Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
74200 Journal TECNO-LÓGICAS, ITM - Medellín-Colombia
74202 Comptes rendus des séances de l'année 2007
74206 Brèves- anthologie permanente de la Nouvelle
74210 Mare internum. Archeologia e culture del Mediterraneo
74212 Revue Paroles Gelées
74214 AFDI
74215 AJIL
74216 Pedone
74219 Izvestiya UrGPU. Lingvistika
74222 Front Zool
74223 Information and Management Journal
74224 NBER Working Paper
74227 Actes de l'Académie des sciences de Russie, Institut de philosophie
74231 SPIE
74235 Atlas des minorités, La Vie, le Monde
74236 Journal of neuropsycholgy
74239 Studies in European Urban History
74241 PhysicoChemical Hydrodynamics
74244 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science
74246 Rapport BRGM
74248 EGU General Assembly 2012
74249 terres de FLE
74252 Buletin Ştiinţific Universitatea din Piteşti. Seria Matematică şi Informatică
74253 Juridictionnaire Joly Sociétés
74254 Cahiers de Recherche des Instituts Néerlandais de langue et littérature françaises
74260 Journal of business & economic statistics
74261 Cancer Epidemiol
74263 cahiers Textuel
74265 Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
74268 Folia Litteraria Romanica
74272 Cahiers du Musée d'art moderne
74278 Note Accademia Lincei
74281 Promet - Traffic & Transportation
74282 New Trends in Microbiology
74286 Atherosclerosis Supplements
74290 Astronomy
74292 Cahiers Textuel Les Œuvres poétiques de Théophile de Viau, " Ecrire à la moderne ", dir. Pascal Debailly et Florence Dumora
74294 Cahiers Textuel Les Œuvres poétiques de Théophile de Viau, " Écrire à la moderne ", dir. P. Debailly, Fl. Dumora
74299 Cahiers Textuel, Pierre de Ronsard, Discours des Misères de ce temps, Poésie et guerre civile, dir. P. Debailly et J. Vignes
74300 Cahiers Textuel, Pierre de Ronsard, Discours des Misères de ce temps, Poésie et guerre civile dir. P. Debailly et J. Vignes
74301 Les Ailes du désir
74307 International Journal on Theoritical Computer Science
73809 Asia Pacific Media Educator
73810 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
73813 International Journal of Media, Technology & Lifelong Learning
73814 dicorevue
73815 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
73818 Cahiers d'Ambronay
73821 IEEE conference publications
73824 23es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances
73826 Comité Français de Cartographie
73834 International Journal of the EuMA (European Microwave Association)
73841 The Romanic Review
73845 Brazilian journal of biomedical engineering
73846 War & Society
73849 Revue d'éducation comparée raisons-comparaisons
73851 Der Nuklearmediziner
73853 Acts XLVI Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
73854 Fieldwork in Religion
73858 Ecritures XIX
73859 Perspective ! (Villetaneuse)
73860 Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering - Mathematics in Industry
73861 European Cells Materials
73862 European Cell Materials
73865 Learning & Instruction
73867 Learning Environment Research
73869 ISRN Optics
73874 Opéra comique
73875 Goumanitarye problemy sovremennoi civilizacii
73876 Aneth, Carnets de lecture
73878 Baltiiskie sezony
73879 Teatr. Russian THeatre. Past and Present
73881 Ubu
73882 Actes du théâtre
73883 Du théâtre
73884 ITBM-RBM, recherche et ingénierie biomédicale
73885 Peterburgski teatralny journal
73887 France-URSS Magazine
73891 Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology
73892 Sciences et techniques de l'eau
73896 Learning technology newsletter
73897 Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010
73899 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems
73900 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Flexible Query Answering Systems
