 Journal of Complexity
142862 Slowpolitix
142866 Cultur. Revista de Cultura e Turismo 1982-5838 Universitade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Brésil)
142872 Ecological Entomology
142874 Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine
142875 Hystrix, the italian Journal of Mammalogy
142876 Nephron Extra
142877 EMBNet.journal
142879 Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation
142880 Familial Cancer
142881 Annales de la Société dtextquoterightHorticulture et dtextquoterightHistoire Naturelle de ltextquoterightHérault
142886 Encyclopédie pour une histoire nouvelle de l'Europe 2677-6588 LabEx EHNE
142889 Sud Ouest-Le Cercle des idées
142892 Guerres mondiales & conflits contemporains
142893 Le Casoar
142895 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed 1000-2413
142896 Journal of plasticity engineering
142897 revue des sciences humaines et sociales (RISHS) 1966-5199 Centre National d'Education
142899 Nature Photon
142900 Annales de la Faculté de droit de Strasbourg / Nouvelle série
142906 Goupil
142907 Quaterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
142908 Les Cahiers du CERCOR Université Rennes 2
142911 Bulletin de la Société de l'Industrie Minérale
142913 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
142919 Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
142923 Public Transport 1613-7159
142927 Part of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
142928 Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science Springer
142931 Institut Finistérien d'Etudes Préhistoriques. Musée de Penmac'h
142933 Oberthur
142934 Monde Industriel et Commercial
142935 Revue Bretonne de Botanique
142936 Comptes rendus de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences
142937 Mathématiques appliquées : déterministes et stochastiques ISTE Open Science
142940 Complexity 1099-0526
142941 Teatr 0131-6885 STD
142942 China Literature and Art Criticism
142944 Etudes & Travaux 2553-5838 Eur'ORBEM
142964 Między Oryginałem a Przekładem
142965 Atelier de traduction
142974 IPRax, Praxis des internationalen Privatrechts 0720-6585 Gieseking verlag
142975 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
142984 International Journal of Maps in Mathematics
142991 Revue Cahiers de la sécurité
142992 Cahier de la Sécurité
142993 International journal Presence
142995 Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
142997 Teleccomunication Systems
142998 Information Security, IET
142999 IEEE Photonics Society News
143001 Photonic Tecnology Letters
143006 PVLDB
143008 International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing – Springer
143009 Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
143010 MERI Journal go Management & IT
143011 J. Optical Communications Networking
143013 JASA
143019 Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences
143023 Computer And Graphics
143028 Journal of Low Power Electronics
143030 Springer proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
143032 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
143034 Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée
143036 IET-optoelectronics
143037 Image and Vision Computing
143038 Research on Language and Social Interaction
143039 Photonics Technology. Lett
143040 IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter
143045 International Journal of Network Management
143048 JCEN
143049 Electronic Commerce Research & Applications
143053 Activités
143054 Journal of Modern Management
143060 Circuits and Systems Scientific Research
143061 ACM SIGMultimedia Records
143066 American Journal of Sociology 0002-9602
143067 CCP
143068 Action Poetique
143069 VLDS (Very large data search)
143070 Journal of Product Innovation Management
143072 International Journal of Law, Language and Discourse
143511 ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
143513 Lithos
143515 Journal of Geochemical Exploration
143517 Geochemical Journal
143520 Journal of Soil Science
143522 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards
143525 Białostockie Archiwum Językowe Białystok : Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
143531 Études de linguistique, littérature et arts Berlin : Peter Lang
143533 Quoi de NEUF ? • supplément au numéro 27 • été 2014 SGEN-CFDT
143537 Dance Research Journal Champaign (USA) : University of Illinois Press
143538 O Percevejo online. Périodico do programma de pos-graduaçao em artes cenicas PPGAC/UNIRIO
143539 Lope de Barrientos: Seminario de cultura 1888-9530 Asociación Seminario de Cultura Lope de Barrientos (
143540 Revista Agua y Territorio 2340-8472 Universidad de Jaén
143541 Citation : Borsa P
143542 Journal for Dance and Somatic Practices Coventry (UK) : Intellect
143543 Amiras / Repères occitans 0750-3504 Edisud (La Calade 13090 Aix-en-Provence
143548 Journal of Ecohydraulics 2470-5357
143550 Revue Perrine
