Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
163228 Sciences du jeu
163229 ReS Futurae, Revue d'études sur la science-fiction
163230 Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing
163231 Les Cahiers de Global Chance
163232 R?vu? des Energies Renouvelables
163236 Veille juridique Centre de Recherche de l'Ecole des Officiers de la Gendarmerie Nationale
163237 Child Neurology Open 2329-048X
163240 Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 0075-2118 Leiden : Ex Oriente Lux
163242 Culture Mobile
163243 Journal of Basic Physical Research
163244 Collective Dynamics
163247 RSN
163248 La Violette. Art Histoire et Patrimoine Montreuillois
163251 Das Münster
163259 Journal of Dairy Science
163260 Europe 0014-2751
163265 GNU/Linux Magazine
163272 Informatics in medicine unlocked
163276 Computers and Security
163277 Neurocomputing / EEG Neurocomputing
163278 Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
163279 Internet Technology Letters
163280 IET Wireless Sensor Systems
163281 Medical Image Analysis
163282 Computer Communications
163284 Applied Energy
163285 Advanced Engineering Forum
163293 World Electric Vehicle Journal
163294 Lubricants
163295 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering
163296 Thin-Walled Structures
163297 Journal of Cultural Heritage
163305 Microelectronics International
163307 SCIOPS Meeting, Garching
163308 Idées, au service des personnels de direction Indépendance et Direction
163310 Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section B, Nonlinear optics 1058-7268 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
163311 Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series Physics
163319 The Journal of Commonwealth Literature
163323 Corps pop Reims, Epure
163324 Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics 1545-4479 Annual Reviews
163333 Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders 2397-1983
163334 Technology|Architecture + Design 2475-1448
163336 Studia Universitatis Cluj-Napoca
163337 Traversées Cathy Roche-Liger & Marcin Stawiarski
163340 Oncology Research and Treatment 2296-5270
163344 Proceedings of GLOBAL 2019 conference
162399 Investigación franco-española 0214-638X
162402 Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies 2581-7574 JOHN FOUNDATION
162409 Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
162410 Acta Psychologica
162412 Canadian Journal of Philosophy
162414 Dialectica
162415 European Review of Philosophy
162416 Philosophiques
162417 Les ateliers de l'éthique / The Ethics Forum
162429 Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 1448-6563
162431 Pharmacien Hospitalier
162432 Medecine Nucleaire
162434 Wound Repair and Regeneration
162441 Pro Memorie 1566-7146
162444 Studi storici 2036-458X
162445 Journal of Pipeline Integrity 1475-4584 Clarion Technical Publishers
162447 American Journal of Legal History
162449 Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale Libreria Musicale Italiana
162453 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine IOS Press
162456 Oasis 2037-1462
162457 Le Monde des religions 1763-3346
162463 Pipeline Science and Technology
162466 Kriminalpolitische Zeitschrift 2509-6826
162467 Lexbase hebdo Edition juridique
162468 Transcultural Dialogues FIND
162469 European Radiology 1432-1084
162472 Les Cahiers d’Archéologie Subaquatique
162476 handbook of materials modeling
162478 Revue internationale P.M.E
162489 Drug and Chemical Toxicology
162490 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
162493 Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
162495 La lettre de l'Espace Ethique Poitou-Charentes
162496 Praca i zabezpieczenie społeczne / Labour and Social Security Journal 0032-6186
162497 International Labor Rights Case Law 2405-688X
162498 Accattone
162499 Nouveaux Cahiers Henri Pourrat N°1 0751-266X
162500 Cahiers Maritain
162501 L’Oeil-de-Bœuf
162502 L’Œil-de-Bœuf
162503 Dix-neuf / vingt, Revue de littérature moderne
162504 Sud
162507 Pleine Marge
162509 Mouseion
162511 Revue de l'Association Française pour l'Histoire de la Justice
162513 Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A
162524 Le Supplément Cerf
162533 Society of Dance History Scholars 2380-2421
162536 Ornicar? Revue du champ freudien Navarin Éditeur
162539 Pakistan Archaeology 0078-7868 Departament of Archaeology and Museums of Pakistan
162545 CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
162550 British Journal of Radiology
162552 International Journal of Pharmaceutics
162556 Musicologies Nouvelles
162557 Revue Lendemains
162559 Vox Poetica
162561 La Littérature et les arts, Vives Lettres
162562 Autre Sud
162564 Bulletin de la Société archéologique, scientifique et littéraire de Béziers Société archéologique, scientifique et littéraire de Béziers
162568 Bulletin Jean Giono
162569 Research bulletin of education, graduate school of letters Mukogawa women'university
162600 Capri. Zeitschrift für schwule Geschichte 1431-8024 Manfred Herzer-Wigglesworth; Schwules Museum
162601 World Development Perspectives 2452-2929
162605 Cahiers Goncourt
