Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
145514 International Journal of Research and development organization (IJRDO) 2455-6661 IJRDO
145517 ISRN Thermodynamics International Scholarly Research Network,
145519 Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, n.s
145531 Atmospheric Pollution Research
145534 Social Systems, Culture and Developpement n°9 978-88755 Gutenberg Edizioni, Italia
145536 Japon(s) - Carnet de la société française des études japonaises (SFEJ) hypothè
145537 Généalo-J
145541 Acta Inf
145542 Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) revista de la Solcha
145546 Magazine Livres Hebdo 2116-8539 Electre SA - Cercle de la Librairie
145549 Journal of research in marketing and entrepreneurship 1471-5201
145551 Revista Derecho de Familia y de las Personas
145552 Revista Jurídica Argentina La Ley Thomson Reuters
145555 Tomsk State University Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 2311-2255 Publishing House of Tomsk State University
145556 Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology
145560 Act. Méd. Int.-Angiologie
145561 ReTour
145562 a.dnz, Revista del Departamento de Danza de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile Santiago (Chili)
145563 AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 2217-9666 Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
145564 IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) 2320-7388
145565 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
145568 Proceeding of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants ICAPP’17
145570 International journal of hygiene and environmental health
145571 Journal of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering
145574 Acta Sanitaria
145575 PALASS Arcane
145577 Tamid: Revista Catalana Anual d’Estudis Hebraics 1138-5561
145578 European Cells and Materials
145580 Inter Pares. Revue électronique de jeunes chercheurs en Sciences Humaines et Sociales
145581 Risques
145582 Revue STAPS
145583 Sport in History
145585 Revista de Antropologia Experimental
145588 French Cultural Studies
145589 Contemporary French Civilization
145590 Contextes et Didactiques
145591 Women's History Review
145595 Disasters
145596 The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
145597 Journal of Cognition and Development
145598 MDCCC 1800 2280-8841 Edizioni Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing
145607 Trails Endurance Magazine
145608 Études et Recherches Philologiques – Série Langues Etrangères Appliquées
145615 Archives of applied Medecine
145616 International Journal of Psychological Research 2011-2084 Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellín
145623 Cuerpo, Cultura y Movimiento 2248-4418
145631 Bulletin Joly bourse
145637 Journal of China Institute of Communications
145638 Institut of Physics Conference Series
145645 Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia
145649 Molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis Springer
145650 La mer gelée 1772-0613 Le nouvel Attila
145652 Mathematica Japonica
145656 IEEE oceanic engineering society newsletter 0746-7834
145661 Acta Technica Jaurinensis 1789-6932
144699 les| Cahiers lyonnais de recherche en gestion 0753-3926
144700 Learning Organization (The) 0969-6474
144701 RIBAF, Research in International Business and Finance 0275-5319
144702 Journal on Chain and Network Science 1569-1829
144703 Journal of Service Research (JSR) 1094-6705
144704 Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen 0344-9777
144705 Stratégies Ressources Humaines 1247-5807
144707 JLOS, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 1548-0518
144708 The Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 1355-8196
144709 International journal of customer relationship management 1461-4561
144710 Industry and Higher Education 0950-4222
144711 Les Cahiers de l'ARTEMIS 1297-7489
144713 JREPM, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 1083-5547
144714 International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1755-3830
144716 Review of business 0034-6454
144717 Journal of International Money and Finance 0261-5606
144718 IJEC, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415
144719 European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060
144720 Revue internationale de l'achat 0292-2096
144721 Enseignement et gestion 0765-7579
144722 Hallinnon tutkimus 0359-6680
144725 International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1554-7191
144726 Mathematical Reviews 0025-5629
144730 Intercultural Management Quarterly
144733 Education Review 1462-7272
144734 IJMR, International journal of management reviews 1460-8545
144735 Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616
144736 Managementforschung 1615-6005
144737 Media Development 0143-5558
144738 Journal of International Consumer Marketing 0896-1530
144739 JVWR, Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 1941-8477
144740 JAEPP, Journal of Accounting Ethics & Public Policy 1089-652X
144742 Harvard Business Review América Latina 0717-9952
144743 Harvard Business Review Brasil 0717-9960
144744 Revista de empresa 1579-8763
144745 Revista da ESPM 1675-1316
144746 Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383
144747 JGSMS, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 2163-9159