143551 Acta Geoscientica Sinica 1006-3021 Science Press
143552 International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics 2667-6990
143557 UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A Applied Mathematics and Physics 1223-7027
143563 Elinberri elinberri
143568 Nature Plants
143575 LSE The London School of Economics and Political Sciences - EUROPP - European Politics and Policy
143576 Annales des Télécommunications,
143580 Computer-Aided Design
143585 TEANGA, the Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics 0332-205X
143586 Contemporânea - revista de sociologia da UFSCar
143596 Advances in Virus Research
143605 Cahiers de publications doctorales : sciences humaines, philosophie, linguistique Strasbourg : Association des doctorants et docteurs de l'Université Marc Bloch
143607 Histoire du livre 2558-5010 Société bibliographique de France
143608 Iluminace 0862-397X Nárdoní filmovy archiv
143610 Journal of Law and Development Universitas Indonesia (Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan Universitas Indonesia) 1693-5594
143614 International Journal For Ion Mobility Spectrometry
143615 Apl Materials
143616 In Cognito
143618 JEOL 0075-2118 Dutch Ancient Near Eastern Society “Ex Oriente Lux”
143621 International journal of business process integration and management 1741-8771
143622 Perspectives 1210-762X
143627 Revista Interdisciplinar de Literatura e Ecocrítica
143629 Revista del Museo de La Plata 2545-6377
143635 Desacatos 1405-9274
143636 Encartes Antropológicos 2594-2999 Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, calle Juárez, núm. 87, Col. Tlalpan, C. P. 14000, México, D. F., Apdo. Postal 22-048, Tel. 54 87 35 70, Fax 56 55 55 76.
143638 En otras palabras 0122-9613 Grupo Mujer y Sociedad - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
143639 Coimbra Business Review 2183-3915
143647 Nous Vous Ille
143657 Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Bulletin
143659 PoLar : PORTUGUESE LAW REVIEW 2183-9328 University of Minho
143662 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 0044-2410 Gieseking Verlag
143664 Spatial Demography 2364-2289
143666 J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science
143669 Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1470-479X
143670 Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 0022-328X
143674 Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions 0300-9246
143675 Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica 1824-2707 Università degli Studi di Ferrara
143679 American Journal of Hypertension
143682 Integr Environ Assess Manag
143683 Spinal Cord
143684 Journal of Trauma and acute care surgery
143688 Enantiomer 1024-2430
143692 British Medical Journal
143694 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
143695 Biology Direct
143696 Radiologia Medica
143697 Journal of vascular surgery
143704 L'Atelier. Bulletin de l'association Le Temps d'Albert Besnard
143706 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology
143712 Waterbirds
143716 Institut de veille sanitaire
143719 Século XXI, Revista de Ciências Sociais 2236-6725
143720 Revista Cadernos de Campo 1415-0689
143724 Journal of Mammalogy
143726 British Journal of Nutrition
143727 Computer-Aided Design and Applications
143729 Journal of Biomedical Informatics
143733 G7 Magazine: Global Briefing Report
145464 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Microbiologie 0769-2609
145465 Journal of architecture and planning -Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai keikakukei ronbunshū 1881-8161 Tōkyō Gakkai
145466 Klaxon 2295-5585 CIFAS
145467 Gakujutsu kōen kōgai-shū Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai
145469 G.I.T. Journal Laboratory Europ
145470 Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 0066-6513 Verein Freunde der Völkerkunde
145471 Harvard business review. Hors-série (Éd. française) 2495-1285
145475 Les Entretiens Albert-Kahn. Laboratoire d’innovation publique 2270-2474
145479 Dirasat Afriquia Université Alger 2 Abou El Kacem Saâdallah
145480 Aerosol Science and Technology
145481 Indoor Air
145486 Brises - bulletin de recherches sur l'information en sciences économiques, humaine et sociales
145489 SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0906
145490 Historia Mundi Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
145492 Applied Optics 1539-4522
145493 Tang studies 0737-5034 University of Colorado
145494 Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai North-Holland
145496 Haiyang shi yanjiu 海洋史研究 - Studies of maritime history 社会科学文献出版社
145497 Daoism: Religion, History and Society - 道教研究學報 : 宗教、歷史與社會 2075-2776 Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture
145498 ACSAA Bulletin 2642-8261 American Council for Southern Asian Art
145501 INTI: Revista de literatura hispánica Providence College
145506 La relation pédagogique
145511 Cahiers Butor Hermann