162607 Langues et Linguistiques
163348 Soil Systems
163350 Lettre des Écologistes de l’Euzière
163351 MemoScapes Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies
163353 Presses Universitaires de Nancy-Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine
163363 Zenodo
163365 La Philo en petits morceaux
163366 La philo en petits morceaux, Centre André Malraux, Nancy
163367 Proceedings of IConSES 2020--International Conference on Social and Education Sciences
163368 Humanistica
163372 Precambrian Research
163373 Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
163374 CONSTELACIONES Revista de Teoría Crítica 2172-9506
163376 South as a State of Mind 2241-3901 Cube Art Editions
163377 مجلة المركز العربي للبحوث والدراسات في علوم المعلومات والمكتبات 2410-8324 المركز العربي للبحوث والدراسات في علوم المعلومات والمكتبات
163378 Revue arabe d'Archives, de documentation et d'information 0033-6763 Fondation Témimi pour la RS
163379 RLA. Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada
163381 Boletim Geográfico do Rio Grande do Sul 2446-7251 Secretaria de Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão
163394 International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control 1841-9836
163396 Advances in Traditional Medicine 2662-4052
163398 The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies 2324-7576
163400 Med.Phys
163404 Int. J. Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation
163405 Int. J. Monetary Economics and Finance
163406 AAMJAF
163408 Geology, Geophysics & Environment 0138-0974
163409 GIS Asie [Blog du GIS Asie]
163410 Cahier Cévennes
163411 Revue du ciné-club universitaire 1664-4441 Université de Genève
163412 Aletheia Ephèse formation
163415 Arts Management 2096-6423
163420 Les Nouveaux Cahiers de MARGE 2607-4427 MARGE
163421 INSEE Bourgogne. Dimensions 1246-463X Dijon : Insee. Direction régionale de Bourgogne
163422 Discourse, Context & Media 2211-6958 Elsevier Ltd
163424 REM - International Engineering Journal
163425 Fabula-LHT
163426 Journal of Dietary Supplements 1939-0211
163427 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 0084-0076 Institut für Orientalistik, Universiät Wien
163430 Revista de Sistemas y Gestión Educativa
163431 Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
163433 Cardiovascular Toxicology
163434 Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
163447 Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering 2525-2461
163450 Polyhedron
163451 Forum Akademickie 1233-0930 Fundacja Forum Akademickie
163453 Revista del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales
163454 International Journal of Toxicology
163456 American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
163457 Combustion Theory and Modelling
163461 2020 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
163462 Les Cahiers du Moulin Les Amis d'Armel Guerne
163463 Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers - UbiComp/ISWC '19
163466 Information Processing in Agriculture 2214-3173 Elsevier
163467 H2Open Journal
163472 International Journal of Research & Methodology in Social Science 2415-0371
163473 Journal of Leadership Studies
163475 J. Med. Microbial
163477 Zoosymposia 1178-9905 Magnolia Press
163479 Journal of Natural Health Product Research
163480 Bulletin de l'Union des Français de Sarre
163486 NILES journal for Geriatric and Gerontology 2636-3232 Beni-Suef University, National Institute of Longevity Elderly Sciences
163491 Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
163497 Reproductive Toxicology
163498 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
163500 Neuer Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote. Journal of the German Society
162956 La Gazette des archives 0016-5522
162960 International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing
162976 Current Opinion in Pharmacology 1471-4892
162977 Chacruna
162985 Proceedings of the International Geometry Center 2072-9812
162996 Journal of Computing in Higher Education
162997 Computers in Human Behaviour
163002 The Journal of Financial Data Science
163003 Stauffenburg Romanistik 2366-3588 Stauffenburg Verlag
163004 CRIX Centre de Recherches Italiennes 1244-2410 Université Paris X Nanterre
163005 Universalia 2004 0997-4989 Encyclopaedia Universalis
163007 Ciudad Paz-ando
163008 Science & Diplomacy
163030 Mongolica Pragensia 1803-5647 Stanislav Juhaňák – TRITON
163036 Parlure
163037 Onomàstica. Anuari de la Societat d’Onomàstica
163038 Studies in perception and action VII 9780805848052 Rogers & Effken
163048 Annales Polska Akademia Nauk Centre scientifique de l'Académie polonaise des sciences
163049 Cahiers Raymond Queneau 2257-7793 Calliopées
163050 Boletín de Historia (FEPAI) FEPAI (Fondation pour l’étude de la pensé argentine et ibéro américaine)
163051 Cahiers du Département des Sciences Sociales Institut de la coopération
163052 Cahiers Georges Hyvernaud 1632-8574 Verrières-le-Buisson : Société des lecteurs de Georges Hyvernaud
163056 Gaesin Language and Literature Research 1226-7406 Doseo chulphan Thaehaksa
163057 L’ami du Laonnois