144748 Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 2153-3792
144749 Journal of Rural Enterprise and Management 1749-5598
144753 Business and Politics 1369-5258
144755 Bulletin de la finance et de l'assurance 1241-6827
144756 Advances in Consumer Research 0098-9258
144757 European Energy and Environmental Law Review 0966-1646
144758 IEEE Engineering Management Review 0360-8581
144760 Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527
144761 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 0895-5638
144763 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 0022-1031
144765 International Finance 1468-2362
144767 Asia Marketing Journal 1598-7868
144768 Perspectives in Public Health 1757-9139
144770 APJRI, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 1793-2157
144771 Business and Society 1552-4205
144772 Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405
144773 Journal of Change Management 1469-7017
144775 JRIM, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122
144776 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1473-5970
144777 Technology analysis and strategic management 0953-7325
144778 Information and Management 0378-7206
144779 Marketing ZFP Journal of Research and Management 0344-1369
144780 International Journal of Mobile Marketing 1939-1161
144781 JIST, Journal of Information Science & Technology 1545-0287
144782 Revista Romana de Marketing 1842-2454
144783 JMM, International Journal on Media Management 1424-1277
144784 Economia & Management 1120-5032
144785 Franco-Italica 1121-7189
144786 Review of Accounting Studies 1573-7136
144787 Global Strategy Journal 2042-5805
144788 Information Economics and Policy 0167-6245
144789 Micro & Macro Marketing 1121-4228
144790 Journal of Corporate Real Estate 1463-001X
144792 Nature Reviews Neurosciences 1471-003X
144796 Journal of Economic Methodology 1350-178X
144797 The Journal of Derivatives 1074-1240
144799 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 0895-5646
144800 SER, Socio-Economic Review 1475-1461
144803 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 0959-3969
144805 Journal of Financial Econometrics 1479-8409
144806 AME, Annales méditerranéennes d'économie 2115-6743
144807 Journal Advances in Higher Education 2212-5574
144808 Biometrika 1464-3510
144809 Discourse & Society 0957-9265
144810 Journal of Econometrics 0304-4076
144812 IJOQM, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 1082-1910
144813 IJPQM, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 1746-6474
144814 International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111
144815 IJISM, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 1477-5360
144816 Agir et entreprendre 1778-8315
144817 Discourse & Communication 1750-4813
144819 Strategic change 1086-1718
144820 IMP journal 0809-7259
144821 APJOR, Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research 0217-5959
144822 Cross Cultural and Strategic Management 2059-5794
144823 IJIL, International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197
146161 Gloire et Empire Le Livre chez Vous
146162 Ex-position National Taiwan University Press
146165 Chère Simone de Beauvoir Marine Rouch
146166 Femmes Ici et Ailleurs
146167 nat
146168 apjl
146169 Publication of Korean Astronomical Society
146173 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
146177 Les cahiers des rencontres Droit et Arts PUAM
146178 Journal of Social and Political Sciences
146179 Journal of Safety and Reliability Taylor & Francis online
146187 Revista internacional de cooperación y desarrollo 2382-5014 Universidad de San Buenaventura Cartagena
146190 Revue Massaratte scientifique des sciences sociales et humaines (Tunisie) 1737-9261 Université
146191 Lettres d'information - Mission d'Aide à la Performance
146197 ROOM, The Space Journal of Asgardia 2412-4311
146198 Educación y cultura 0120-7164 FECODE
146199 Hábitat y Sociedad
146205 Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience 1531-135X
146206 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1440-1614
146207 Le Monde (site web)
146210 Global Intellectual History
146211 The Canadian Mineralogist
146214 Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
146215 Silicon
146217 MacroDev 2116-4363 Agence Française de Développement
146219 JINA
146220 Biological Psychology 1873-6246
146224 Bulletin de l'association François Pompon
146226 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
146230 Les cahiers d'exploration "Espace, Innovation, Société CNES
146241 Quaterly Journal Math
146242 Proceedings of FJV2017 Kagoshima
146243 La Salle des profs, le site des professeurs de français d’Asie du Sud
146245 Industrial Management & Data Systems
146260 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2234-7658
146263 Journal of Oral Science and Health
146269 La gazette de la recherche Institut Galilée
146270 Clinical & Experimental Optometry 1444-0938
146272 Journal of Glaucoma 1536-481X
146274 Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics 1475-1313
146285 Savoir (URCEAS)
146289 Diễn Đàn Forum Nguyen Ngoc Giao
146290 RAIRO Informatique Theorique Gauthier Villars
146292 chemistry of plant raw material 1029-5151
146303 Storia e Politica 2037-0520 Editoriale Scientifica