73903 Religions of South Asia
73904 Lex Localis
73910 International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.)
73911 International Journal of Agile Manufacturing
73915 Journal of System Simulation
73916 International Journal of Mathematical Algorithms
73923 Control and decision
73926 International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications IGI Publishing Hershey, PA, USA
73928 Journal of intelligent service robotics. Special issue on marine robotics systems
73932 Cahiers des sciences morales et politiques
73942 Journal of Materials Science - Materials in Medicine
73943 Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine
73946 Review of the Research institute on religious cultures, Peking University
73949 Parallel Problem Solving From Nature Springer
73959 The Journal of Physical Chenistry C
73964 conflict & communication online
73965 Journal for the Study of Antisemitism
73982 Bulletin archéologique du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques
73983 Altermondes
73989 Les carnets du CAP
73992 Arabica, The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
73993 Néga-é No
73995 Acoustical Physics
73996 Luqmân
73997 Revista de Politica Internationala
73998 UNESCO in Africa
73999 Luqmân, Annales des Presses Universitaires d'Iran
74011 Critique revue générale des publications
74013 L'Écho Hugo. Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Victor Hugo
74017 Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies
74018 Journal of Asian and African Area Studies
74020 Journal d'Histoire du Soufisme
74029 Revue Jean Erigène
74045 Chemins de dialogue
74046 revue Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, University of Malt
74051 Actes des Journées de Statistique
74052 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica
74060 Environmental Indicators
74061 Ganymède : culture et sexualité
74063 Revue universitaire de Djibouti
74064 Cahiers de Dourdon
74868 Work: Journal of prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation
74869 Social Science Medicine
74871 Social Choice & Welfare
74874 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (1985-2001)
74875 Ouzhou Pinglun (Tongji University Press)
74880 Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics
74882 CIEL '12 : Conférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel
74884 ISRN Mechanical Engineering
74890 ECSA 50 and Estuarine, Coastal and Schelf Science
74899 Society of Plastic Engineers
74907 Journal of interdisciplinary history of ideas
74910 Centquatrevue
74914 International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)
74917 Travaux de l'Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg
74920 Environmental Forum
74921 PIK Report
74924 Hagar. Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities
74925 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy
74928 International Joournal of Computers, Communication & Control
74932 Automatique avancée et informatique appliquée, Editura Academiei Române
74935 L'ingénieur
74940 CESA 2012 IMACS/IEEE conference
74941 IEEE/SMC 2011 Conference
74943 Ann Soc Belg Med Trop
74950 ELSA, Space TIME Semiotics
74959 C R chimie
74964 WPMC 2011: 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
74965 Bulletin de l'association de amis du Musée monétaire cantonal
74966 Pampa. Revista Interuniversitaria de Estudios Territoriales
74970 Biochem Res Int
74976 Proceedins of the 20th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, LNCS B. Díaz Agudo and I. Watson (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg
74979 CIFA2012
74986 Indo-Tibetan Studies
74988 La Nouvelle Revue Géopolitique
74989 IEEE ICIN 2011: 15th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks
74993 PoS Solvay:005,2006
74998 Journal of Bhutan Studies
75000 Ubimob '12 : 8èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité
75003 Multi
75006 Psykologisk Set
75009 IJCNN Proceeds
75010 BAR. International series
75014 Advances on Computational Intelligence
75017 Water Nepal
75019 Responsabilité - Revue de formation sur le risque médical
75025 EUCAP '12 : 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
75027 VTC '12-Spring : IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference
75032 Theta-Tudor Theatre
75042 , Mater. Eval
75043 Calcif. Tissue. Int
75046 Ultrasonics., 44(S1) (2006), pp e289-e294
75047 Ultrasonics
75052 L'homme et la société, " Quêtes identitaires, ré-ancrage territorial
75054 Learning and nonlinear models (L&NLM)-Journal of the Brazilian Society on Neural networks
75055 MobiHoc
75057 J. Biomech
75063 LONAARD Magazine
75078 Interceram - refractories manual
75080 J. Med. Plants Res
75085 Communication, lettres et sciences du langage
75087 SUGIA - Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika
75088 Actes des congrès des sociétés historiques et scientifiques
75094 Annual Publications in African Linguistics
75095 Annual Publication in African Linguistics
75096 Informatica Economică vol. 16, no 2/2012
75097 Journal of Applied Sciences,
75104 Dermatol Res Pract
75106 Belief Functions : Theory and Applications. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
75109 Electromyography and kinesiology
75112 Phosphorous Research Bulletin
75118 Alessandria