Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
74419 JPS Lamy
74420 JP Lamy
74421 Revista Relaciones laborales
74424 Revue de l'APGH Aquitaine
74427 Les Echos Juridiques, L'Hermès
74429 Études françaises (Faguo yanjiu -- Wuhan)
74434 Indian Journal of Chemistry
74439 建築と学会 (kenchiku to gakkai)
74440 Cahier du centre d'histoire de Lyon III
74441 Book of abstracts, COLA 2011
74444 Journal of Peer Production
74446 Bulletin Inst Géol Bassin d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux
74451 E-MRS 2012 SPRING MEETING Proceedings
74452 Book of Abstracts E-MRS 2012 SPRING MEETING
74457 Paysage, territoire et reconversion
74458 Agriculture métropolitaine/Métropole agricole
74466 Atoms for Peace : An International Journal
74467 Past & Present
74472 Natural Science
74475 Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (Brill)
74486 Annals Univ. of Craiova - Electrical Engineering
74488 Encyclopédie Médico Chirurgicale - Radiologie
74489 Sociologica
74494 Report of the department of antiquities, Cyprus
74496 European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes
74498 Nouvelle revue de l'ASH
74501 SIN '11 : 4th international conference on Security of information and networks
74510 Bibliothèque d'archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine
74511 L'Africa romana
74516 Bulletin de l'Association des Amis de Benoît Malon
74518 Initiatives dixmontoises. Cahiers du syndicat d'initiative de Dixmont
74531 Cahiers de la fondation Charles de Gaulle
74532 Cahiers de l'institut CGT d'histoire sociale
74535 Journal of Biomechanics Engineering (ASME)
74545 Recherches en Economie Expérimentale : Les Cahiers du CEREN
74552 European Medical Biology Information
74556 La Gazette de l'hôpital
74592 Bulletins et mémoires de la Société archéologique et historique d'Ille-et-Vilaine
79424 IRIS, Centre de recherche sur l'imaginaire, Université Grenoble 3
79426 International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
79429 Revue Hommes et terres du Nord
79432 Anuario Galego de Filoloxia
79442 Advancement of Modeling & simulation Techniques in Entreprises
79444 Journal of Systems Chemistry
79447 MCIS 2009
79449 CTS Proceeding
79451 HRIS'07
79454 해외한국학도서관 동향보고서 (Trends in Overseas Korean Studies Libraries), 국립중앙도서관 (The National Library of Korea)
79457 The international Newsletter of Communist Studies Online
79459 Algorithmic Learning Theory Springer
79464 Studies in Computational Mathematics
79465 Communications on applied nonlinear analysis
79468 RGE
79470 Korean Journal of Chemical Enginering
79475 AEPR'12
79477 Revue Internationale de Sociologie et de Sciences Sociales
79478 Eurolimes
79481 Cerveau & Psycho , Paris,
79482 Вісник ОНУ. - Серія "Соціологія і політичні науки". - - Одеса: Астропринт
79486 Acta Polymerica Sinica
79487 International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online (INCS)
79488 Conference Publications
79489 SciTePress 2012
79490 Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
79491 SciTePress 2011
79492 IARIA Conference
79493 Semantics - Advances in Theories and Mathematical Models
79499 Actes des 28° JEP
79500 Innovation & Research conference
79501 European Journal for Jewish Studies
79502 Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education
79503 Revue européenne de géopolitique
79505 VTC 2012: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
79506 Industrial Heritage - Ecology & Economy XIV. International TICCIH Congress 2009 in Freiberg, Germany ; 2009 Selected Papers
79509 Actes des JEP
79511 Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment
79516 EUSIPCO '12 : 20th European Signal Processing Conference
79528 L'educazione matematica
79531 ACES Journal
79538 Pis'ma ZhTF
79539 Revista Telecomunicações
79545 Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
79546 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology WASET
79547 Mathematical Inequalities and Apllications
79551 Debates de arqueologia medieval
79552 Historia naturalis bulgarica
79553 IEEE Computer Society Sixth European Modelling Symposium
79555 International Journal of Online Marketing
79564 Extramuros
79574 Question de style, PUC
79575 Droit d'Alerte
79576 Focus/L'Eau
79577 ADI éditions
79579 Ecol Evol
79582 The Journal of Social Economics
79584 Proc. 3rd International Conference on Photonics 2012 (ICP2012)
79586 Int. J. Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies Inderscience Publishers
79592 Chemistry in Astrophysical Media
79595 J. Phys.Soc. Jpn
79597 Europhysics Lettres
79600 Advance in Optics and Photonics
79604 ENUMATH Leicester 2011 Proceedings Volume
79605 Journal of Microwave and Optoelectronics
