Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
171056 ConSOLE XXV: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (4-6 January 2017, Leipzig)
171055 ConSOLE XXVI: Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (14-16 January 2018, University College London)
104034 Conatus : Filosofía de Spinoza
134267 Conatus und Lebensnot: Schllüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie
790724 Conccinitas
148205 Conceição/Conception
29824 Concejal del Área de Gobierno de Seguridad y Servicios a la Comunidad - Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Fundación Movilidad. I Congreso Internacional “Los Ciudadanos y la Gestión de la Movilidad”, 25-27 Septiembre 2006, Madrid (España)
89129 Concentration Analysis and Applications to PDE (ICTS Workshop, Bangalore, 2012), Trends in Mathematics
32603 Concentration économique et ségrégation spatiale
29705 Concentration économique et ségrégation spatiale
163149 Concept Magazine
53719 Conception des systèmes d'information patrons et spécifications formelles
891237 Conception et gestion du site internet de l’Association internationale pour l’étude de la mosaïque antique (AIEMA)
891236 Conception et gestion du site internet pour l'étude de la mosaïque antique dans les Pays Européens (AFEMA)
919724 Conception et montage de l’exposition « la rue est à nous…tous » à l’École Spéciale d’Architecture (ESA), mars 2008, dans le cadre du programme international lancée par l’Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement (IVM), sous la direction de François Ascher et Mireille Appel-Muller, Cf. Site Internet sur l’actualité de l’exposition itinérante
56506 Conception, verification and application of innovative techniques to study active volcanoes, Edited by W. Marzochi and A. Zollo
94420 Conceptions françaises de la sûreté et de la garantie de la paix de 1648 à 1815
485762 Conceptos Historicos 2451-7925
58088 Concepts (Mons)
51474 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B
99484 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B Magnetic Resonance Engineering
113510 Conceptus XXXVI
29588 Concevoir et construire un bâtiment d'archives pour le XXIe siècle.Nouveautés et perspectives d'évolution. Séminaire international de l'Institut National du Patrimoine, Paris, 3-7 mars 2003
35550 Concevoir et gérer les villes. Milieux d'urbanistes du sud de la Méditerranée
905260 Concilium
711388 Concilium : Revue internationale de Théologie
94667 Concordan(s)e
151184 Concordance des temps
919636 Concordia
133128 Concordia Discors vs. Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies
170932 Concordia, Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie
178524 Concordia. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie
178789 Concordia. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie
71777 Concours Med
111186 Concreep 10: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures
85568 Concrete Operators
66251 Concrete science and engineering
66233 Concrete science engineering
33830 Concurrence et services publics
37042 Concurrence et services publics : enjeux et perspectives
676834 Concurrences
884048 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 1532-0634
143459 Concurrent Engineering Research and Application Journal
49507 Concurrent Systems Engineering Series
142117 Condens.Mat
650440 Condensed Matter News
158382 Condensed Matter Phys
97202 Condenser - Adosa, Clermont-Ferrand
564747 Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations
96359 Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, Springer
135872 Conditioning Medicine 2577-3240
981882 Conditions
170000 Conexão comunicação e cultura 2178-2687
28939 Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc
38006 Conf. on Electron Devices and Solid-State, Circuits
34938 Conference "Stockholm, Hey Listen!", The Royal Swedich Academy of Music, Stockholm, June 9-13 1998
29598 Conference "Women in Academia and Equality Law Aiming high - Falling short ?", Lund University (Sweden), 2-3 december 2004
29600 Conference COST : A13 "Changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship", 9-12 october 2003
30251 Conference City Debates, The Lebanese National Master Plan, City Debates 2003 Proceedings
79110 Conference Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012
166106 Conference On Web Intelligence And Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT '20)
66146 Conference Proceedings
79488 Conference Publications
121597 Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation
30411 Conference at the Institut for Peace Science, Hiroshima University, October 19, 2002
76160 Conference book
174224 Conference in XIVèmes Journées
509374 Conference of the association of Consumer Research
162882 Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems
32816 Conference on Environmental Governance in Decentralized Governance Systems : Who should do what in environmental governance, Alghero (Italie), 21-24 september 2005
109635 Conference on Lasers and Electro-OpticsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016)
35184 Conference on The Right in France and Italy
65319 Conference on information representation and estimation (INSPIRE 2010)
36812 Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies
32815 Conference on the Effect of Interjurisdictional Competition on Regulation, Heidelberg, 9-11 June 2005
45194 Conference proceedings : Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
783773 Conference: 2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)
953128 Conference: International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
29754 Conferencia de 3 de noviembre en la sede du Subsecretaria de la Gestion Publica de Argentina
78848 Conferenze e Seminari dell'Associazione Subalpina Mathesis
152625 Conferenzia Italiana di Scienze regionali
116075 Confiance, Organisations et Société
134425 Configurations 1063-1801
804663 Configurations 1080-6520
168301 Confinements . Regards et expériences de chercheur-es en SHS
29151 Confines, 2/4, Août- Décembre 2006
175116 Confinews
638259 Conflent
428228 Conflict Studies Quarterly 2285-7605
174193 Conflict Studies [en ligne]
173741 Conflict and Society 2164-4543
53008 Conflict, Security & Development
149621 Conflits
159373 Conflits
173962 Conflits actuels. Au coeur des problématiques contemporaines du Pacifique. Hommage au Professeur François Doumenge
180896 Conflits et société
31219 Conflits et territoires
60943 Confluence
836727 Confluences des droits
574411 Confluences des droits 2681-8302