Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
33161 Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing assisted reproductive technologies
155250 Comparative Cinema 2604-9821
83407 Comparative Civilizations Review
173854 Comparative Critical Studies
84323 Comparative Criticism
469811 Comparative Cultural Studies - European and Latin American Perspectives 2531-9884
795977 Comparative Economic Research 1508-2008
78038 Comparative Economic Research
169404 Comparative Education
169397 Comparative Education Review
554488 Comparative European Politics
159311 Comparative European Politics,
117791 Comparative Exercise Physiology 1755-2540
128472 Comparative Korean Studies 1226-2250
506230 Comparative Law and Language 2785-7417
332595 Comparative Philosophy: An International Journal of Constructive Engagement of Distinct Approaches toward World Philosophy 2151-6014
636820 Comparative Population Studies 1869-8980
182179 Comparative Population Studies
938627 Comparative Sociology 1569-1330
372775 Comparative Southeast European Studies 2701-8199
52901 Comparative Studies
97009 Comparative Studies of South Asia and the Middle East
46022 Comparative and fonctional genomics
33040 Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP
34857 Comparative study of the implementation of the Declaration of Bologna in six European countries
91857 Compare
116105 Comparer les comparatismes : histoire transnationale de la méthode comparée
89898 Compas 2013 : conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système
820809 Compasses 2409-3823
45517 Compell Journal
50110 Compensation effect of Sn in PbI2 polycrystalline layers
34420 Competence as an assesment and normative standard in education and training systems
128914 Competence-based strategic management
41876 Competition & Change
177332 Competition Forum
168175 Competition Law Review 2709-8133
585905 Competition Law and Policy Debate 2542-3967
132771 Competition Policy Internationa Antitrust Chronicle
77937 Competition Policy International
766481 Competition corner blog
75239 Competitiveness Review
33335 Competitiveness and growth in EuropeLessons and policy implications for the Lisbon strategy
88235 Compiler Construction
286064 Complex & Intelligent Systems 2199-4536
144989 Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling
203276 Complex Engineering Systems 2770-6249
95831 Complex System
29885 Complex Var. Theory Appl
100267 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal
29826 Complex artificial environments
31475 Complex predicates in Oceanic languages: Studies in the dynamics of binding and boundness
144233 Complexity
142940 Complexity 1099-0526
76181 Complexity Economics
79996 Component Deployment
62087 Components and Package Technologies
88150 Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
32754 Comportement organisationnel : Contrat psychologique, émotion au travail, socialisation organisationnelle
32714 Comportement organisationnelContrat psychologique, émotions au travail, socialisation organisationnelle
32713 Comportement organisationnelContrat psychologique, émotions au travail,socialisation organisationnelle
34075 Comportements des hommes du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur en Europe : Territoires et milieux
31213 Comportements des hommes du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur en Europe : territoires et milieux. Actes du colloque du GDR 1945 du CNRS
75334 Compos. Interfaces
83251 Compos. Math
37010 Compos. Sci. Technol
46313 Compos. Sci. Tecnol,
128908 Compos.Math
132971 Composants nanoélectroniques
154028 Composite Engineering
166489 Composite Interfaces
44841 Composite Material Technology (ASME )
117039 Compositi Magazine 2499-6890
29286 Compositio Matematica
28999 Compositio Math
300560 Composition Studies
55985 Composition, Structure and Evolution of the Earth Mantle, AGU monograph Eds. Hilst R., Bass J.D., Matas J., Trampert J
174341 Compositionality 2631-4444
96125 Compost Science & Utilisation
75934 Compost Science & Utilization
154404 Compost science and utilization
173084 Compostelle : Cahiers d'Etudes, de Recherches et d'Histoire compostellannes
173243 Compostelle : Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches d'Histoire Compostellane
108973 Compr Psychiatry
37854 Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science (Gilbert LB & Iatrou K. ed.) Oxford, Elsevier
37855 Comprehensive Molecular Insects Science (Gilbert LB & Iatrou K. ed.) Oxford, Elsevier
329828 Comprehensive Nuclear Materials
149854 Comprehensive Psychiatry 1532-8384
100941 Comprehensive Psychiatry / Comprehensive Psychiatric; Comprehensive Psychiatry Official Journal of the American Psychopathological Association
110414 Comprehensive Psychology
125216 Comprendre
511079 Comprendre les comportements du touriste pour améliorer son efficacité marketing
34615 Comprendre les jeunes
159348 Comprendre pour entreprendre
65638 Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications
33156 Compréhension des langues et interaction
32479 Compréhension et savoir ordinaire
37741 Comps. A. Diaz y d. Golombek. Siglo XXI editores, Buenos Aires, Argentine
78122 Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci
113237 Comptabilité et fiscalité pratiques