79606 Advances in nonlinear variational inequalities
79608 International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS)
79610 Perspectives in public health
79612 Proc. IMechE Part A, Journal of Power and Energy
79621 Outis. Revue de philosophie (post-)européenne
79622 Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering
79631 Bioarchitecture
79632 International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Research
79636 Labrys
79638 Int. J. of Reseach and Reviews in applied Sciences
79639 BAR International Series S
79640 Archivor
79643 International Journal on Wireless Personnal Communications
79645 7th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2010 (WPNC '10)
79646 Le cheval dans les sociétés antiques et médiévales. Actes des Journées internationales d'étude
79647 Animal and Environment in Byzantium (7th-12th c.),
79648 Mélanges Cécile Morrisson
79649 La Collezione di testi chirurgici di Niceta
79650 La veterinaria antica e medievale. Testi greci, latini, arabi e romanzi (Atti del II Convegno internazionale, Catania 3-5 ottobre 2007
79653 汉藏语学报 (Journal of Sino-Tibetan languages)
78107 IWSMA '12 : The First International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications
78112 AReS '12 : The 7th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
78116 L'Annuaire de la Société Liégeoise de Littérature wallone
78118 Bulletí del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya
78122 Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci
78124 Topology and its Appl
78127 Hagiographica. Rivista di agiografia e biografia
78132 Journal on Computer and System Sciences
78140 Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis
78146 NOTERE/CFIP '12 : Conférence Internationale Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition/Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles
78148 International Journal for Applied Numerical Mathematics Elsevier
78149 Dresdener Beitrage zur Geschichte der Technikwissenshaften
78153 Bulletin de la Société des Amis de la Bibliothèque de l'Ecole polytechnique
78154 Archives of Iranian Medicine 1029-2977 Academy of Medical Sciences of the I.R. Iran
78156 Revue MundoPM-Project Management
78178 Mitteilungen des Instituts für Europäische Kulturgeschichte der Universität Augsburg
78181 D'Architectures
78183 Jornal Arquitectos
78184 Journal of laser Micro/Nano Engineering
78185 TARP Architecture Manual
78192 Territoires de l'Association pour la démocratie et l'éducation locale et sociale (ADELS)
78195 Revue académique biélorusse = Filozofija i social'nye nauki
78200 Propriétés de transfert des géomatériaux (Transfert 2012)
78203 International review of Electrical Engineering (IREE)
78215 Le Magasin du 19e siècle
78223 Etudier Réfléchir Interpréter
78227 Journal of sea Reseach
78238 La revue française de généalogie
78240 International journal of System Science
78247 Bulletin d'Informations Scientifiques, ITERG
78249 Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting
78250 Metalurgia International
78251 Agence de l'eau artois picardie UMR CNRS 8187 LOG
78252 Pour l'Histoire
78253 ASH
78254 Revue de l'AFMJF
78258 Horizontes Anthropológicos
78259 O Trecheiro
78260 Retenu pour publication dans les IFAC-Conference Proceedings
78267 Expl Agric. (2012), volume 48 (2), pp. 194-209 Cambridge University Press 2011
78273 Projeto
78280 J Mycol Med
78288 Travaux de Préhistoire Catalane
78289 Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management
78290 Sota Terra
78310 Les Cahiers du litoral
78315 Les cahiers de l'IHTP
78316 Geneva Papers for Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice
78317 From the other shore
78329 High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), 2010 International Conference on
78332 Signal Processing Systems (SIPS)
78334 Les cahiers de Wallis et Futuna
78336 Revue Valdotaine d'histoire naturelle
78361 Polar sciences
78363 Encyclopédie en ligne des violences de masse, ISSN 1961-9898
78365 PADL
78366 International journal of antennas and Propagation (MIMO Over-The-Air Research, Development, and Testing special issue)
78367 Lamy Social
78372 International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science Springer
78373 Journal of Management Control
78374 Zeitschrift Interne Revision
78376 The Securitization Conduit
78380 Stem Cells Transl Med
78381 Publication de l'union des oceanographes de France
78382 14-18 Aujourd'hui-Today-Heute. Revue Annuelle d'Histoire
78385 Les Annales du GREH
78387 International Workshop on Vehicular Communications and Networking (VECON)
78390 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letter
78409 Geotechnical Engineering