Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
179327 Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae
179334 Plural. Antropologías desde América Latina y el Caribe 2393-7491 Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología
179336 Paisagens Híbridas
179337 Batey. Revista Cubana de Antropología Sociocultural 2225-529X Universidad de Oriente
179340 Vita Brevis. Revista electrónica de estudios de la muerte 2007-9591 INAH
179343 Studi di filologia italiana 0392-5110 Le Lettere
179352 La revue Promemo. Provence, Mémoire et Monde ouvrier
179354 Language Discourse & Society 2239-4192
179355 Italian Journal of Public Law [Online] 2239-8279
179360 International Orthodontics 1879-680X
179361 Otology and Neurotology 1537-4505
179365 International Journal of Crowd Science 2398-7294
179366 Joseffine
179367 Bulletin d'information du telescope Canada-France-Hawaii
179368 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Letters
179374 Tissue Engineering - Part A 1937-3341
179375 Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 Emerald
179376 éditions@anthro
179377 «Глобус» аналитический журнал, 7
179379 Dérivations 2466-5983
179382 Futuro Classico 2465-0951 Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca di Studi sulla Tradizione
179383 émergence 1165-1296 Anpase
179387 Cartes postales magazine 2262-2756 sas Laureanne CPM
179388 Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics
179389 CNES: Rapport du Groupe de Travail Soleil Heliosphere-Magnetospheres (SHM)
179394 Prisme Université libre de Bruxelles
179404 L'interdisciplinaire Groupe de Recherche sur l'Afrique Contemporaine
179406 Canadian Journal of Surgery. Journal Canadien De Chirurgie 1488-2310
179407 Revista Arte y Diseño A&D 2307-6151
179408 Boreas : Münstersche Beiträge zur Archäologie 0344-810X Scriptorium
179410 Agenda Cultural Alma Máter
179411 Namibian Journal of Environment 2026-8327
179412 Boletim de Geografia 2176-4786 Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
179413 Pediatric Investigation 2574-2272
179414 Journal of Population Ageing 1874-7884
179416 Les Amis du Vieux Saint-Germain. Bulletin
179417 IEEE Power Electronics Magazine 2329-9207
179418 History Today website 0018-2753
179420 Anthropological Forum
179422 Continuity and Change. A Journal of Social Structure, Law and Demography in Past Societies 1469-218x Cambridge
179427 Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 1932-2143
179428 Firmana. Quaderni di teologia e pastorale Cittadella Editrice
179429 Textile. Cloth and Culture
179439 Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience
179440 Testo a fronte : rivista semestrale di teoria e pratica della traduzione 1128-238X Marcos y marcos
179442 Chroniques allemandes
179444 The Ergonomics Open Journal 1875-9343
179445 Oxidation of Metals 1573-4889
179446 Aportes: Revista de historia contemporánea 0213-5868 SCHEDAS
179447 Vulnerabilidad y cultura digital
179448 Cercles. Revista d’Història Cultural
179449 Tribology Letters 1573-2711
179450 ECS Meeting Abstracts IOP Science
179452 African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 1811-7295
179453 Parlement[s]. Revue d’histoire politique 1768-6520 Presses universitaires de Rennes
179455 Le Manipulateur d'électroradiologie médicale et de radiothérapie 2260-3646 Association française du personnel paramédical d'électoradiologie
179456 IoT Protocols and Applications for Improving Industry, Environment, and Society IGI Global
179457 Studying Distant Galaxies: A Handbook of Methods and Analyses. Edited by François Hammer Mathieu Puech Hector Flores Myriam Rodrigues. Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd
179461 Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 1932-7501
179462 EDEN Conference Proceedings 2707-2819
179469 Journal of Politics
179471 Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome 2455-8583
179472 New Astronomy Reviews
179475 Natural Hazards Earthquakes
179479 Studies in Computational Intelligence 1860-9503 Springer
179481 political behavior
179483 Terror and the Making of Modern Europe: Transatlantic Perspectives on the History of Violence Stanford University
179485 Redescriptions 2308-0906
179486 Global Risk Regulator
179487 Revue internationale des sciences administratives 0773-2961
179488 Bull. Comput. Appl. Math. 2244-8659 Universidad Simón Bolívar
179490 Cahiers économiques et monétaires 0396-4701
179491 Prévision et analyse économique 0247-1752
179493 Historia Mexicana 2448-6531
179494 International Journal of Education and Practice 2311-6897
179495 Paris Match 0031-2029
179496 The international review of the Red Cross 0020-8604
179498 ISA eSymposium for Sociology
179499 El Mercurio 0718-6037
179500 Irish Journal of Sociology 0791-6035
179503 e-International relations
179505 Life Stories 0987-223X
179507 L'Hémicycle
179508 Brises 0293-7166
179509 Cahiers de l’Institut d’histoire du temps présent 0769-4504
179510 Politiques 1168-2531
179511 Le Drenche
179513 Revue internationale d’action communautaire 0707-9699
179514 Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 1110-1903
179516 Revue internationale de politique de développement - International Development Policy 1663-9391
179517 Écho de Stan 1269-4991
179519 Universidad futura 0187-8948
179520 Quintesciences 1256-7140
179521 Chroniques économiques 1251-0998
179522 Le courrier du CNRS 0153-985X
179524 SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) Newsletter
179525 PTAH 1240-4934
179526 Ershiyi shizi
179527 Sistema 0210-0223
179528 Notas Economicas 0872-4733
179529 Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 0043-6291
179530 L'hebdo 1013-0691
179531 Pétition 1288-6963
179532 Cultures en mouvement 1274-3593
179533 Kansai University Review of Law and Politics 0388-886X
179534 L'intérêt général Parti de gauche
179535 Գլոբուս վերլուծական հանդես
179537 Panoramiques 1255-0620
180208 Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism
180211 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
180213 Journal of Intelligent Computing & Health Informatics 2715-6923
180214 Revista de Ciencias Sociales 0718-3631
180215 Kanalmagazine
180222 Annales fribourgeoises 1013-3534 Société d'histoire du canton de Fribourg
180228 Projet CORSO [En Ligne]
180230 Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 1828-1907
180232 Canadian Journal of Microbiology (CJM) 1480-3275
180233 Bitidningen
180234 New Zealand beekeeper
180235 Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de México 2448-8933 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
180237 Journal of Consumer Psychology
180240 Ensambles 2422-5541
180241 Actualités Sociales Hebdomadaires - ASH 2116-5823
180242 Systèmes alimentaires / Food Systems
180247 Grand tour. Rail art, dossier " Napoléon today
180250 Napoléon Ier Magazine du Consulat et de l'Empire
180251 Le Calepin
180255 Napoléon Ier. Magazine du Consulat et de l'Empire
180256 Нефтехимия 0028-2421
180266 4-18. Le magazine de la Grande Guerre
180267 Medical Case reports and Reviews 2517-7214
180270 Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR
180272 Annals of Vascular Surgery
180275 Kera Yvoty: reflexiones sobre la cuestión social 2519-7797
180276 DPA - Discussion Papers 2209-9476 Australian National University
180277 Bibliothèques universitaires - Les grandes idées commencent ici.
180278 Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Sciences de l'Éducation et de la Communication
180279 C’est la classe. La Fabrique de l’Inspé.
180280 Cahiers Victoriens et Edwardiens 0220-5610
180281 Transportation Letters: The international journal of transportation research 1942-7867
180282 Stellae* Revista de Arte 2184-2000 Labcom - UBI - Francisco Paiva
180283 Mbongui 2075-5228 Université Marien Ngouabi, Congo
180284 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 2223-4306
180285 New Challenges in Accounting and Finance 2717-8722
180291 Journal of Mathematical Modeling 2345-394X University of Guilan
180292 Serendipities
180294 Computer Assisted Surgery
180295 Bollettino di italianistica 0168-7298 Carocci editore
180296 Médiévales Amiens
180309 Trauma Case Reports 2352-6440
180310 Les cahiers de l’Idip
180313 Tête chercheuse. La Fabrique de l’ESPE
180315 Newsletter INGÉ+
180316 L’Actu, journal électronique interne de l’Université de Strasbourg
180317 Savoir(s)
180318 Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences Medicon Open Access
180320 Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology 1179-5972 SAGE Publication
180330 Rivista dell'Osservatorio contro la sorveglianza di stato European Centre for Science, Ethics, and Law
180331 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 1572-8838
180332 MDPI Physics
180334 International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT) 2252-8776 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
180335 lingua An International Review of General Linguistics 0024-3841 Elsevier
180341 Germinal. Bulletin
180342 Textura. Revista de Educação e Letras
180344 Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2308-3425
180348 Research in Ecology 2661-3379
180351 Neurotherapeutics : the Journal of the American Society For Experimental 1878-7479
180352 Digital Studies / Le champ numérique
180353 Le Cheval de Troie
180354 Entreprendre & Innover
180357 Germanistische Mitteilungen 0771-3703
180358 Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
180359 Climate of the Past
180373 Geociências 0101-9082
180376 Hydrogeology Journal 1435-0157
180379 «Глобус» аналитический журнал, 5 (26), 5-14
180383 Глобус, 7 (96), 4-9
180387 Razón y Palabra
180388 Infociencia
179749 Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 1455-6901
179750 al-Shâri‘a
179751 Jeune république 2105-0988
179752 Sciences Pi
179753 L'Âme commune 0294-4391
179755 Revue francophone des sciences de l'information et de la communication
179756 PHLiT Revue Internationale de Photolittérature 2606-6785
179758 Echo Goes Wrong
179759 Études des Lettres Françaises - フランス文学論集 [Furansu Bungaku Ronshû] 0913-6770
179769 Clay Minerals 1471-8030
179770 Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
179773 Designing and running an advanced Bioinformatics and genome analyses course in Tunisia
179778 e-respect
179780 An integrated overview of the midgut bacterial flora composition of Phlebotomus perniciosus, a vector of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in the Western Mediterranean Basin
179781 Asian Journal of Neurosurgery 1793-5482
179782 2021 IEEE 30th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE)
179790 Journal of Financial Services Research